Contemporary Readings

#130 Contemporary Readings December 2023 – including Israel-Hamas War

January 6, 2024

Assembled by Scott Abramson and Ken Stein, Center for Israel Education

Adam Asad and Yaron Kaplan, “Most Arab Israelis: October 7 Attack Does Not Reflect Islamic, Palestinian, or Arab Society Values,” Israel Democracy Institute, December 26, 2023.

Tal Avraham and Carmit Valensi, “Syria and the Israel-Hamas War: Symbolic Support, Short of Escalation,” Institute for National Security Studies, December 24, 2023.

Tal Be’eri, “Hamas Lebanon is a ticking time bomb,” Alma Research and Education Center, December 6, 2023.

Lenny Ben-David, “A Coordinated Media Attack on Israel by the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN,” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, December 28, 2023.

Lenny Ben-David, “Qatar’s Role in Undermining Israel’s Legitimacy on U.S. University Campuses,” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, December 21, 2023.

Ron Ben-Yishay, “Hamas’ Last Stand in Shijaiyah Proves Costly for IDF,” Ynet, December 13, 2023.

Yoni Ben-Menachem, “Securing the ‘Philadelphi Corridor’: A Strategic Imperative for Israel,” 

Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, December 28, 2023.

Brian Carter, “The Order of Battle of Hamas’ Izz al Din al Qassem Brigades,” Institute for the Study of War, December 22, 2023.

Amichai Cohen and Adaya Kisos, “Israel’s War in Gaza and International Law,” Israel Democracy Institute, December 25, 2023.

Ari Cicurel, “Seventh U.S. Strike Amid Over 100 Iran-backed Attacks in Iraq and Syria,” Jewish Institute for National Security of America, December 27, 2023.

Udi Dekel, “Palestinian Authority, Yes or No: Israel Needs Political Wisdom,” Institute for National Security Studies, December 21, 2023.

Michael Doran, Can Kasapoğlu, Jonathan Schachter, and Zineb Riboua, “Three Things about the Israel-Hamas War,” Hudson Institute, December 5, 2023.

Chen Druyan Feldman and Arkady Mil-Man, “Russia’s ‘New World Order’ and the Israel-Hamas War,” Institute for National Security Studies, December 18, 2023.

Chuck Freilich and Eldad Shavit, “The US, Israel, and the Ongoing War in Gaza,” Institute for National Security Studies, December 12, 2023.

Eado Hecht, “The Gaza Terror Offensive,” Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, December 14-24, 2023.

Efraim Inbar, “What Can We Learn So Far from the War on Hamas?” Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, December 24, 2023.

Avi Issacharoff, “Israel Must Fight Gaza War to the End,” Ynet, December 17, 2023.

“Iran: Hamas’s Oct. 7 Massacre Was Response to 2020 Soleimani Killing,” Jewish News Syndicate, December 27, 2023.

Ron Kampeas, “The Big Issues Dividing the US and Israel as the Gaza War Bleeds into 2024,” Jewish Telegraphic Agency, December 29, 2023. 

Dania Koleilat Khatib, “Can Mansour Abbas Convince Palestinian Factions to Lay Down Their Arms?” Arab News, December 7, 2023.

Nadim Koteich, “Hamas Could End… Then What?,” al-Sharq al-Aswat, December 26, 2023.

Kobi Michael and Gabi Siboni, “On the Goals of the War: Between National Security and Personal Security,” Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, December 12, 2023.

Yaakov Lappin, “IDF Chief: We’ll Reach Hamas Leaders ‘Whether It Takes a Week or Months,’” Jewish News Syndicate, December 26, 2023.

Eran Lerman, “Even Amidst the War in Gaza, Iran’s Nuclear Project Must Remain Uppermost on Israel’s Strategic Agenda,” Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, December 12, 2023.

Lorena Atiyas-Lvovsky, “The Threat to Maritime Security in the Red Sea,” International Institute for Counter-Terrorism, December 4, 2023.

“Hamas Exploitation of Hospitals for Military-Terrorist Purposes: Shifa Hospital as a Test Case,”  Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, December 12, 2023.

“Rifts between Gazan Civilians and the Hamas Leadership, and Increasing Public Criticism of the Organization,” Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, December 13, 2023.

Michael Milshtein, “Why is It So Difficult for Israel to Decipher Hamas?” Jerusalem Strategic Tribune, December 2023.

Neomi Neumann, “Why a West Bank Front Has Not Opened So Far,” The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, December 13, 2023.

Michalis Sarlis, “Turkey’s Regional Policy in the Shadow of the Gaza War,”

Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, December 14, 2023.

Institute forNational Security Studies 

Robert Satloff, Dennis Ross, David Makovsky, “Israel’s War Aims and the Principles of a Post-Hamas Administration in Gaza,” The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, December 17, 2023.

Jonathan Schanzer, “Egypt’s Gaza Dilemma,” Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, December 26, 2023.

Ksenia Svetlova, “Why Is Israel Unable to Explain the War in Gaza to the World?” Jerusalem Strategic Tribune, December 2023.

Ehud Yaari and Matthew Levitt, “Growing Internal Tensions Between Hamas Leaders,” The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, December 21, 2023.

Ben-Dror Yemeni, “The Free World Must Recognize ‘Intellectuals’ Have Betrayed The Truth,” Ynet,

Ben-Dror Yemeni, “Europe Is Terrified and Kowtows to Hamas,” Ynet, December 27, 2023,

Sarit Zehavi and Tal Be’eri, “The Northern Arena–Position Paper and Key Insights So far,” Alma Research and Education Center, December 17, 2023.

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