Resources for Educating Remotely

Hebrew enrichment resources that celebrate Israeli life and culture

March 27, 2020

Integrating Israeli culture into your Hebrew learning and practice is not something we need to abandon in this time of social distancing.  Here are several resources and suggestions for learners to keep Hebrew language skills sharp while exploring a variety of aspects of Israeli society.  We welcome your suggestions for additional resources for us to include here.

Hebrew enrichment resources and activity suggestions that celebrate Israeli life and culture:

  1. Watch and follow the movements of Israeli children and teens exercising:

Tip: Students can create short videos of themselves leading exercises in Hebrew for the rest of the class.

  1. Watch Israeli children’s shows such as: 
  1. Listen to Israel’s President, Reuven Rivlin, reading a bedtime story: 
  1. Listen to a lullaby being sung such as:
  2. Listen to Israeli Music on the radio of Galgalatz or other stations and create a class playlist of favorite songs
  3. Watch Israeli comedy skits such as classics from Zehu Zeh (That’s It) or other television programs like Srugim (check for age appropriateness) and shows on Netflix today:
  4. Read the magazine for teens Maariv LaNoar
  5. Play old Israeli games such as these:  Eretz Ir (Country, city aaaaaand STOP!) might be a fun one to play online with others.

Note to teachers:  If assigning any of these sites to students, please view them thoroughly first as some may contain content or ads that may not be suitable for younger learners.

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