Today in Israeli History, Center for Israel Education,
Michael Barak, “The Salafist Al-Nour Party and the Muslim Brotherhood:The End of the Affair?” Dayan Center, Tel-Aviv Notes, April 25, 2013,
Gideon Biger and Gilead Sher, “Jewish Enclaves in a Palestinian State,“ Institute for National Security Studies (Tel Aviv) Insight No. 416, April 8, 2013,
Yehuda Ben Meir, and Olena Bagno-Moldavsky, “The Voice of the People: Israeli Public Opinion on National Security 2012, “ The Institute for National Security Studies, (Tel Aviv) Memorandum No. 126, April 2013, 115pp.
Oded Eran, “Political-Strategic Dimensions to Israel’s Natural Gas Debate, The Institute for National Security Studies, (Tel Aviv), Insight, No. 429, May 23, 2013,
David Friedman, “Chemical Weapons in Syria: Has a Red Line Been Crossed?” The Institute for National Security Studies, (Tel Aviv) Insight No. 421, April 29, 2013,
Eado Hecht, “Underwater Internet Cable Cutting: A Neglected Aspect of Cyber Warfare, BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 203, April 18, 2013,
Mark Heller, “The American-Russian-Turkish Triangle and the Civil War in Syria,” The Institute for National Security Studies (Tel Aviv) Insight No. 431, May 27, 2013,
Mushaq Hussain, “India-Israel Relations: Towards ‘Strategic Cooperation’ Middle East Institute, January 23, 2012,
Emily B. Landau and EphraimAsculai, “Is the US Receding to a Containment Policy on Iran?” The Institute for National Security Studies, (Tel Aviv) Insight, No. 430, May 26, 2013,
Seyedamir Hossein Mahdavi, “Can Iran Surprise by Holding a “Healthy” Election in June?” Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Middle East Brief 73, May 2013,
Col. (ret.) Dr. Jacques Neriah, “Is Egypt Heading toward a Military Regime?” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, May 20, 2013,
Itamar Rabinovich, “The Devil We Know Revisited: Israeli Thinking on the Future of the Assad Regime, The Institute for National Security Studies, (Tel Aviv), Insight, No. 427, May 19, 2013,
Dennis Ross, “U.S. Policy Toward Syria,” U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, April 11, 2013,
Jonathan Schanzer, “The Slow Death of Palestinian Democracy,” Foreign Policy, April 20, 2013
Orit Perlov and Udi Dekel, “Hizbollah’s Struggle for Domestic Survival: Lebanese Discourse on the Social Networks,” The Institute for National Security Studies, (Tel Aviv) Insight No. 428, May 21, 2013
The Pew Center – Survey – of attitudes toward US involvement in future negotiations, perceptions of settlements impact on negotiations, Israeli and Palestinian leaders, –those surveyed are Palestinians, Israelis, Europeans, Middle Easterners –,” May 9, 2013, excellent spot check of attitudes (kws) and
Adam Shay, “Successes and Failures of the BDS Campaign,” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, May 12, 2013,
US House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs, “Crisis in Syria: the US Response, One Hundred and Thirteenth Congress, First Session, Hearing, March 20, 2013, Serial No. 113-10,
US House of Representatives, House Committee on Homeland Security, Senator Joe Lieberman (Ret), Statement for the Record, “The Boston Bombings: A First Look,”
Amos Yadlin, “After the Damascus Attack: Ten Points to Consider,” Institute for National Security Studies, (Tel Aviv) Insight No. 424, May 12, 2013
***While the readings are recommended, we do not necessarily agree with each author’s view.
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