In the public realm, testimony given in hearings before US Congressional Senate and House committees is among the best that can be obtained. Habitually the staffs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee recruit articulate and sensible practitioners and analysts. The aim is to provide legislators with informed and current understanding of the most complex domestic and foreign policy issues. The written testimony is generally provided in a down-loadable text formats; video testimony of the hearings is also archived, allowing one to work on one’s computer or I-pad while listening to the testimony. An I-pad or cell phone with Wi-Fi data support allows easy access to the testimony while on the move. The oral testimony is usually much shorter than the written testimony; the written testimony is organized with a table of contents. Searching for a particular person or representative of a bureaucratic agency is made easier. On foreign policy matters, testimony is equally informative, particularly from those committees associated with homeland security, intelligence oversight, defense, etc. Naturally one will find remarks by individual senators and congressmen as well, but is the testimony that is most comprehensive and up-to-date. Positions of an administration on a particularly high profile issue are found here; the verbal exchanges with congressmen and senators are especially enlightening. We suggest that one use the search engine at the top right hand corner of the respective congressional home pages. Search for a person, country, event, or topic. Go to hearings at or