Contemporary Readings

#7 Contemporary Readings and Analyses, September 2013

October 1, 2013


Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University and Center for Israel Education

Today in Israeli History, Center for Israel Education,


Shavrit Baruch, Panina Weinstock, and Brandon Weinstock. “Military Intervention in Syria: Is It Legal?” INSS Insight. September 11, 2013.

Patrick Clawson. “Stalemate’s End?” Washington Institute for Near East Policy. September 19, 2013.

Dore Gold. “What Might Be Expected in Monitoring Syria: Lessons from Past Middle East Weapons Inspections.” Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs. September 17, 2013.

Efraim Inbar. “Twenty Years to Oslo: Perpsectives.” Besa Center. September 10, 2013.

James F Jeffrey. “Keeping Military Pressure on Syria.” Washington Institute for Near East Policy. September 12, 2013.

Matthew Levitt. “How Would Hezbollah Respond to Air Strikes in Syria?” Washington Institute for Near East Policy. September 17, 2013.

Uzi Rabi and Brandon Friedman. “The U.S.-Russia Framework for Disarming Asad: The Saudi Perspective.” Mesop. September 26, 2013.

Yotam Rosner, Aviad Mendelbaum, Sean London, and Yoram Schweitzer. “Backdoor Plots: The Darknet as a Field for Terrorism.” INSS Insight. September 10, 2013.

David Shlomo and Brom Shlomo. “The Chemical Weapons Crisis in Syria: En Route to a Political Solution?” INSS Insight. September 16, 2013.

Kenneth W Stein. “Evolving a Diplomatic Legacy from the October War: The US, Egyptian, and Israeli Triangle.” October 01, 2013.

Jeffrey White, Andrew J. Tabler, and Aaron Y. Zelin. “Syria’s Military Opposition.” Washington Institute for Near East Policy. September 2013.

Amos Yadlin. “The Disarmament Agreement on Syria’s Chemical Weapons, Act I: A Win-Win Situation?” INSS Insight. September 17, 2013.

Amos Yadlin. “Yes to Negotiations, Yes to an Agreement – an Agreement That, Even If Violated, Distances Iran from the Bomb.” INSS Insight. September 29, 2013.

Sayegh Yezid. “Reconstructing the Police State in Egypt-Carnegie Middle East Center.” Carnegie Middle East Center. September 04, 2013.

Aaron Y Zellin. “Al-Queda in Syria: A Closer Look at ISIS (Part II).” Washington Institute for Near East Policy. September 11, 2013.

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