(23 October 1998)
“The Wye River Memorandum.”Israel’s Foreign Relations: Selected Documents.1995-1996. Editor Meron Medzini. Jerusalem: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1997. 202-9. Print.
Signed by President Clinton, President Arafat, and Prime Minister Netanyahu as a result of nine days of negotiation at the Wye River Plantation in eastern Maryland, the memorandum affirmed Israeli and Palestinian readiness to recommit to the Oslo II Agreement of September 1995. Adding the summit’s stature, Jordan’s King Hussein joined the talks in progress.
Since September 1995 and especially since the election of Benjamin Netanyahu as Israel’s ninth prime minister in May 1996, implementation of the Oslo agreements’ main concept, sharing of power and land of the West Bank in return for Palestinian compliance in security enforcement had severely lapsed. In that period of time, Palestinian violence against Israelis, unilateral acts by both sides, and an intensification of the verbal war between them caused mutual anxiety and built up layers of mistrust. In January 1997, the Hebron Protocol was signed between Israel and the PA. It was significant because it was the first agreement signed between a Likud-led Israeli government and the PA, and Israel accepted sharing of a West Bank city. For Israel it was additionally relevant because U.S. Secretary of State Christopher confirmed in letters to Prime Minister Netanyahu that Israel alone would determine the timing and depth of future redeployments of Israeli personnel.
Convened by President Clinton, the Wye River summit sought to rejuvenate the hapless negotiating process; Washington policy-makers reasoned that without rigorous adherence to previous understandings, no edifice could be built for resolution of the lurking and daunting final status issues of Jerusalem, settlements, borders, refugees, water, rights of settlers, the nature of the Palestinian entity, and its eventual relationship with Jordan.
The memorandum reflected the interest of both Palestinian and Israeli leaders to have Washington play a more active role in assuring implementation of the Oslo process, namely opening of a Palestinian seaport and airport, safe Arab passage between Gaza and the West Bank, amending the PLO Charter, and a greater security effort and implementation by Arafat’s Palestinian Authority. However, there were consequences of deeper American governmental involvement in the negotiating process, especially that of the CIA.
According to the agreement, CIA officials and representatives of Palestinian and Israeli security services were to hold meetings once every two weeks to discuss security issues and review the Palestinians’ efforts to crack down on ‘terrorist’ cells within the territories. The agreement also stipulated that a CIA official would chair the tripartite (Israeli‑Palestinian‑American) security committee. The committee’s discussions would review information about possible terrorist plans and solve differences between the Palestinians and the Israelis on security concerns. The CIA involvement did occur as outlined.
By agreeing to share a portion of the West Bank, the Likud Party adopted the concept of territorial compromise, the long-held view of the Israeli Labor Party. In essence, the Likud Party moved from the ideologically rigid commitment of Prime Ministers Begin and Shamir to a pragmatic view that in order to resolve differences with the Palestinians, certain territory within the lands of Israel would have to be placed under non-Israeli control. Later Likud Prime Ministers Sharon and Olmert went further in their asserted willingness to not only share portions of the West Bank with the Palestinians, but to create a demilitarized Palestinian state alongside Israel, as a Jewish state.
Upon returning to Israel, Netanyahu faced a firestorm of criticism from core political supporters. They called him a traitor for compromising the land of Israel. Within two months of the Wye Memorandum’s signing, Israel made an initial redeployment from Palestinian territories as promised, it released prisoners, though not the political prisoners the PA wanted released and subsequently, the PLO publicly revised its Charter with President Clinton witnessing the act. The Netanyahu government faced political dissolution, due in part to staunch coalition partner opposition to his signature of the agreement. As a result, Netanyahu ultimately lost his bid for re-election in 1999.
Ken Stein, June 2013
The following are steps to facilitate implementation of the Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip of 28 September 1995 (the “Interim Agreement”) and other related agreements including the Note for the Record of 17 January 1997 (hereinafter referred to as “the prior agreements”) so that the Israeli and Palestinian sides can more effectively carry out their reciprocal responsibilities, including those relating to further redeployments and security respectively.
These steps are to be carried out in a parallel phased approach in accordance with this Memorandum and the attached time line. They are subject to the relevant terms and conditions of the prior agreements and do not supersede their other requirements.
I. Further Redeployments
The Palestinian side has informed that it will allocate an area/areas amounting to 3 percent from the above Area (B) to be designated as Green Areas and/or Nature Reserves. The Palestinian side has further informed that they will act according to the established scientific standards, and that therefore there will be no changes in the status of these areas, without prejudice to the rights of the existing inhabitants in these areas including Bedouins; while these standards do not allow new construction in these areas, existing roads and buildings may be maintained.
The Israeli side will retain in these Green Areas/Nature Reserves the overriding security responsibility for the purpose of protecting Israelis and confronting the threat of terrorism. Activities and movements of the Palestinian Police forces may be carried out after coordination and confirmation; the Israeli side will respond to such requests expeditiously.
With regard to the terms of the Interim Agreement and of Secretary [of State Warren] Christopher’s letters to the two sides of 17 January 1997 relating to the further redeployment process, there will be a committee to address this question. The United States will be briefed regularly.
II. Security
In the provisions on security arrangements of the Interim Agreement, the Palestinian side agreed to take all measures necessary in order to prevent acts of terrorism, crime, and hostilities directed against the Israeli side, against individuals falling under the Israeli side’s authority and against their property, just as the Israeli side agreed to take all measures necessary in order to prevent acts of terrorism, crime and hostilities directed against the Palestinian side, against individuals falling under the Palestinian side’s authority, and against their property. The two sides also agreed to take legal measures against offenders within their jurisdiction and to prevent incitement against each other by any organizations, groups, or individuals within their jurisdiction.
Both sides recognize that it is in their vital interests to combat terrorism and fight violence in accordance with Annex I of the Interim Agreement and the Note for the Record. They also recognize that the struggle against terror and violence must be comprehensive in that it deals with terrorists, the terror support structure, and the environment conducive to the support of terror. It must be continuous and constant over a long-term, in that there can be no pauses in the work against terrorists and their structure. It must be cooperative in that no effort can be fully effective without Israeli-Palestinian cooperation and the continuous exchange of information, concepts, and actions.
Pursuant to the prior agreements, the Palestinian side’s implementation of its responsibilities for security, security cooperation, and other issues will be as detailed below during the time periods specified in the attached time line.
The two sides agree that their security cooperation will be based on a spirit of partnership and will include, among other things, the following steps:
The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Central Council will reaffirm the letter of 22 January 1998 from PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat to President Clinton concerning the nullification of the Palestinian National Charter provisions that are inconsistent with the letters exchanged between the PLO and the Government of Israel on 9-10 September 1993. PLO Chairman Arafat, the Speaker of the Palestine National Council, and the Speaker of the Palestinian Council will invite the members of the PNC, as well as the members of the Central Council, the Council, and the Palestinian Heads of Ministries to a meeting to be addressed by President Clinton to reaffirm their support for the peace process and the aforementioned decisions of the Executive Committee and the Central Council.
Among other forms of legal assistance in criminal matters, the requests for arrest and transfer of suspects and defendants pursuant to Article II (7) of Annex IV of the Interim Agreement will be submitted (or resubmitted) through the mechanism of the Joint Israeli-Palestinian Legal Committee and will be responded to in conformity with Article II (7) (f) of Annex IV of the Interim Agreement within the 12 week period. Requests submitted after the eighth week will be responded to in conformity with Article II (7) (f) within four weeks of their submission. The United States has been requested by the sides to report on a regular basis on the stops being taken to respond to the above requests.
Pursuant to Article XI (1) of Annex I of the Interim Agreement, and without derogating from the above, the Palestinian Police will exercise powers and responsibilities to implement this Memorandum with due regard to internationally accepted norms of human rights and the rule of law, and will be guided by the need to protect the public, respect human dignity, and avoid harassment.
III. Interim Committee and Economic Issues
The two sides will immediately resume permanent status negotiations on an accelerated basis and will make a determined effort to achieve the mutual goal of reaching an agreement by 4 May 1999. The negotiations will be continuous and without interruption. The United States has expressed its willingness to facilitate these negotiations.
Recognizing the necessity to create a positive environment for the negotiations, neither side shall initiate or take any step that will change the status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in accordance with the Interim Agreement.
Attachment: Timeline
This Memorandum will enter into force ten days from the date of signature. Done at Washington, DC, this 23rd day of October 1998.
For the Government of the State of Israel (Signed Prime Minister Netanyahu)
For the PLO
(Signed Chairman Arafat)
Witnessed by: The United States of America (Signed President Clinton)
Timeline Note
Parenthetical references below are to paragraphs in “The Wye River Memorandum” to which this time line is an integral attachment. Topics not included in the time line follow the schedule provided for in the text of the memorandum.