CIE Digital, Israel’s 9/11 — Israel-Hamas War Webinars, Webinars

Israel’s 9/11 – Local, Regional and International Responses: Political Considerations, Public Reactions, and Military Replies

October 25, 2023

After Hamas terrorists murdered more than 1,400 Israelis and kidnapped 220 others on Oct. 7, 2023, Israel’s military responses unfolded. Political and emotional reactions erupted across the region and the world. CIE’s third weekly webinar with academic experts providing context on the current Israel-Hamas war featured insights from Tel Aviv University’s David Menashri on Iran, the Moshe Dayan Center’s Harel Chorev on Hamas and the Palestinians, the Center on Foreign Relations’ Steven Cook on Middle East reactions and U.S. interests, and former Diaspora Affairs Minister Nachman Shai on how Israelis as individuals and institutions have responded. CIE President Ken Stein applied his half-century of scholarship on the regional in moderating the 48-minute conversation. 

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