CIE operates under the guidance of a Board of Trustees as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. You may contribute via check or through your charitable fund to:
Center for Israel Education, POB 15129, Atlanta, GA 30333 Tax ID # 26-0220636

CIE engages teens, young adults, educators and clergy in learning about Israel.
Israel is the story of Jews and non-Jews staying actively connected to their biblical origins.
Israel is about seeking, making and maintaining a modern Jewish state.
A vibrant Israel is in the interest of Jews, non-Jews, and all freedom loving peoples.

Political uncertainty requires knowledge in coping with change. Apathy, ignorance and the absence of memory are perilous features for shaping a tomorrow.
Support our work and sustain your future with your tax deductible donation.
CIE operates under the guidance of a Board of Trustees as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Contribute through your charitable fund to 26-02220636. Center for Israel Education, POB 15129, Atlanta, GA 30333