Assembled by Scott Abramson and Ken Stein, Center for Israel Education (May 23, 2024)

Khaled Abu Toameh, “Does the Palestinian Authority Really Want to Return to Gaza?” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, May 21, 2024

Alan Baker, “The UN’s World of the Absurd,” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, May 12, 2024,

Chietigj Bajpaee, “India’s Engagement with the Middle East Reflects New Delhi’s Changing Worldview,” War on the Rocks, May 22, 2024,

Michael Barak, “Egypt’s Perspective on Israel’s War against Hamas in Gaza,” Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, May 15, 2024

Yoni Ben Menachem, “The PA’s Return to Gaza Is Impractical and Unwanted,” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, May 21, 2024,

Gabriel Epstein, “Untangling the UN’s Gaza Fatality Data,” WINEP PolicyWatch 3871, May 17, 2024,

Robert Freedman, “Russian Policies During the Israeli-Hamas War Since October the 7th,” 

Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, BESA Reports no 57, May 13, 2024,

Chuck Freilich and Eldad Shavit, “A US-Israeli Defense Treaty: The Time Has Come,” Institute for National Security Studies, Memorandum 234, May 2024,

Hanin Ghaddar, “How Israel’s Rafah Campaign Might Shape Hezbollah’s Operations,” WINEP PolicyWatch 3870,

Eado Hecht, “The Gaza Terror Offensive: 15 April – 13 May 2024,” The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, May 15, 2024,

Joshua Krasna, “The Struggle for Stability: Arab Reactions to the Hamas-Israel War,” Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, May 15, 2024,

Matthew Levitt, “What Hamas Wants in Postwar Gaza: The Power to Fight Without the Burden of Governing,” Foreign Affairs, May 10, 2024

Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, “Criticism of Hezbollah in Lebanon and Objections to the War with Israel,” May 15, 2024,

The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, “The Palestinian Perspective on the IDF Operation in Rafah,” May 10, 2024,

Maurice Hirsch, “Deflating the Threat Posed by the International Criminal Court (ICC),” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, May 8, 2024,

Ephraim Lavie, Meir Elran, and Tomer Fadlon, “Between Restraint and Protest: Arab Society in Israel After Seven Months of War,” INSS Insight, Institute for National Security Studies, no. 1854, May 19, 2024,

Gallia Lindenstrauss and Remi Daniel, “Turkish–Israeli Relations at a Dangerous Turning Point,” INSS Insight, Institute for National Security Studies, no. 1853, May 19, 2024,

Orna Mizrahi and Yoram Schweitzer, “The Likelihood of the Conflict Between Israel and Hezbollah,”  INSS Insight, Institute for National Security Studies, no. 1850, May 2, 2024,

Amir Oren, “Gaza-lighting: How Israel’s Weakest Foe Became its Worst Enemy,” Jerusalem Strategic Tribune, May 2024,

Dennis Ross, “Israel Needs a New Strategy,” Foreign Affairs, March 13, 2024

Dennis Ross and David Makovsky, “Why Israel Should Declare a Unilateral Cease-Fire in Gaza,” Foreign Affairs, May 1, 2024,

Harold Rhode, “The Attack on Iran’s IRGC Leaders in Damascus and the Iranian Attack on Israel: An Iranian View,” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, May 12, 2024

Shay Shabtai, “The ‘Seven Sins’ of Intelligence: A Basis for Discussion,” Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, BESA Center Perspectives Paper no. 2,273, May 12, 2024

Boaz Shapira, “Hezbollah – Equipping Itself with Iranian Sayyad 2 Surface-to-Air Missiles,” Alma Research and Education Center, May 20, 2024

David Schenker, “An Israel-Lebanon Agreement May Not Be Worth the Costs,” WINEP PolicyWatch 3868, May 14, 2024

Dana Stroul, “The Dangers of an Ungovernable Gaza,” Foreign Affairs, May 20, 2024

Steven Windmueller, “In the Wake of October 7: Reflections on the American Jewish Community,” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, May 20, 2024

Ofir Winter, “The Iranian Attack: An Opportunity to Repair Israel-Jordan Relations,” INSS Insight, Institute for National Security Studies, no. 1851, May 6, 2024,

Dov S. Zakheim, “Turkey and Israel Ties at Low Ebb, But Could Recover,” Jerusalem Strategic Tribune, May 2024,