In the 1988 Hamas Charter and from remarks by it leaders and in other publications, they express hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews. It is unmistakably clear that Hamas abhors Zionism, Israel and Jews in a sovereign state. Hamas opposes any kind of negotiations that recognizes Israel as a reality or requires cooperation with Israel. Hamas celebrates the killing of Jews. Hamas’s goal is to see Israel’s total elimination. In southern Israel on October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists murdered 1,400 Jews, many others, and took more than 220 hostages. In earlier clashes with Israel, Hamas killed more than 600 Israelis and wounded thousands of others.
Hamas is a Palestinian political group and movement seeking to create a single, Islamic state in historic Palestine, which is now largely divided between Israel and the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. Hamas, meaning “zeal” or “fervor” in Arabic, is also an acronym for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya, or the Islamic Resistance Movement. The group was founded in 1988 as a militant segment of the Palestinian Arab national movement then dominated by the Palestine Liberation Organization, headed by Yasir Arafat. Hamas finds its ideological origins in the Muslim Brotherhood, which was founded in Egypt sixty years earlier. The Muslim Brotherhood then rejected the influence of Western culture and called for the increased role of Islam in government and society. The Muslim Brotherhood was outlawed in Egypt in the early 1950s because it threatened the secular military regime formed under the leadership of Gamal Abdul Nasser.
Many of Hamas’s leaders were educated in Cairo during Nassar’s soaking in the anti-colonial sentiment ripe in Egypt from the 1950s forward. Founding members of hamas included religious leaders, sheikhs, intellectuals, businessmen, young activists, and paramilitary fighters. Through the years, hamas provided social services to the needy in Gaza and particularly in the eleven refugee camps in Gaza. Hamas ran schools, headed clinics, kindergartens, summer camps, medical services, sports programs, and found job opportunities for adherents. Mosques and Islamic religious organizations are and remain Hamas’s most important vehicles for spreading its message and providing its services. Partly funded by its members, most funds come from sympathizers abroad, and in recent years major support from Qatar and Iran.
Vigorously, Hamas opposes all agreements and cooperation that any Arab state and particularly the PLO and the Palestinian Authority have made with Israel. Hamas founders vehemently opposed the 1979 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat’s peace treaty with Israel and opposed the 1993 Oslo Accords, in which the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel engaged in mutual recognition for the purpose of Israel’s gradual transfer of power, land, and limited self-rule to the PLO on behalf of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Meanwhile, the PLO leadership of Yasir Arafat and his successor Mahmoud Abbas, viewed Hamas, as well as the much more militant Islamic Jihad organization, as significant threats to the PLO’s dominance as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
Hamas opposes Palestinian secular nationalism; it opposes individual freedoms, democracy, and liberty, prioritizing instead a commitment to the Islamic community. Sheikh Ahmed Yasin, the Hamas founder and most revered of all its past leaders said in 2002, “We declare very clearly that Palestine from al – Naqurah to Rafah and from [river] Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea is the land of Palestine. There is no harm in establishing a Palestinian state on any part that is liberated at this stage, but without this meaning conceding the remaining territories of Palestine. This is the difference between the brothers in the PA and us.” Al-Majallah, March 31, 2002. Other key Hamas leaders such as Khaled Mishal, Ismail Haniyeh, and Mahmoud al-Zahhar have been emphatic in their hatred of Israel. Mishal summarized in great detail in 2012, Hamas’s goal to destroy Israel. In a May 2017 statement of principles, Hamas proclaimed,
“Palestine is at the heart of the Arab and Islamic Ummah and enjoys a special status; the establishment of “Israel” is entirely illegal and contravenes the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and goes against their will and the will of the Ummah; there shall be no recognition of the legitimacy of the Zionist entity. Whatever has befallen the land of Palestine in terms of occupation, settlement building, Judaization or changes to its features or falsification of facts is illegitimate. Rights never lapse.”
Accordingly, Hamas harbors no doubts about its vision for tomorrow–Israel’s destruction–and any solution that falls short of fulfilling this vision is to be rejected out of hand. Hamas is willing to have Palestinians take over Palestine in stages, gain geographic control of portions of it, even reach temporary cease-fires with Israel because the ultimate objective is to assert control over all of Palestine from east to west and north to south.
Since taking over the Gaza Strip in 2007 in a political coup against the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the PLO, hamas held almost total autocratic control over the population and systematically indoctrinated Palestinian youth with hatred for Israel and Jews. Hamas continues to seek to undermine the influence of the PA and the PLO in hopes of dominating the Palestinian Arab political future. Hamas has sought international recognition from an array of notable public figures, including Mary Robinson, the former Irish President and former US President Jimmy Carter. In August 2014 they wrote in a Foreign Policy article, and were cited as saying that hamas should be “recognized as a legitimate political actor,” and then Carter, told the Times of Israel in May 2015 that Hamas “leaders are committed to peace.” Despite such praise, hamas engaged in four major military confrontations with Israel, including after that date as well. Each round of hostilities was followed by a cease-fire that Hamas exploited, and on each occasion, Hamas rearmed, raised its political banner, obtained more foreign aid from outside supporters, and, finally over a short period, it resumed its intense violence against Israel. Hamas, similar to Hizballah in southern Lebanon, and the Iranian regime openly advocate Israel’s destruction. Iran has provided Hamas and Hizbollah massive amounts of financial support, military training and equipment and collaborate in political indoctrination.
Ken Stein, October 23, 2023
(18 August 1988)
“Charter of the Islamic Resistance Group (Hamas) of Palestine.” Journal of Palestine Studies 22.4 (1993): 122-34. Print.
“Ye are the best of Peoples, evolved for humanity, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them; among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors. They will do you no harm, barring a trifling annoyance; if they come out to fight you, they will show you their backs, and no help shall they get. Shame is pitched over them (like a tent) wherever they are found, except when under a covenant (of protection) from Allah and from people; they draw on themselves wrath from Allah and pitched over them is (the tent of) destitution. This because they rejected the signs of Allah, and slew the Prophets in defiance of right; this because they rebelled and transgressed beyond bounds.”
-The Holy Quran Sura 2: Ali-’Imran:110-112
“Israel will be established and will stay established until Islam nullifies it as it nullified what was before it.”
-The Martyred Imam Hasan al-Banna
(May Allah have mercy upon him)
“Indeed the Islamic world is burning, therefore it is obligatory on everyone to put a little of it out so he can extinguish what he is able to do without waiting for anyone else.”
-Shaykh Amjad al-Zahawee
(May Allah have mercy upon him)
All praise is to Allah. We seek His aid, forgiveness, and guidance, and on Him do we rely. We send peace and blessings on Allah’s messenger — his family, companions, those who follow him, called with his message and adhered to his way — may the blessing and peace be continued for as long as the heavens and earth last.
And After
O people from the center of the affair, from the sea of struggle, from the beat of believing hearts, immaculate arms; upon realization of the duty, responding to the command of Allah, the call, meeting and gathering was [performed] the discipline were all based on the system of Allah. The will was persistent to offer its role in life, surpassing all obstacles, surmounting the hazards of the path, the preparation was continuous, and the willingness to spend the body and soul for the sake of Allah. It was that the seed was formed and began forging its path in the stormy sea of hopes and dreams, desire and wishes, danger and obstacles, and pains and challenges from within and without.
When the idea matured, and the seed grew, and the plant was firmly rooted in reality far away from the momentary emotional outburst and despicable rashness, the Islamic Resistance Movement went forth to perform its role Mujahida (struggling) for the sake of its Lord. The Movement placed its hands with the hands of all the Mujahidin who strive to free Palestine. The souls of its Mujahidin gather with all the souls of the Mujahidin who strove with their souls on the land of Palestine for all time since it was conquered by the companions of the Messenger of Allah (saas) until today.
This is the charter of Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya (Hamas) [in Arabic, force or bravery] manifesting its form, unveiling its identity, stating its position, clarifying its expectations, discussing its hopes, and calling for aid, support, and members. Our battle with the Jews is long and dangerous, requiring all dedicated efforts. It is a phase which must be followed by succeeding phases, a battalion which must be supported by battalion after battalion of the divided Arab and Islamic world until the enemy is overcome, and the victory of Allah descends.
This is how we perceive them approaching over the horizon.
“And you shall certainly know the truth of it (all) after a while.”
-Sura 38: Sad:88
“Allah has decreed: It is I and My Messengers who must prevail, for Allah is one full of strength, able to enforce His will.”
-Sura 58: Mujadila:21
“Say thou: This is my Way: I do invite unto Allah on evidence clear as the seeing with one’s eyes, I and whoever follows me. Glory to Allah and never will I join gods with Allah!”
-Sura 12: Yusuf:108
Chapter One
Introduction to the Movement
Article 1: Ideological Origin
The Islamic Resistance Movement: Islam is its system. From Islam, it reaches for its ideology, fundamental precepts, and world view of life, the universe and humanity, and it judges all its actions according to Islam and is inspired by Islam to correct its errors.
Article 2: The Islamic Resistance Movement’s Connection with the Society of the Muslim Brotherhood
The Islamic Resistance Movement is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood chapter in Palestine. The Muslim Brotherhood Movement is an international organization. It is one of today’s largest Islamic movements. It professes a comprehensive understanding and precise conceptualization of the Islamic precepts in all aspects of life: concept and belief, politics and economics, education and social service, jurisdiction and law, exhortation and training, communication and arts, the seen and the unseen, and the rest of life’s ways.
Article 3: Structure and Formation
The structure of the Islamic Resistance Movement consists of Muslims who gave their loyalty to Allah. They, therefore, worshiped Him as He truly deserves:
“I have only created Jinns and Humans that they may worship Me.”
-Sura 51: Zariyat:56
They knew their obligation towards themselves, their people, and their country. They achieved Taqwa[In Arabic, Awareness and fear of Allah, conscious of Allah’s watchful gaze] of Allah in all that [their obligation]. They raised the banner of Jihad in the face of the transgressors to free country and folk from [the transgressors’] filth, impurity, and evil.
“Nay, We hurl the truth against falsehood, and it knocks out its brains, and behold, falsehood doth perish!”
-Sura 21: Anbiya’:18
Article 4
The Islamic Resistance Movement welcomes all Muslims who adopt its doctrines and ideology, enact its program, guard its secrets, and desire to join its ranks to perform the obligation and receive their reward from Allah.
Article 5: The Historical and Geographical Dimension of the Islamic Resistance Movement
The historical dimension of the Islamic Resistance Movement originates from its adoption of Islam as a system of life. It reaches far back to the birth of the Islamic Message and to the Pious Predecessors. Therefore, Allah is its goal; the Messenger, its leader; and the Quran, its constitution.
As for its geographical dimension, it is wherever Muslims — those who adopt Islam as a system of life — are found, in any region on the face of the earth. Therefore, it establishes a firm foundation in the depths of the earth and reaching high in the heavens.
“Seest thou how Allah sets forth a parable? A goodly Word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the heavens. It brings forth its fruit at all times, by the leave of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parables for people, in order that they may reach admonition.”
-Sura 14: Ibrahim: 24-25
Article 6: Differentiation and Independence
The Islamic Resistance Movement is an outstanding type of Palestinian movement. It gives its loyalty to Allah, adopts Islam as a system of life, and works toward raising the banner of Allah on every inch of Palestine. Therefore, in the shadow of Islam, it is possible for all followers of different religions to live in peace and with security over their person, property, and rights. In the absence of Islam, discord takes form, oppression and destruction are rampant, and wars and battles take place.
The Muslim poet Muhammad Iqbal eloquently declares: “When faith is lost, there is no security nor life for he who does not revive religion; And whoever is satisfied with life without religion, then he would have let annihilation be his partner.”
Article 7: The Universality of the Islamic Resistance Movement
Muslims throughout the world adopt the system of the Islamic Resistance Movement; they work towards aiding it, accepting its stands, and amplifying its Jihad. Therefore, it is an international movement — it is prepared for this (task) because of the clarity of its ideology, its lofty goal, and the sanctity of its objectives. Upon this basis it should be considered, given a fair evaluation and admission of its role. Whoever cheats it of its right, turns away from aiding it, or is blinded to hide its role, is a person who argues with fate. And whoever closes his eyes from seeing reality, unintentionally or intentionally, will one day awake to find that the world has left him behind, and the justification will wear him down trying to defend his position.
“The reward is for those who are early. The oppression of the close relations is more painful on the soul than the assault of a sharp sword. To thee, we sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety: So, judge between them by what Allah hath revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging from the truth that hath come to thee. To each among you have we prescribed a Law and an Open Way. If Allah had so willed, He would have made you a single People, but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you; so, strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to Allah. It is He that will show you the truth of the matters in which ye dispute.”
-Sura 5: Maida:48
The Islamic Resistance Movement is a link in [a long] chain of the Jihad against the Zionist occupation, which is connected and tied with the initiation [of the Jihad] of the Martyr ‘Izz al-Din al-Qassam and his Mujahid brothers in 1936. And the chain continues on to connect and tie another episode to add to the Jihad of the Palestinians and the Jihad of the Muslim Brotherhood in the War of 1948 and the Jihad operation of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1968 and thereafter. Even though the episodes were few and far between, and were not continuous in Jihad due to the obstacles placed by those in the sphere of [influence of] the Zionist entity in the face of the Mujahidin. Even though the Islamic Resistance Movement looks forward to fulfill the promise of Allah no matter how long it takes because the Prophet of Allah (saas) says:
“The Last Hour would not come until the Muslims fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them, and until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim or Servant of Allah there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree of Gharqad would not say it, for it is the tree of the Jews [Bukhart and Muslim].”
– Imam Muslim, Hadith no. 6985.
Article 8: The Motto of the Islamic Resistance Movement
“Allah is its Goal.
The Messenger is its Leader.
The Quran is its Constitution.
Jihad is its methodology, and
Death for the sake of Allah is its most coveted desire.”
Chapter Two
Article 9: Goals
The Islamic Resistance Movement evolved in a time where the lack of the Islamic Spirit has brought about distorted judgement and absurd comprehension. Values have deteriorated, the plague of the evil folk and oppression and darkness have become rampant, cowards have become ferocious. Nations have been occupied, their people expelled and fallen on their faces [in humiliation] everywhere on earth. The nation of truth is absent and the nation of evil has been established, as long as Islam does not take its rightful place in the world arena everything will continue to change for the worse. The goal of the Islamic Resistance Movement, therefore, is to conquer evil, break its will, and annihilate it so that truth may prevail, so that the country may return to its rightful place, and so that the call may be broadcast over the Minarets [lit. Mosques] proclaiming the Islamic state. And aid is sought from Allah.
“And did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief. But Allah is full of bounty to all the worlds.”
-Sura 2: Baqara:251
Article 10
While the Islamic Resistance Movement is forging its path, it will be a support to the weak, a victor to the oppressed; with all its might, using all of its energy, to realize the truth and defeat the falsehood, by words and action, here and everywhere it can reach and effect a change.
Chapter Three
Article 11: Strategy and Means
The Strategy of the Islamic Resistance Movement: Palestine is an Islamic Trust
The Islamic Resistance Movement [firmly] believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf [Trust] upon all Muslim generations till the Day of Resurrection. It is not right to give it up nor any part of it. Neither a single Arab state nor all the Arab states, neither a King nor a leader, nor all the Kings and leaders, nor any organization — Palestinian or Arab — have such authority because the land of Palestine is an Islamic Trust upon all Muslim generations until the Day of Resurrection. And who has the true spokesmanship for all the Muslim generations till the Day of Resurrection?
This is the legislation in the Islamic Shari’a (Jurisprudence), and the same goes for all the lands accessed and consecrated by Muslims at the time of conquering for all Muslim generations till the Day of Resurrection.
And so it was when the leaders of the Islamic Army, after conquering Iraq and Sham [Greater Syria], sent [a letter] to the Muslims’ Caliph ‘Umar ibn al-Khatab, asking for his advice concerning the accessed lands: Shall they divide it up among the army, or leave it to the original owner, or what? After discussion and consultation between the Caliph of the Muslims, ‘Umar ibn al-Khatab, and the companions of the Messenger (saas), they came to the decision that the benefits and blessings of the land should stay in the hands of its owner. As for its real ownership, it should become a trust for the Muslim generations till the Day of Resurrection. Those who are on the land have the rights to the land’s benefits only, and this trust is permanent as long as the heavens and the earth last. Any action taken in contradiction to the Islamic Shari’a concerning Palestine is unacceptable action, to be taken back by its claimants.
“Verily, this is the very truth and certainty. So celebrate with praises the name of thy Lord, the Supreme.”
-Sura 56: Waqi’a:95-96
Article 12: Nation and Nationalism from the Point of View of the Islamic Resistance Movement
Nationalism, from the point of view of the Islamic Resistance Movement, is part and parcel of religious ideology. There is not a higher peak in nationalism or depth in devotion than Jihad when an enemy lands on the Muslim territories. Fighting the enemy becomes the individual obligation of every Muslim man and woman. The woman is allowed to go fight without the permission of her husband and the slave without the permission of his master.
Nothing of the sort is found in any other system. This a reality about which there is no doubt. If other nationalisms have material, humanistic, and geographical ties, then the Islamic Resistance Movement’s nationalism has all of that, and, more important, divine reasons providing it with life and spirit where it is connected with the originator of the spirit and lifegiver, raising in the heavens the divine Banner to connect earth and heavens with a strong bond.
“When Musa comes and throws the cane, Indeed the Magic and Magician are invalid.
Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy Handhold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.”
-Sura 2: Baqara:256
Article 13: Initiatives, Peace Solutions and International Conferences
The initiatives conflict, what are called “Peaceful Solutions” and “International Conferences” to solve the Palestinian problem. As far as the ideology of the Islamic Resistance Movement is concerned, giving up any part of Palestine is like giving up part of its religion. The nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its religion, in that it educates its members, and they perform Jihad to raise the banner of Allah over their nation.
“And Allah hath full power and control over His affairs; but most among mankind know it not.”
-Sura 12: Yusuf:21
From time to time, the invitation is made for an international conference to look into solving the problem. Some accept and some reject the idea, for one reason or another, asking for some condition or conditions to be fulfilled in order to agree to attend and participate in the conference. Due to the Islamic Resistance Movement’s knowledge of the participating parties of the conference, and the participants’ past and present opinions and stands on Muslim interests, the Islamic Resistance Movement does not perceive that the conferences are able to deliver the demands, provide the rights, nor do justice to the oppressed. Those conferences are nothing but a form of enforcing the rule of the unbelievers in the land of Muslims. And when have the unbelievers justly treated the believers?
“Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion. Say: “The Guidance of Allah — that is the (only) Guidance.” Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor Helper against Allah.”
-Sura 2: Baqara:120
There is no solution to the Palestinian Problem except by Jihad. The initiatives, options, and international conferences are a waste of time and a kind of child’s play. The Palestinian people are nobler than to be fiddling with their future, rights, and destiny. It is mentioned in the honorable tradition: “The People of Sham (Greater Syria) are God’s whip in His earth; with them He takes revenge on whom He pleases of His servants. It is forbidden on their hypocrites to be ruling over their believers and they will not, except in worry and darkness” (Ahmad and Tabami).
Article 14: The Three Spheres
The problem of liberating Palestine is related to three spheres: the Palestinian sphere, the Arab sphere, and the Islamic sphere. Every one of them has a role to play in the struggle against Zionism. Each has obligations to fulfill. It is a grave error, and extreme ignorance, to ignore any of these spheres, because Palestine is an Islamic land accommodating the first Qibla, [the direction in which Muslims face during prayer, which at one time was the Masjid al-Aqsa] the third Holy Sanctuary, the [place where the] ascent of the Messenger (saas) took place.
“Glory to Allah who did take His servant for a journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did Bless — in order that We might Show Him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things).”
-Sura 17: al-Isra’:1
Since this is the case, the liberation of Palestine is obligatory for every Muslim, no matter where he is; it is on this basis that the problem should be viewed, and every Muslim must know this.
When the problem begins to be solved from this basis, when all the resources of the three spheres are employed, the current situation will change and the day of liberation will be near.
“Of a truth ye are stronger (than they) because of the terror in their hearts, (sent) by Allah. This is because they are people devoid of understanding.”
-Sura 59: Hashr: 13
Article 15: Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine is Obligatory
When an enemy occupies some of the Muslim lands, Jihad becomes obligatory for every Muslim. In the struggle against the Jewish occupation of Palestine, the banner of Jihad must be raised. That requires that Islamic education be passed to the masses locally, in the Arab [world] and in the Islamic [world], and that the spirit of Jihad — fighting and joining the ranks — must be broadcast among the Umma (Muslim community). The education process must involve (Islamic and other) scholars, teachers, and educators, communications specialists and journalists, the educated masses, and especially, the youth of the Islamic Movement and their scholars. Fundamental changes must be brought about in the education system to liberate it from the effects of the Ideological Invasion brought about at the hands of the Orientalists and Missionaries, whose attack suddenly descended on the area after Salah al-Din al-Ayubi defeated the Crusaders. So the Crusaders then knew it was impossible to defeat the Muslims except by setting the stage with an ideological attack to confuse their (the Muslims’) thoughts, stain their heritage and defame their history, after which a military attack would take place. That was to pave the way for an Imperialistic attack where (General Edmund) Allenby claimed when he entered Jerusalem, “Now the Crusades are over,” and General Gurud stood by Salah al-Din’s (Saladin’s) grave saying, “Here we have returned, O Saladin.” Imperialism has helped and is still helping the Ideological Invasion to establish its roots firmly. And all that was preparation for the loss of Palestine.
We must instill in the minds of the Muslim generation that the Palestinian cause is a religious cause. It must be solved on this basis because it contains Islamic sanctuaries where Masjid al-Aqsa is tied firmly to Masjid al-Haram (in Mecca) never to be released, as long as the heavens and the earth last, by way of the night journey (‘Isra) of Rasulallah (Saas) and ascension (Mi’raj) to the heavens from there (al-Aqsa).
“To guard Muslims from infidels in Allah’s cause for one day is better than the world and whatever is on its surface, and a place in paradise as small as that occupied by the whip of one of you is better than the world and what ever is on its surface; and a morning’s or an evening’s journey which the worshipper (person) in Allah’s cause is better than the world and what is on its surface.”
– Imam al-Bukhari, Hadith no. 142
“By Him in whose Hand is Muhammad’s life, I love to be killed in the way of Allah then to be revived to life again, then to be killed and then to be revived to life and then to be killed.”
(Agreed upon.)
Article 16: Training the Muslim Generation
We must train the Muslim generation in our area, an Islamic training that depends on performing the religious obligations, studying the book of Allah very well, the Prophetic narration (sunna), the Islamic history and heritage from its authentic sources with the advice of specialists and scholars, and using the curriculum that will provide the Muslim with the correct world view in ideology and thought. In addition is the necessity of careful study of the enemy’s material and human ability, knowing his weaknesses and strengths, knowing the powers that support him and stand by his side, along with the necessity of knowing current events and new trends, studying the analysis and commentaries on it. Also, there is the importance of planning for the present and the future, and studying every trend where the fighting Muslim (mujahid) can live in his time with the full knowledge of his destiny, purpose, path, and the events surrounding him.
“O my son (said Laqman), if there be (but) the weight of a mustard seed and it were (hidden) in a rock, or (anywhere) in the heavens or on the earth, Allah will bring it forth: for Allah understands the finer mysteries, (and) is well-acquainted (with them). O my son! Establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong and bear with patient constancy whate’er betide thee for this is firmness (of purpose) in (the conduct of) affairs. And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth, for Allah loveth not any arrogant boaster.”
-Sura 31: Luqman:16-18
Article 17: The Role of the Muslim Women
The Muslim woman has a role in the battle for the liberation which is no less than the role of the man, for she is the factory of men. Her role in directing generations and training them is a big role. The enemies have realized her role: they think that if they are able to direct her and raise her the way they want, far from Islam, then they have won the battle. You’ll find that they use continuous spending through mass media and the motion picture industry. They also use the educational system by way of their teachers who are part of Zionist organizations — which go by different names and forms, such as [Free] Masons, Rotary Clubs, intelligence networks, and other organizations. These are all centers for destruction and destroyers. Those Zionist organizations have great material resources which allow them to play a significant role in society to realize Zionist goals, and enforce the understanding that serves [the interests of] the enemy. These organizations play their role while Islam is absent from the arena and is estranged from its people. The Islamist should play his role in confronting the plans of those destroyers. When the day comes and Islam has its way in directing life, it shall eliminate those organizations which are opposed to humanity and Islam.
Article 18
The women in the house of the Mujahid (and the striving family), be she a mother or sister, has the most important role in taking care of the home and raising children of ethical character and understanding that comes from Islam, and of training her children to perform the religious obligations to prepare them for the jihadic role that awaits them. From this perspective, it is necessary to take care of schools and the curricula that educate the Muslim girl to become a righteous mother, aware of her role in the battle of liberation. She must have the necessary awareness and attentiveness in running the home. Being economical and far from carefree spending of the family’s income are requirements to continue the struggle in the overwhelmingly arduous situation. She should always keep in mind that money is blood that must not flow except in veins to sustain the life of children and elders equally.
“For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage in Allah’s praise — for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward.”
-Sura 33: Ahzab: 35
Article 19: The Role of Islamic Art in the Battle for Liberation
Art has rules and standards with which one can determine whether it is Islamic or ignorant. The Islamic Liberation is in need of Islamic art that raises the spirit and does not emphasize one aspect of the humanity over the others, but raises all aspects equally and harmoniously. The human is of a strange makeup, hand full of clay and breathed spirit. Islamic art communicates to mankind on this basis. Ignorant art communicates to the body and emphasizes the clay aspect.
Books, articles, newsletters, orations, pamphlets, poetry, nasheed (songs), plays, and other materials, if the specialties of Islamic art are included in it, are necessary for ideological education and invigorating nourishment to continue the struggle and relaxing the spirit because the struggle is long and the toil is hard. The souls will be bored and Islamic art revives the vigor, imparts excitement and invokes in the soul the high spirits and correct deliberation.
“Nothing corrects the soul if it is deliberating save for change from state to state.”
All this is serious with no mirth included because a nation at Jihad does not know merriment.
Article 20: Social Welfare
The Muslim society is a cooperative society and the Messenger (saas) said, “Best of the people are al-Asharites. They were, if a difficult situation befell them, in residence or in travel, they would gather what they have (of wealth) and divide it up equally among themselves.” And this is the Islamic spirit that must prevail in every Muslim society. The society that opposes a vicious Nazi enemy in its behavior, which does not differentiate between men and women, elder or youth, is foremost in being adorned with this Islamic spirit. Our enemy uses the method of collective punishment, robbing people of their land and property, and chasing them in their migration and places of gathering. They purposely break (bodily) bones, fire (live ammunition directly) at women, children, elders (sometimes) with a reason or without a reason, create concentration camps to place thousands (of people) in inhuman conditions, not to mention the demolition of homes, orphaning of children, and issuance of tyrannical laws on thousands of youth so they spend their best years in the obscurity of prisons.
The Nazism of Jews has included women and children. Terror is for everyone; they frighten people in their livelihood, take their wealth, and threaten their honor. They, with their shocking actions, treat people worse than they treat the worst of war criminals. Deportation from one’s land is a form of murder.
In confronting this type of conduct, social cooperation must predominate among all the people and all must oppose the enemy as one body; if a member of it is afflicted, the whole of the body is involved both in waking and in fever.
Article 21
Part of social welfare is providing aid to everyone who is in need of it, be it material, or spiritual, or collective cooperation to complete some works. And upon the members of [the] Islamic Resistance Movement falls the responsibility of looking after the needs of the population as they would for their personal needs. And (an obligation) upon them is that they should not spare an effort in realizing it, protecting it and them, and they should avoid, without foul play, what might adversely affect future generations. Because the masses are from them, and to them, its power is their power, its future is their future. A duty upon all members of the Islamic Resistance Movement is to take part in people’s happiness and grief, and there they should take as their duty the people’s demands and what realizes the people’s benefit and theirs. When this spirit (of cooperation) overwhelms, love will deepen and cooperation and mercy will (exist), and ranks will be strengthened in confrontation with the enemies.
Article 22: The Powers that Support the Enemy
The enemy planned long ago and perfected their plan so that they can achieve what they want to achieve, taking into account effective steps in running matters. So they worked on gathering huge and effective amounts of wealth to achieve their goal. With wealth, they controlled the international mass media — news services, newspapers, printing presses, broadcast stations, and more. With money, they ignited revolutions in all parts of the world to realize their benefits and reap the fruits of them. They are behind the French Revolution, the Communist Revolution, and most of the revolutions here and there which we have heard of or are hearing of. With wealth, they formed secret organizations throughout the world to destroy societies and promote the Zionist cause; these organizations include the Freemasons, the Rotary and Lions Clubs, and others. These are all destructive intelligence-gathering organizations. With wealth, they controlled imperialistic nations and pushed them to occupy many nations to exhaust their (natural) resources and spread mischief in them.
Concerning the local and international wars, speak without hesitation. They are behind the First World War in which they destroyed the Islamic Calipha and gained material profit, monopolized raw wealth, and got the Balfour Declaration. They created the League of Nations so they could control the world through that organization. They are behind the Second World War where they grossed huge profits from their trade of war materials, and set down the foundations to establish their nation by forming the United Nations and Security Council, instead of the League of Nations, in order to rule the world through that organization.
There is not a war that goes on here or there in which their fingers are not playing behind it.
“Every time they kindle the fire of war, Allah doth extinguish it; but they (ever) strive to do mischief on earth. And Allah loveth not those who do mischief.”
-Sura 5: Maida:64
So, the imperialist powers in the Capitalist West and the Communist East support the enemy with all their might — material and human — and they change roles. When Islam is manifest, the unbelievers’ powers united against it because the Nation of the unbelievers is one.
“O ye who believe! Take not into your intimacy those outside your ranks: they will not fail to corrupt you. They only desire your ruin: Rank hatred has already appeared from their mouths; what their hearts conceal is far worse. We have made it plain to you the signs, if ye have wisdom”.
-Sura 2: Ali-’Imran:118
It is not by chance that the (above) ayah ends with “if ye have wisdom.”
Chapter Four
Article 23: Our Position on…
The Islamic Movements
The Islamic Resistance Movement regards the other Islamic Movements with respect and honor even if it disagrees with them on an issue or viewpoint. However, it agrees with them on many issues and viewpoints and sees in those movements — if they have good intentions which are purely for Allah’s sake — that they fall within the area of Ijtihad [Creative self-exertion to derive legislation from legitimate sources]. As long as its actions are within the Islamic (Jurisprudence), to every Mujtahid, there is a reward.
The Islamic Resistance Movement considers those movements as beneficial, and asks Allah’s guidance (spiritual and worldly conduct) for everyone, and it raises the banner of unity and continues striving to realize unity based on the Quran and Sunna.
“And hold fast all together, by the Rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves.”
-Sura 3: Ali-’Imran:103
Article 24
The Islamic Resistance Movement does not allow slander or condemnation of individuals or movements, because the believer is not a slanderer or curser; however, it is necessary to differentiate between this and positions and actions of individuals or groups. So, when there is a mistake in a position or action, the Islamic Resistance Movement has the right to clarify the mistake and warn against it and work to clarify the truth and adopt it in current situations with impartiality. So, wisdom is the object of a persevering quest of the believers; he takes it wherever he finds it.
“Allah loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done; for Allah is He who heareth and knoweth all things. Whether ye publish a good deed or conceal it or cover evil with pardon, verily Allah doth blot out (sins) and hath power (in the judgement of values).”
-Sura 4: Nisa’:148-149
Article 25: The Nationalist Movement in the Palestinian Arena
Given due respect, and considering its situation and surrounding factors, Hamas will lend support to it as long as it does not give its loyalty to the Communist East or the Crusading West and reassures its (the nationalist movement’s) members and victors that the Islamic Resistance Movement is a moral and Jihadic movement, moral and attentive in its view of life, and in its cooperation with others. It hates opportunism and does not wish anything except good to people, either individuals or groups. It does not go after material gain nor personal fame, nor reward of people. It utilizes its own resources and what is available to it.
“Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power.”
-Sura 8: Anfal:60
It has no other ambition than to perform the obligation and win Allah’s satisfaction.
All nationalist elements working in the arena for the sake of liberating Palestine should be assured that it is a helper and supporter and will never be anything but that, by work and action, past and present, by uniting, not dividing, repairing, not destroying, valuing benign advice, pure effort, and powerful actions, closing the door in the face of petty disputes, not listening to rumors and defamations, while realizing the right of self-defense. Everything that contradicts these guidelines is fabricated from the enemy, or those who tread in their footsteps, to achieve chaos, cleavage of ranks, and entanglement in side issues.
“O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance of what ye have done.”
-Sura 49: Hujurat:6
Article 26
The Islamic Resistance Movement, while favorably viewing the Palestinian nationalist movements that are not loyal to East or West, is not forbidden from discussing the options on the local or international arena concerning the Palestinian problem. Here, an objective discussion will clarify to what degree the nationalist movement is in the national interest — from an Islamic perspective.
Article 27: The Palestine Liberation Organization
The Palestine Liberation Organization is closest of the close to the Islamic Resistance Movement, in that it is the father, the brother, the relative, or friend; and does the Muslim offend his father, brother, relative, or friend? Our nation is one, plight is one, destiny is one, and our enemy is the same, being affected by the situation that surrounded the formation of the organization (PLO) and the chaotic ideologies that overwhelm the Arab world due to the Ideological Invasion that befell the Arab world since the defeat of the Crusades and the ongoing consolidation of Orientalism, missionary work, and imperialism. The organization (PLO) adopted the idea of a secular state, and as such we considered it.
Secularist ideology is in total contradiction to religious ideologies, and it is upon ideology that positions, actions, and decisions are made. From here, with our respect for the Palestine Liberation Organization and what it might become, and not underestimating its role in the Arab-Israeli struggle, we cannot exchange the current and future of Islam in Palestine to adopt the secular ideology because the Islamic nature of the Palestinian issue is part and parcel of our din (ideology and way of life) and whosoever neglects part of his din is surely lost.
“And who turns away from the religion of Abraham but such as debase their souls with folly?”
-Sura 2: Baqara:130
When the Palestine Liberation Organization adopts Islam as its system of life, we will be its soldiers and the firewood of its fire, which will burn the enemies. Until this happens, and we ask Allah that it be soon, the position of the Islamic Resistance Movement toward the Palestine Liberation Organization is the position of a son toward his father, and the brother toward his brother, and the relative toward his relative. He will be hurt if a thorn pricks him; he supports him in confronting the enemy and wishes guidance for him.
Your brother, your brother, he who has no brother is like one going to battle without weapons. And know that your cousin is like your wings; and does the falcon fly without wings?
Article 28: The Arab Countries and Islamic Governments
The Zionist invasion is a vicious attack that does not have piety not to use all methods low and despicable to fulfill its obligations; it depends enormously on its penetration of and intelligence operations upon the secret organizations that were offshoots of it — such as the Masons, Rotary, and Lions Clubs, and other such networks of spies — and all these secret or public organizations work for the benefit of and with the guidance of the Zionists. Zionists are behind the drug and alcohol trade because of their ability to facilitate the ease of control and expansion. The Arab countries surrounding Israel are requested to open their borders for the Mujahidin of the Arab and Islamic countries so they can take their role and join their efforts with their Muslim brothers of Palestine. As for the other Arabic and Islamic countries, they are asked to ease the movement of Mujahidin from it and to it — that is the least they could do. We shouldn’t lose this opportunity to remind every Muslim that when the Jews occupied immaculate Jerusalem in 1967, they stood on the stairs of the blessed Masjid al-Aqsa loudly chanting: “Muhammad has died and left girls behind.”
So, Israel, with all its Jewishness and its Jewish population, challenges Islam and Muslims. So, the eyes of the cowards do not sleep.
Article 29: Nationalist and Religious Organization, Foundations, Intelligentsia, Arab and Islamic World
The Islamic Resistance Movement would like each and every one of these organizations to stand by its side, supporting it on all levels, taking up its position, pushing forth its activities and movements, and working to gain support for the Islamic Resistance Movement so the Islamic people can be its support and its victors — a strategic dimension on all levels: human, material, media, historical, and geographical. It works through holding supportive conferences, producing clarifying statements, supportive articles, purposeful pamphlets, and keeping the public aware of the Palestinian situation and what is facing it and what is being plotted against it, through educating the Islamic people ideologically, morally, and culturally in order to play its role in the battle for liberation, just as it played its role in defeating the Crusaders, and pushing back the Tartars, and saving human civilization, and that is not hard for Allah.
“Allah has decreed: “It is I and My messengers who must prevail:” For Allah is one full of strength, able to enforce His will.”
-Sura 58: Mujadila: 21
Article 30
Authors and scholars, people of media and oration, people of training and education, and the rest of the different fields in the Arab and Islamic world: All of you are called upon to adopt your role and perform your obligation, due to the ferocity of the Zionist invasion and its penetration in most countries, its materialistic and media control, and what it has built in most countries of the world.
Jihad is not only carrying weapons and confronting the enemy. The good word, excellent article, beneficial book, aid, and support, if intentions are pure, so that the banner of Allah is the most-high, is a Jihad for the sake of Allah. “He who provided equipment to a fighter in the way of Allah, then he fought, and he who remained behind (to look after the) family of the fighter in the way of Allah, in fact, fought in the way of Allah” (Abu Dawad and Tirmithi).
Article 31: The People of Other Faiths
The Islamic Resistance Movement is a humanistic movement that takes care of human rights and follows the tolerance of Islam with respect to people of other faiths. Never does it attack any of them except those who show enmity toward it or stand in its path to stop the movement or waste its efforts.
In the shadow of Islam, it is possible for the followers of the three religions — Islam, Christianity, and Judaism — to live in peace and harmony; and this peace and harmony is possible only under Islam: The history of the past and present is the best written witness for that.
Followers of other religions should stop fighting Islam in ruling this area, because when they rule, there will only be murdering, punishing, and banishing, because they make life hard for their own people, not to mention the followers of other religions. The past and present are full of examples which prove this.
“They will not fight you (even) together, except in fortified townships, or from behind walls. Strong is their fighting (spirit) amongst themselves: thou wouldst think they were united, but their hearts are divided: that is because they are a people devoid of wisdom.”
-Sura 59: Hashr:14
Islam gives everyone their rights and forbids enmity over the rights of others. The Nazi Zionist efforts will not last as long as their battles.
“The state of oppression is an hour and the state of truth is until the coming of the hour. Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.”
-Sura 60: Al Mumtahina:8
Article 32: The Effort to Single out the Palestinian People
World Zionism and imperialist powers try with audacious maneuvers and well-formulated plans to extract the Arab nations one by one from the struggle with Zionism, so in the end it can deal singularly with the Palestinian people. It already has removed Egypt far away from the circle of struggle with the treason of “Camp David,” and it is trying to extract other countries by using similar treaties in order to remove them from the circle of struggle. The Islamic Resistance Movement calls upon the Arab and Islamic people to work seriously and constructively in order to not allow that horrible plan to be carried out and to educate the masses of the dangers of withdrawal from the struggle with Zionism. Today, it’s Palestine, and tomorrow, it will be another country, and then another; the Zionist plan has no bounds, and after Palestine they wish to expand from the Nile River to the Euphrates. When they totally occupy it, they will look towards another, and such is their plan in the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” Their present is the best witness on what is said.
Withdrawal from the circle of struggle is high treason and a curse to the doer.
“If any do turn his back to them on such a day — unless it be in a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own) — he draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and his abode is Hell — an evil refuge (indeed)!”
-Sura 8: Anfal:16
It is necessary to gather all forces and abilities to face the Tartarian Nazi invasion, otherwise loss of the homeland, exile of the population, and a prompting of the evil in the earth and the destruction of all religious values [will take place]. Every person should know that he will be held responsible in front of Allah to be questioned.
“Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good, see it; and anyone who has done an atom’s weight of evil, shall see it.”
-Sura 99: Zalzala:7-8
In the circle of struggle with world Zionism, the Islamic Resistance Movement considers itself the spearhead, or a step on the path; it adds its efforts to the effort of the workers in the Palestinian arena. What is left is that it should be followed by steps and steps from the Arab and Islamic people, and from the Muslim organizations in the Arab and Islamic regions, because they are the people who are prepared for the forthcoming role in the battle with the Jews, the businessmen of war.
“Amongst them, we have placed enmity and hatred till the Day of Judgement. Every time they kindle the fire of war, Allah doeth extinguish it; but they (ever) strive to do mischief on earth. And Allah loveth not those who do mischief.”
-Sura 5: Maida:64
Article 33
The Islamic Resistance Movement goes forth with these general understandings, which are equal and in harmony with the patterns of the universe, like being poured in the river of destiny, to confront the enemy. And their struggle to defend Muslims, Islamic civilization, and religious sanctuaries, of which Masjid al-Aqsa is at the forefront, to ignite the Arab and Islamic people, their governments, and its nationalistic and official organizations, to fear Allah while considering the Islamic Resistance Movement, and its way of dealing with it, should be, as Allah has wished, as supporter and helper spreading its hand to help, with support followed by support until the decision of Allah is manifested. The ranks join the ranks, and the Mujahids join Mujahids and other groups which come forth from everywhere in the Muslim world, answering the call of obligation, repeating “come to Jihad” — a call bursting forth into the heights of the Heavens, reverberating until the liberation is complete and the invaders are rolled back and the victory of Allah descends.
“Allah will certainly aid those who aid His (cause) — for verily, Allah is full of strength, exalted in might (able to enforce will).”
-Sura 22: Hajj:40
Chapter Five
Article 34: Historical Proof Facing the Enemy Throughout History
Palestine is the heart of the earth, the meeting of the continents, and the lure of the avaricious since the dawn of history. The Messenger (saas) points to that in his venerable narration, when he says to Mu’ath bin Jabal: “O Mu’ath, Allah is going to open for you the Greater Syria (Ash Sham) after me. From Al-Irish to the Euphrates, its men, women, and children are steadfast till the Day of Resurrection. Whosoever of you chooses a coastal site of Greater Syria or Jerusalem (bayt al-maqdes), then he is in constant Jihad till the Day of Resurrection.”
The individuals have envied (in taking) Palestine more than once, and they flooded it with armies to fulfill their goals. The hoards of Crusaders carrying their belief and crosses were able to defeat the Muslims for a specific period of time. The Muslims did not get Palestine back until they gathered their religious banner and united together, glorified their Lord, and took off as Mujahids under the leadership of Salah al-Din al-Ayubi for nearly two decades, and then it was a clear victory, the Crusaders defeated and Palestine liberated.
“Say to those who reject faith: Soon will ye be vanquished and gathered together to Hell — an evil bed indeed to lie on.”
-Sura 3: Ali-’Imran:12
This is the only way to liberation. There is no doubt in the truth of the historical evidence which is a pattern of the universe and a law of nature — only metal breaks metal — and nothing defeats a corrupt belief except the true belief in Islam, because belief can only be defeated by belief; and in the end, the victory is for the truth. Truth is victorious.
“Already has our word been passed before (this) to our servants sent (by us), that they would certainly be assisted, and that Our forces, they must surely conquer.”
-Sura 37: Saffata:171-173
Article 35
The Islamic Resistance Movement considers the defeat of the Crusaders at the hands of Salah al-Din al-Ayubi and liberation of Palestine, and the defeat of the Tartar in the (battle) of ‘Ayn Jalut and the defeat of their forces at the hands of Qatuz and Zhair Baybrus, and the rescue of the world from the destructive onslaught of the Tartar (which destroys) all traces of human civilization, and learns from those (valuable) lessons and wisdom. The current Zionist invasion was preceded by many invasions of the Crusading West and others, including Tartars from the East. As the Muslims confronted those invasions and prepared for fighting and defeating them, they should be able to confront and defeat the Zionist invasion. And that is not difficult for Allah if intentions are pure, efforts are truthful, and if Muslims have benefited from past experiences, have been freed from the effect of the Ideological Invasion, and have followed the way of their predecessors.
Article 36: The Islamic Resistance Movement are Soldiers
The Islamic Resistance Movement, while forging its way to emphasize time and time again to our people — the Arab people and Muslim people — that it does not want fame for itself, nor a materialistic gain, nor a social status, and is not placed against any of our people so it can rival or take their place, will never be against any of the Muslims or the peacefulness of the non-Muslims, in this place or any place, and it shall not be except as an aid to all societies and organizations working against the Zionist enemy and those in its orbit. The Islamic Resistance Movement depends on Islam as a way of life, on its belief, its religion, and on whoever adopts Islam as a way of life, whether he is here or there, be it an organization, committee, or group. The Islamic Resistance Movement is nothing but its soldiers. Nothing but.
We ask Allah to guide us and guide (others) through us and to decide between us and our people with the truth.
“Our Lord! Decide thou between us and our people in truth, for thou art the best to decide.”
Sura 7: A’raf:89
And our last prayer is, “All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Universe.”
Palestine: 1 Muharam 1409 A.H. —- 18 August 1988 A.D.