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After Hamas brutally murdered 1,200 Israelis and others and kidnapped more than 240 on Oct. 7, President Joe Biden’s support was immediate and unflinching. But in the shadow of a U.S. presidential campaign and an anticipated Israeli election, cracks in the essential U.S.-Israel relationship have emerged. Publicly and privately, the Biden administration has pressured Israel to facilitate more humanitarian aid and reduce the intensity of fighting. Military aid to Israel has been stuck in Congress. American politicians have intervened in Israeli politics, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israelis have played on U.S. partisan divisions. For CIE’s 24th weekly webinar March 27, Bar-Ilan University political scientist Dr. Jonathan Rynhold, Foundation for Defense of Democracies senior director Enia Krivine and Institute for National Security Studies senior researcher Dr. Zaki Shalom examine the status and future of U.S.-Israel relations. Moderating the discussion is Dr. Ken Stein, CIE’s president and an Emory University emeritus professor of Middle East history, political science and Israel studies.

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