
The June 1967 War: How It Changed Jewish, Israeli and Middle Eastern History
$19.99 – $29.99
The June 1967 Middle East War transformed Israeli, Jewish, and Middle Eastern History. In the span of six weeks, in May and June 1967, Israel, its neighbors and the international community were engulfed with varying emotions including admonition, arrogance, audacity, astonishment, bravado, boasting, daring, euphoria, fears of annihilation, hesitation, humiliation, indecision, miscalculation, pride, procrastination, relief, resignation, self-doubt, self-importance, and tension.
Capturing these moments as well as the prelude and aftermath of the War dominate the contents of The June 1967 War: How It Changed Jewish, Israeli and Middle Eastern History in both the Leader’s Guide and Participant Booklet.
Both versions contain:
- an abundance of maps, an extensive chronology of entwined events before, during, and after the War;
- a six page timeline of Zionism from the 1880s to 2017;
- original speeches, documents, and online access to the LBJ Library archives;
- an extensive bibliography with online references to books, articles, and videos;
- brief biographies of individuals associated with the War;
- guiding questions for discussion of topics raised surrounding the War; and
- access to key documents about the conflict on our website and at Foreign Relations of the United States, and the LBJ presidential archives.
In-depth discussions in both versions include:
- background to Zionism, the 1948 and 1956 Wars, events of May and June 1967, and the diplomatic aftermath of the War;
- a discussion of the doctrine of preemption;
- the evolution of UN Resolution 242, and it as a framework for negotiations;
- origins of the settlements and their development as a controversial issue;
- the various results of the War on world Jewry
The key differences between the two versions, both of which can be obtained either as an eBook or as a paperback are twofold: the Leader’s Guide contains more background to the issues discussed and guiding questions for interactive discussions with suggested answers. The Participant Booklet is especially designed for use in learning or in experiential settings.
Any Leader will know where to begin if used in an educational setting, depending upon the participants’ knowledge levels and sophistication. Wherever one chooses to begin, we highly recommend reading the Timeline of Zionism from the 1880s to the present.
Other topics covered include how and why the War:
- solidified Israel’s existence and aided the demise of pan-Arabism;
- expanded the content of the Arab-Israeli conflict to include negotiations;
- altered internal Israeli politics, blending religious Zionism with the political right;
- changed the relationship between Israel and the Diaspora;
- unfolded the diplomatic concept of land for peace;
- galvanized Palestinian national identity while sharpening Palestinian-Israeli animosities;
- unified Jerusalem and made it a topic of friction between sovereign Israeli interests and international community priorities for the city’s future;
- generated political empowerment within world Jewry, giving rise to greater Jewish participation in politics, and in protest against mistreatment of Jews in the Soviet Union and elsewhere; and
- catalyzed steady US government support for Israel’s security while advancing American criticism of Israel’s management of the territories and the Palestinians in them.
- Suitable for those with varying knowledge levels. Valuable for those traveling to Israel; for easy use in summer camps, and in adult education, college, and high school settings.
- The Leader’s Guide −– 111 pages; Participant Booklet−– 117 pages
- Adaptable for use in three 75-minute sessions, five 45-minute sessions, or more
The June 1967 War How It Changed Jewish, Israeli, and Middle Eastern History – an ebook (print too) – is really a one-of-a-kind educational resource about the modern Middle East, with the Six-Day War at the center. The educational objectives, exercises and lessons are not only relevant for teenage students but also for older adults who – in the midst of continuing sharp public disagreement about Israeli/Palestinian issues – may have forgotten the prelude, moment, and immediate aftermath of the Six-Day War and its profound impact on diaspora Jewry as well as on Israel.
The scholarship is top notch but more than that it is very accessible. The timelines, maps, source material, discussion of transformative events, and educational presentation on subjects such as the doctrine of preemption are all presented in an exceptionally clear and thoughtful way. And the author does not shy away from the contentious issues that have led some to note that the Six-Day War – while lightening fast and astounding as a military victory – has not been concluded.
I was 16 during the Six-Day War and as we approach the 50th anniversary, I continue to have feelings of great pride for that transformative moment in Jewish history as I have feelings of great sadness that the Israeli/Palestinian conflict still persists. Ken Stein captures this full range of emotions and perspectives in his excellent book.
Rabbi Doug Kahn, Executive Director Emeritus, Jewish Community Relations Council, San Francisco, and founder of Broad Tent Consulting, a JCRC Consultancy (verified owner) –
On the face of it this serious exploration of the Six Day War of 1967 (and accompanying study guide) has an almost arrogant title. A mini-war, fought through in less than one week, is asserted to have had a dramatic impact on 3500 years of Jewish history, on the 70 year history of the State of Israel – and on that seething cauldron which is how best to describe the Middle East of today. And yet that title might in fact better be described as an understatement.
By sheer weight of attention in the world press and on the agendas of a vast array of multi-national organizations and institutions, it is clear that the geo-political, military, and cultural implications of this war have yet to be fully parsed, dissected and understood. Every study of that period seems so fraught with wide-ranging implications that it is close to impossible to find scholarship that eschews political agendas and which seeks to drill down to facts while respecting reasoned argumentation.
Dr. Kenneth Stein is a scholar of unquestioned integrity who has devoted his distinguished career to sweeping away the myths in which accounts of the Six Day War seem inevitably shrouded. This book and its accompanying study guide have been created in such a way that political scientists and historians, together with all of the rest of us who are just seeking a better understanding, can find that for which we seek. The accompanying apparatus of maps and charts and timelines are as critically important as they are accessible.
At a time when civil discourse about events in the Middle East is so very difficult to achieve, I strongly recommend Dr. Stein’s book as a superb platform for meaningful discussions and thoughtful consideration.
Rabbi Stanley Davids, Rabbi Emeritus, Temple Emanu-El (verified owner) –
The June 1967 War: How it Changed Jewish, Israeli and Middle Eastern History covers the war’s impact on Israel’s emergence as a modern nation state, its role in the lives of the Jewish People, the evolution of the Arab world, and tackling the territories and the settlement movement….it is distinguished for its effective use of primary sources depicting events in real time.
Itai Tsur, Director, Jewish Foundation Atlanta Jewish Federation (verified owner) –
It is one of the most important books of our time; this factual account of the Six Day War will enable educators to speak about Israel today with authority and accuracy. The de legitimization movement thrives when disinformation and half-truths are the foundation of any dialogue. Dr. Stein’s book provided readers with a comprehensive understanding of the facts around this time period and empowers them to communicate the impact and relevance of those events in Israel today. We are so thankful for the Center for Israel Education and Dr. Stein for having undertaken this critical work.
Jerry Silverman, President and CEO Jewish Federations of North America (verified owner) –
The book and it is nothing less than a treasure. Please extend my congratulations to those who created it. It is remarkable!
Rabbi Mark Dov Shapiro, Rabbi Emeritus, Sinai Temple, Springfield, MA (verified owner) –
As both text and links, the materials presented in the 1967 War book are wonderful resources for learning and teaching.
Rabbi Robert Orkand, Rabbi Emeritus Temple Israel, Westport, CT (verified owner) –