Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Pre-State to 1973 | CIE


How Zionists Created the State of Israel

Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Pre-State to 1973

Discover the roots of the fighting that continues to this day

Explore the pivotal events, influential leaders, and crucial decisions from the Ottoman era to the Yom Kippur War that transformed the Land of Israel into the hard-earned home of the first Jewish state in 2,000 years but also the site of continual intercommunal violence.


How did the Zionist vision of Jewish revival and self-determination in the ancient Jewish homeland, as executed by leaders such as Theodor Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, and Golda Meir and aided by the Jewish Diaspora, increasingly clash with the development of Palestinian Arab nationalism and survive through wars in 1947-49, 1956, 1967, and 1973?

This course is made up of four sections:

  • Part I: Zionism and State Building to 1939 — How Zionist immigration to the Land of Israel and the change from Ottoman to British rule enabled Jewish state building and sparked a violent Arab response. Pragmatic Zionist decision-making succeeded over the polemics of Arab leaders.
  • Part II: The Shoah and the State, 1939-1949 — Zionists began evolving the state half a century before the Holocaust. Some Arabs collaborated with Zionists; others adamantly resisted. Arabs failed to match Jewish communal and institution building and the Zionists’ international push to declare and secure the state.
  • Part III: The Formative Years to the 1967 War, 1949-1967 — How Israel survived despite no fixed borders, massive absorption of immigrants and the rejection of its neighbors, in the context of Egyptian-led pan-Arab nationalism and the creation of the PLO.
  • Part IV: From the June to the October Wars, 1967-1973 — How Israel’s sudden victory in 1967 forever altered the conflict, leading to settlement building and a new Egyptian leader, Anwar Sadat, seeking his land back via a combination of war and then diplomacy.

What You’ll Learn

Upon completing this course, you will have a deep and clear understanding of the roots and evolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict through 1973, including:

  • Zionism’s emergence from the Jewish past linked to the land, angering the Arab population.
  • Such key documents as the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the Balfour Declaration, and U.N. Resolutions 181 and 242.
  • British failure to reconcile Jews and Arabs on matters of immigration and land sales.
  • U.N. partition’s rejection by the Arabs and acceptance by the Zionists.
  • Independence for Israel but no Arab state of Palestine in 1948.
  • Israel’s absorption of Jewish refugees while Palestinian refugees were dispersed and not embraced by Arab states.
  • International influences of the Cold War, the thirst for Middle Eastern oil and increased Arab hostility for Israel after the 1967 war.

And much more.

Estimated Completion Time: 1 hour*

* Those who want to dive deeper into these and ancillary topics will find accompanying sources that can keep you learning for hours on end.

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Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Pre-State to 1973


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