(20 April 2020)
Source: Israel Democracy Institute
Signed on April 20, 2020, 22 Nissan 5768
The Likud faction in the 23rd Knesset (“The Likud”)
and Blue and White faction in the 23rd Knesset (“Blue and White”)
The State of Israel has been faced with a historic crisis with the spread of the Corona virus, and in light of the social, medical, and economic outcomes stemming from it, Prime Minister and Likud Chairman MK Benjamin Netanyahu (hereinafter “Prime Minister”) and Blue and White Chairman and Alternate Prime Minister MK Benjamin Gantz (hereinafter: “Alternate Prime Minister”) have come to a decision that the good of the State of Israel requires the immediate establishment of a national emergency government, including an emergency cabinet to combat the Corona virus and a Reconciliation Cabinet that will work to heal the rifts within Israeli society.
And whereas: the National Emergency Government will lead the fight against the Corona pandemic in all its aspects, the government will act through the Corona Cabinet to integrate all government activities in coordination with the government ministries, the Knesset, the defense establishment and other state authorities to improve the performance of the State of Israel in the health, economic and social fields.
This Cabinet will also coordinate Israel’s exit strategy from this period in its various aspects. The government will undertake all measures to eradicate the pandemic, including limiting economic activity in accordance with assessments of the situation and the procurement of necessary medical equipment. In addition, the government will also work to strengthen the public health system and the medical teams leading activities in the field.
The government will lead economic programs and a state budget tailored to the unprecedented needs resulting from the pandemic. This will include providing solutions to issues related to employment, a concern for employees and for employers, removing unnecessary barriers, and introducing financial support for the business sector, the self-employed and the third sector alongside other actions to contend with the severe recession facing the Israeli economy.
The government will deploy a social-economic safety net for all citizens of the State, with emphasis on vulnerable populations. Plans to address particularly distressed populations who now are facing additional economic and social distress will be created.
Recognizing that this is an emergency, we will work together to extract the State of Israel from the unprecedented health, economic and social crisis it is facing, along with all of humanity.
In the government established during the emergency period, there will be no primary or secondary legislation implemented that is not related to coping with the Corona crisis, subject to the following in this Agreement;
Whereas: the parties have concluded that after the establishment of the government, a team will be set up to formulate the basic principles of this government during the unity period;
It was therefore agreed and determined between the parties that the national emergency government would be formed on the basis of principles as follows:
A. A national emergency government will be established as the 35th government (hereinafter: the “Government”) for a period of 36 months.
B. The 24th Knesset elections will be held on the first Tuesday following the end of 36 months after the government is formed.
C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection B above, if the parties decide to leave the date of the lawful dissolution of the 23rd Knesset as currently enacted in law, the agreement may, by the end of the 35th government’s inauguration, extend the term of this agreement by agreement, and for a period not to exceed the date set by the law as the date of dissolution of the 23rd Knesset, by a majority of 75 Knesset members.
A. The government will be composed of two blocs: the Likud party will be a bloc along with any party it seeks to integrate into the government, and Blue and White will be a bloc along with any party it seeks to integrate into the government. Any party joining the government on behalf of a particular bloc shall be bound by all provisions of this agreement.
B. The government will be based on parity. The number of ministers who will be in the Likud bloc will be equal to the number of ministers in the Blue and White bloc. The balance between the blocs will be maintained in all frameworks derived from the government, the Knesset and coalition management, including ministerial committees, the Political-Security Cabinet, the Corona Emergency Cabinet, the National Reconciliation Cabinet and in the Supreme Economic Cabinet (which will include the Prime Minister, the alternate Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance and the Economy Minister). During its tenure, the number of Likud bloc ministers will always be equal to that of the Blue and White bloc and vice versa.
C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection B, it is made clear that the representation of the various factions that are members of the Knesset committees will be in accordance with their size as required by the manner in which the Knesset committees are divided according to the rules of the Knesset’s work. It is agreed between the parties that they will assist each other in resolving problems and responding to the needs of one or the other for representation in any of the Knesset committees.
A. The government is a national emergency and unity government.
B. During the period between the establishment of the government until the end of six months from that date, the government will act as an emergency government. The Prime Minister and the alternate Prime Minister may together extend the emergency government’s term by agreement, in accordance with the circumstances, for additional periods, each for a period not exceeding three months (hereinafter: “the Emergency Period”).
C. During the emergency period, no primary and/or secondary legislation that is not related to dealing with the Corona crisis in all its aspects, including medical, social and economic aspects, as well as any legislation required to do so, will be discussed or promoted. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, primary and/or secondary legislation may be promoted in the emergency period by agreement between the Prime Minister and the alternate Prime Minister. During the emergency period, senior public service appointments requiring government approval will not be made. All such senior, temporary and/or actual appointments existing in the offices will be extended during this period. The aforesaid shall not apply to the appointment of CEOs in government ministries, which appointments’ will be brought before the government at the discretion of the minister whose appointment is requested in their office.
D. With the government’s inauguration, the government’s basic guidelines will address the Corona crisis and its broad implications for the Israeli economy and society (health, economics, emphasis on distressed populations, regional Corona-related cooperation with countries and entities in the Middle East). A team will be set up consisting of at least one representative from each government-affiliated faction to formulate the government’s basic guidelines and other conclusions as required in relation to the way the government works during the unity period. The team, as per the agreement set out below, will also formulate rules for senior public service appointments that require government approval for the post-emergency period. The composition of the team will be equivalent in size between the two blocs such that in the event that a particular bloc appoints more faction members, the other bloc may add members on its behalf to obtain an equal number of members in the committee, Any decision taken by the committee will require the agreement of the two heads of the two blocs. The committee will complete its work by the end of the emergency period.
E. At the end of the emergency period, all primary legislative initiatives will be promoted subject to the approval of the Ministerial Legislative Committee, which shall act in a manner that requires mutual consent as specified in Article 21 of this agreement and during the entire term of the government, all Knesset members of the coalition parties will be obliged to oppose any primary legislation that has not been approved in advance by the Ministerial Committee on Legislative Affairs.
A. During the first 18 months of the government’s term, the Prime Minister will serve as the head of the government, and the alternate Prime Minister will be appointed as the substitute Prime Minister.
B. At the end of the first 18 months, as stated in subsection A, and for the entire period of 18 months remaining for the Prime Minister’s office, the alternate Prime Minister will become Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister will serve as alternate Prime Minister and substitute Prime Minister.
C. Basic Law: The government and any other laws relating to the matter will be amended before the inauguration of the government, inter alia, in order to enable the anchoring of the arrangement as stated at the inauguration of the government, without the need for the resignation of the Prime Minister at the end of 18 months and with no requirement for the re-swearing in of the government upon the replacement of the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister’s designation for the role of alternate Prime Minister.
D. Under the legislative amendments mentioned in subsection C above, it will also be stipulated that sections 17 and 18 of the Basic Law: The Government, and Article 4 of the Government Law also apply to the one holding the post of alternate Prime Minister. Section 22 (b) does not apply to one who holds the post of alternate Prime Minister. Except as provided in this section and in the attached proposed bill, there will be no change in the status of the Prime Minister or in the status of his substitute, however the bill states that the Prime Minister cannot, within Article 22, fire ministers
from the bloc of Blue and White but only his substitute can do so during his own term and that during the rotation period, only the alternate Prime Minister can fire or appoint Likud bloc ministers.
E. Additional provisions will be issued regarding the security of the alternate Prime Minister and the substitute Prime Minister in related matters such as housing arrangements, offices and all that derives directly and indirectly therefrom, without detracting from the fact that the alternate Prime Minister and acting Prime Minister will be considered prime minister for all intents and purposes, including housing arrangements for the alternate Prime Minister and the like, and the Prime Minister, who will become an alternate Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, will be entitled to all the conditions accompanying the Prime Minister position.
During the entire term of the government, all Knesset members of the coalition parties will be obliged to oppose any primary legislation that has not been approved in advance by the Ministerial Committee on Legislative Affairs.
Under Section 22, no-one can fire ministers from the bloc of Blue and White except for the alternate PM and then only during his rotation period may the alternate PM remove or appoint Likud bloc ministers.
5. No Deputy Prime Ministers will be appointed.
6. The transfer of powers or division between offices held by one of the blocs will be done with the agreement of the Prime Minister when it comes to the Likud bloc and with the agreement of the alternate Prime Minister when it comes to the Blue and White bloc. The transfer of powers between offices held by ministers from the same bloc will be done by agreement between the Prime Minister and the alternate Prime Minister.
7. Before the establishment of the government, any legislation required for the establishment of the government as stipulated by this agreement shall be passed in the Knesset. This includes enacting legislation on the date of establishment of the Prime Minister and the alternate Prime Minister for their positions throughout the term of the government, so that when the rotational arrangement provided for in this agreement is implemented, the government will continue to serve without having to express its confidence in the Knesset. The Prime Minister and the alternate Prime Minister will be sworn into the Knesset for their positions according to the term of office in these positions provided for in this agreement, at the time of the establishment of the government. In addition, the provisions regarding the date of dissolution of the 23rd Knesset and the election of the 24th Knesset will be enacted, stipulating that the government will serve throughout the term of office without restrictions as an incumbent government.
8. The parties will give each other additional collateral for the complete fulfillment of this agreement, and in particular with regard to the rotation arrangement in the positions of the Prime Minister and the alternate Prime Minister, and for the term of Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu and Mr. Benny Gantz in the positions provided for in this agreement. A special arrangement will be established for a vote of no confidence: the existing arrangement will remain in force, however the Prime Minister and
alternate Prime Minister will not be able to stand in as Prime Minister as a result of a lack of confidence in the government.
Dissolution of the Knesset by law during the first year and a half will lead to the replacement of the Prime Minister by the alternate Prime Minister, who will serve during the transition government, provided that at least 12 Knesset members from the Likud bloc appointed on the date of the government’s inauguration supported the proposed bill.
The dissolution of the Knesset after a year and a half will leave the alternate Prime Minister in office, provided that at least 12 members of the Likud bloc (on the swearing-in date) support the Knesset dissolution bill.
If the number of Likud bloc members decreases from 59 on the day of the inauguration, the number of 12 MKs mentioned above will decrease accordingly.
Dissolution of the Knesset by law during the last year and a half will lead to the appointment of the Deputy Prime Minister, who will serve during the transition government, provided that at least 12 Knesset members appointed at the time of the inauguration from the Blue and White bloc supported the bill.
If after the swearing-in of the government until the end of the emergency period a current or future impediment occurs in appointing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and/or MK Benny Gantz to the post of Prime Minister and/or the role of alternate Prime Minister (in either position and in either of the two terms of the government), the Likud and Blue and White parties commit to reject any proposed alternative candidate for the positions of Prime Minister and the role of alternate Prime Minister in the 23rd Knesset and not to support this at any other time. In such a case, the parties will work jointly to dissolve the Knesset.
The provision of this paragraph shall hold for 6 months from the date of the establishment of the government or 30 days from the date of the prevention (as mentioned above) (whichever time is shorter). The circumstances referred to in section 43A (a) of the Basic Law: The Government will not be considered as an exemption for the purposes of this section.
9. If Prime Minister Netanyahu permanently ceases serving as Prime Minister before his allotted time for health reasons or because he decides to resign at his own initiative, the alternate Prime Minister will take up his post and serve the full term of office (18 months). After the aforementioned 18 months, Prime Minister Netanyahu will return to the post of Prime Minister for the remainder of the period he would have fulfilled had he not ended his term as detailed in this section. Additional terms set out in the bill attached to this agreement shall also apply.
A. A minister belonging to the Likud bloc will not be fired without the agreement of the Prime Minister and no minister belonging to the Blue and White bloc will be fired without the alternative Prime Minister’s consent. The Prime Minister will not be allowed to dismiss his Deputy Prime Minister or a minister from the bloc headed by the alternate Prime Minister. This said arrangement shall also apply during the second term of office.
B. If one of the ministers ceases to be a member of the government for any reason, the Prime Minister or the alternate Prime Minister as the case may be will select a different minister belonging to the bloc which he heads. To prevent any doubt, the parity balancing mechanism between the two blocks as stated in this agreement will be maintained.
C. In the event that a member of government is prevented from voting on a particular matter, an offsetting mechanism will be established whereby a minister belonging to the second bloc will also not vote in order to ensure that the principle of parity is maintained. This principle shall also apply in the event that one of the blocs refuses, temporarily or permanently, to appoint the full quota of ministers assigned to it under this agreement.
11. Maximum guarantees and collateral will be given by all the factions of the coalition to maintain the coalition agreement, which will also be signed by the coalition parties. A party discipline will be enacted not to cooperate in any possible dissolution of the coalition. All coalition factions will support the continuation of this coalition, even if one of the parties to this agreement has breached or will withdraw from the framework provided for in the agreement.
12. During the emergency period, the government will consist of 32 Ministers (including the Prime Minister and the alternate PM). Up to 30 days after the end of the full emergency period, 4 additional ministers will be appointed (two ministers for each party). If one party does not appoint the ministers under this section, this will not violate the principle of parity as set out in section 10 (C).
A. The government will consist of up to eight deputy ministers per bloc, with each bloc appointing deputy ministers to the offices it holds, unless an agreement has been reached between the Prime Minister and the alternate Prime Minister to appoint a deputy minister who belongs to one bloc in the office held by the other bloc.
B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (A) above, each party may appoint up to two deputy ministers in the other party’s offices (provided that there are not two deputy ministers from one bloc appointed in an office headed by a minister from the other bloc), subject to the identity of the deputy minister being agreed upon by the relevant minister. It will be possible to appoint two deputy ministers in each office and the law will be amended accordingly.
C. For the purpose of implementing all of the provisions of this section, all necessary legislative amendments are to be implemented before the government is established, including the amendment of section 25 (D) of the Basic Laws of the Government.
A. Government offices shall be divided among the blocs in the manner set out below in this section. The Prime Minister and his deputy will determine throughout the term of the government, each relative to its bloc, the identity of the ministers, including which portfolios will be handed over to other factions that are members of the coalition.
B. The government ministries which will be handed over to the Likud bloc are: Prime Minister for the first term of government. Alternate Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister for the second term of government, as set out in section 4 above. The alternate Prime Minister and Substitute Prime Minister will work in advance and in coordination regarding Israel’s international relations.
1. Ministry of Finance
2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs portfolio during the second period of the government in office
3. Ministry of Homeland Security
4. Ministry of Education
5. Ministry of the Interior
6. Ministry of Transportation
7. Ministry of Construction and Housing
8. Ministry of Health
9. Ministry of Religious Services
10.Ministry of Energy
11.Ministry of Environmental Protection
12.Ministry of Intelligence Affairs
13.Ministry of Regional Cooperation
14.Ministry for the Negev, Galil and Periphery
15.Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage
The government offices that will be handed over to Blue and White are:
1. Alternate Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister for the first term of office
2. Prime Minister for the second period of the government
3. Ministry of Defense
4. Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the first term of government
5. Ministry of Justice
6. Ministry of Economy
7. Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
8. Ministry of Communications
9. Ministry of Agriculture
10.Ministry of Culture and Sports
11.Ministry of Immigration and Absorption
12.Ministry of Tourism
13.Ministry of Minority Affairs
14.Ministry of Diaspora Affairs
15.Ministry of Science and Space
16.Ministry of Strategic Affairs
17.Ministry of Social Equality and Senior Citizens
The Ministry of Energy or the Ministry of Environmental Protection during the second term of government, to be determined by agreement between the Prime Minister and his alternate.
15. 48 hours before the government is installed, Knesset Speaker Benny Gantz will resign, and a new Knesset chairman will be elected on behalf of the Likud bloc. The Likud bloc candidate for Knesset Speaker will be agreed upon by the alternate Prime Minister. All coalition Knesset members will support the Likud bloc candidate for Knesset Speaker. At that same meeting, the government will also be sworn in .
16. The Knesset Speaker’s role belongs to the Likud Bloc throughout the 23rd Knesset Term. If for some reason, the Knesset Speaker’s tenure is terminated during the 23rd Knesset’s term, all members of the coalition factions will support the Likud bloc candidate, who will be replaced by the alternate Prime Minister.
17. A. The government will enact a Norwegian law that would allow a minister or deputy minister to resign from their membership in the Knesset for the benefit of their faction list, and return and serve in the Knesset as soon as they resign from their ministry. The law stipulates that once a minister or deputy minister who resigns from the Knesset under the stipulation in the Norwegian law holds office in his ministry, they will automatically resume serving as a Knesset member, and the last members of the faction listed in the Knesset at that time will cease to serve there.
B. The law will stipulate that as for a candidate list consisting of both parties, the Norwegian law will consider each component a separate faction, so that instead of a minister or deputy minister resigning from the Knesset, the first candidate on the list who is not a Knesset member with the Prime Minister’s or Deputy Prime Minister’s party will enter in accordance with the registration made at the time of approval of the list of candidates for the Knesset by the Central Election Commission.
C. The number of ministers and deputy ministers who can resign from the Knesset under the stipulation in the Norwegian Law may not exceed five from each faction composed of less than 20 Knesset members, but not more than one-third of the faction or two members of the Knesset, whichever is higher, and no more than 2 of each faction of more than 20 Knesset members at the same time.
18. The identity of the Israeli Ambassador to Washington will always be determined by the incumbent prime minister, so that during the term of the alternate prime minister as prime minister, he will be determined by the alternate prime minister.
19. The Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, the Israeli Ambassador in London, the Israeli Ambassador in Paris and the Israeli Ambassador in Canberra will be appointed by the Prime Minister for the entire term of the government (and will not be replaced at the time of and after the rotation).
20. Establishing an agenda for government work and its deliberations shall be done in advance and with the agreement of the Prime Minister and the alternate Prime Minister and substitute Prime Minister. No issue will be raised without prior agreement between the two. In every forum where the Prime Minister sits, the alternate Prime Minister and substitute will also sit . The Prime Minister and the alternate Prime Minister and substitute Prime Minister will be fully transparent and compliant with all Intelligence and other material.
21. The Minister of Justice will serve as the Chairman of the Ministerial Committee on Legislative Affairs. The Likud bloc will appoint a chairman for the committee. No agenda will be imposed on the committee, and no vote will be taken on any issue that is not explicitly agreed upon and chaired by the committee chairman and his deputy. The Ministerial Committee on Legislative Affairs will also maintain parity in such a way that the number of members from each bloc will be equal. All members of the coalition will oppose any private bill that has not been approved by the Ministerial Committee on Legislative Affairs.
22. A. Knesset committees whose heads will be given to the Likud bloc are:
1) Finance Committee
2) The Constitution and Law Commission
3) Corona Affairs Committee
4) Labor and Welfare Committee
5) Immigration and Absorption Committee
6) Committee for the War on Drugs
7) Economic Commission
B. Knesset committees, headed by the Blue and White bloc are:
1) Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee
2) Committee on the Interior and the Environment
3) Education Committee
4) The Knesset Committee
5) Science and Technology Commission
6) Committee on the Status of Women
7) Committee for Children’s Rights
C. During the entire period the Chairman of the Knesset Committee will be from the Blue and White Bloc. His term will be set for one and a half years and then he will be re-elected or another candidate will be selected from the Blue and White bloc. The chairperson of the Constitution and Law Commission will be from the Likud bloc for the entire period. His term will be set for one and a half years and then he will be re-elected or another elected candidate will be selected from the Likud bloc.
23. The chairman of the coalition and the minister acting as Liaison between the Government and the Knesset will be appointed by whomever serves as prime minister at that time.
24. Upon establishment of the government, a recruitment law will be enacted based on the Ministry of Defense and the IDF’s proposal, amending it such that recruitment objectives will be determined by a government decision and not by primary legislation. Adjustments will also be made on the dates stated in the bill (submitted in July 2018), so that all dates will be postponed accordingly from the date of the law’s adoption upon its third reading in the Knesset.
The bill will also be amended such that in the event that the number of actual recruits decreases from the year 2022 from 85 percent of the total annual recruitment target during three consecutive years, the government will decide within a year on yearly recruitment target plans and will approve a plan for economic incentives- both positive and negative- for meeting or for failing to meet the determined objectives. Notwithstanding the above, after enactment of the foregoing law for recruitment, the government will formulate for the Minister of Defense’s proposal a comprehensive new law regarding enlistment in the IDF and National Service in accordance with the broad and updated outline consistent with the needs of society in Israel with its many variables and layers, with the agreement of the coalition factions.
25. The parties shall endeavor to reach an agreement on the establishment of a joint coalition in national institutions, and to determine by agreement the various role holders therein.
26. The Judiciary Appointment Committee – government representatives in the Judiciary Appointment Committee will be the Justice Minister and another minister from the Likud bloc. The coalition will present one Knesset member on behalf of the Likud bloc (Ms. Osnat Hila Mark) and one Knesset member on behalf of the Blue and White bloc (MK Zvi Hauser) to be elected among Knesset members. All coalition members commit to present no additional candidates and are obliged to elect these same two coalition candidates after approval of the “Norwegian Law” in the Knesset. There will be no changes in the composition of the Committee, its nomination processes and the appointment of accepted judges and in the dates of appointing accepted judges especially those who were appointed in advance, including judges whose appointment is scheduled to begin after the end of the 23rd Knesset.
27. The National Service Director, the Settlement Division and the Public Diplomacy Center will be the responsibility of a minister from the Likud bloc, to be appointed by the Prime Minister. The Director of the Holocaust Survivors Administration and the Bedouin Administration Director will be the responsibility of a Blue and White minister appointed by the alternate Prime Minister.
28. The Prime Minister and the alternate Prime Minister will work together and in coordination to advance peace agreements with all our neighbors and to promote regional cooperation in a variety of economic areas and the issue of the Corona crisis. With regard to President Trump’s declaration, the Prime Minister and alternate Prime Minister will act together and in a coordinated manner in full agreement with the United States, including with regard to the maps in coordination with the US and international dialogue on the issue, while pursuing the security and strategic interests of the State of Israel including the need for maintaining regional stability, maintaining peace agreements and striving for future peace agreements.
29. Notwithstanding Section 3, Section 20, Section 21 and Section 28 above, and after a discussion and consultation between the Prime Minister and the alternate Prime Minister on the principles set out above, the Prime Minister will be able to bring the agreement to be reached with the United States on the application of sovereignty as of July 1st, 2020 for cabinet and government debate and for approval by the government and/or the Knesset. If the Prime Minister wants to present his proposal to the Knesset, he can also do so through an MK provided that the latter is from the Likud faction, so as to ensure that during the preliminary reading the legislation be adapted to the same wording as presented by the Prime Minister in the cabinet and government. After the preliminary reading, the law will be passed as soon as possible and in the quickest possible way, and in a way that will not allow the Chairman of the Knesset Committee and the Knesset Committee to disrupt and delay the discussion at the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. Subject to the foregoing, the Appendix on the Coalition’s Terms of Operations shall not apply for the purposes of this section.
30. Close to the establishment of the government and no later than 90 days from the date of the government’s inauguration, the coalition will ensure an orderly transfer of the State budget, including special budgets to deal with the Corona crisis. The budget will be biennial for the years 2020-2021. The State budget will be updated from time to time according to the changing needs of the country during this crisis. The State budget will be updated at the beginning of 2021 and at that same time, a budget for 2022 will be approved if there is no agreement on updating the 2021 budget, namely the original budget will be approved as the 2021 budget and it will not be considered as lacking budget approval. By the end of 2022, the budget for 2023 will be approved. A legal provision will be set up that allows a bi-annual budget to be submitted and updated every year for the next two years. If there is no agreement on the budget, the issue will be brought for a decision by the Prime Minister and his alternate. If the budget is not transferred on the agreed date, the party that failed to transfer the budget and/or that did not support its transfer would be deemed to have violated this agreement. In such a case, the Prime Minister will be replaced in a way such that the party upholding this agreement will serve or will continue to serve as prime minister
The prime minister’s reign will last another 3 months based on the three stipulated in the law (end of June), and if after six months no budget has been passed, the Knesset will be dissolved and elections will be held. After 90 days, the incumbent Prime Minister will continue as prime minister.
31. All appointments to councils and corporations (which are non-governmental companies) that require government approval will be appointed by the government on an equitable basis between the blocs. This does not detract from the existing appointment and eligibility rules.
32. A parity ministerial committee will be set up for each regulatory issue. Each committee will be co-chaired by Likud and Blue and White representatives and their decisions will be taken by consensus. The committee will work to reduce regulation in the State of Israel.
33. A parity committee will be established to review the “Kaminitz Law”.
34. The support units, Israel Digital, and the Israel Government’s Advertising Agency will be in the Prime Minister’s Office.
35. Until the establishment of the government, the parties to this agreement shall act in full cooperation with the Knesset and Knesset committees, and shall vote in various Knesset votes and in Knesset committees only by agreement and in coordination.
36. A mechanism will be set up to resolve disputes for coordination and agreement on all government actions and its representatives in any matter not expressly settled in this agreement. The committee will have four members – two from each side.
37. Following the termination of the legislative procedures referred to in this agreement, and before the term in Article 10 of the Basic Law expires, all members of the Likud bloc and the Blue and White bloc will sign a letter to the nation’s President, asking him to designate the mandate to form the government on Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu.
38. All legislative changes required to implement this agreement shall be fully supported by all the members of the coalition to be established and subject to their approval by the Ministerial Legislative Committee. The legislative amendments required before the alternate government is sworn in will be made in parity bills and if the parties agree to propose a government bill it will be approved by the government in the existing manner before signing this agreement.
39. The parties may amend this agreement by agreement between them.
40. An appendix will be attached to this agreement regarding the coalition’s work and the Government’s bylaws to be adjusted in accordance with this agreement.
41. An appendix is attached to this agreement as a proposal to the Basic Law: The Government (the alternate government). The bill proposed is an integral part of this agreement.
Signed and Agreed:
Likud faction
Blue and White faction