Despite a pattern of using its veto power to sink UNSC resolutions denouncing Israel, the United States abstains from voting on a resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction, including East Jerusalem. Arab analysts gloat because the resolution will be used to further delegitimize Israel’s management of the territories gained in the June 1967 war. Leaders in Israel, diaspora Jews and other supporters of Israel loudly criticize the resolution as being biased and harmful to Israel’s future.
PM Netanyahu condemns the US abstention and shows particular anger at the US for allowing the Security Council to be used as “a place to resolve” aspects of the conflict. Explaining the US veto, while condemning previous Palestinian violence toward Israelis, US Permanent Representative to the UN Samantha Power states, “one cannot simultaneously champion expanding Israeli settlements and champion a viable two-state solution that would end the conflict. One has to make a choice between settlements and separation…” In March 1980, the Carter administration votes in favor of a similar UNSC (465) resolution; five days after this UN vote, Secretary Kerry blisters Israel’s settlement’s policy. Source