
History, Politics and Diplomacy of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
This compilation, in its third edition, includes 521 items/2140 pages covering the period from 1893 to February 2017. It includes accords, agreements, declarations, diary entries, memoranda of understandings, original archival materials, proposed initiatives and plans, press conferences, political statements, quotations from political principles, speeches, secret understandings, summit conference protocols, treaties, UN Resolutions, and more. Many of the entries are translated from Arabic, German, and Hebrew and appear in English for the first time. Included are thirteen maps covering the Ottoman period to the present. Divided chronologically into to six sections, each has a short historical introduction of important events of that particular period. The book’s introduction describes the four decades of source collection. Digitally searchable with easy individual document copying for class use.
A course syllabus for using the e-book is provided at
The syllabus can be effectively used to extract documents on specific topics/themes related to the conflict or Israel/Zionist history.
This book can be purchased in Kindle format from July 15, 2017.
The e-book is in pdf format and searchable using a ‘find’ function and side cursor. The e-book is partitioned as follows:
- Part I – 13 Maps, pp. 28-43. Sample – Map of the Ottoman Empire, 1914
- Part II to 1947 – 63 items, pp. 44-328. Sample – Arab Land Sales to the JNF, by mortgage debt forfeiture, summer 1930
- Part III 1948-1966 – 29 items, pp. 345-466. Sample – Menachem Begin on Arab Refugees, 1963
- Part IV 1967-1979 – 102 items, pp. 472-779. Sample – President Lyndon B. Johnson, Five Principles of Peace, 1977
- Part V 1980-1993 – 104 items, pp. 783-1080. Sample – Iraqi President Saddam Hussein Statement on Israel’s Right to a Secure State, 1983
- Part VI 1994-present – 210 items, pp. 1082-2147. Sample – Yitzhak Rabin’s Reasons for Signing the Oslo Accords, 1995
- 2148 pages
- February 2017 College Course (Third edition)
- A syllabus corresponding to this resource book with primary sources referenced to a course calendar may be found here.
“This source reader is a breathtaking collection of documents and maps that will revolutionize the study of the Arab-Israeli conflict: its history, politics, and diplomacy. Taking advantage of the latest in modern technology, Stein has used his vast knowledge of the material to bring together in one place every imaginable important document on the subject. Henceforth, no serious researcher or student of these issues will feel comfortable unless they have access to this comprehensive collection. It is hard to contemplate how much work it took to collect this 1634 page assemblage of critical materials.”
Professor Stephen S. Spiegel, Department of Political Science, UCLA –
“History, Politics and Diplomacy of the Arab Israeli Conflict” is the most comprehensive and accessible compilation ever assembled on a subject that has been the center of international discourse for the last century. It includes nearly 521 documents as well as maps. All are admirably organized to serve the multiple and diverse needs of teachers and students. By offering official and public documents as well as classified and private testimonies, the reader can quickly engage conflicting perspectives on the same events. Derived from sources written in different languages and then translated into English, the reader can readily examine multiple issues in their complexity. This book is highly recommended for a host of educational venues from the pre-collegiate through university courses and the general public. Even experts will find much in here to their surprise and delight.”
Professor Ilan Troen, Stoll Chair in Israel Studies, Editor, Israel Studies (Indiana University Press), President, Association for Israel Studies –
“History, Politics and Diplomacy of the Arab Israeli Conflict is the best comprehensive collection of primary sources on this subject. It is an indispensable tool for any student of the subject while giving a deep and accurate understanding of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Kenneth Stein captures the complexity and richness of the conflict by telling the story of the conflict through the writings of the actors and decision makers who participated in the actual events. The book is a must have for students and teachers alike.”
Dr. Asaf Romirowsky, Executive Director for Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME) and Adjunct Scholar at the Middle East Forum –
“History, Politics, and Diplomacy of the Arab-Israeli Conflict is simply a masterpiece. Kenneth Stein makes an invaluable contribution to the literature on the Arab-Israeli conflict by superbly organizing the most important primary documents on the subject into a single, comprehensive collection. This authoritative work (first edition) includes 521 documents from 1893 to the present and it also includes recently declassified archival documents that have up until now not been translated into English. Assembling such an extensive collection of documents is undoubtedly a herculean task but it is one that Stein has remarkably completed through the publication of this source reader. This is a must read for students, researchers, policy-makers, and for anyone else who has a deep interest in learning about the complete history of the Arab-Israeli conflict.”
Shahin Berenji, Ph.D candidate in the Department of Political Science, UCLA –
“One of the foremost historians of the Middle East in our time, Kenneth Stein, has compiled the essential documentary resource for scholars, students, and policy practitioners. This compilation includes not only the critical policy papers, speeches, and agreements, but also less well-known correspondence and other materials that shed light on what key players were thinking. No serious student or policy maker of the Middle East should leave home without this compilation—literally.”
Ambassador (Ret.) Daniel C. Kurtzer, S. Daniel Abraham Professor, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University –
“The Arab-Israeli Conflict has been a thorny issue which has haunted statesman and attracted world attention for more than a century. The topic has understandably been a focus of a very large amount of scholarly studies. Ken Stein has now greatly enriched that corpus in producing a remarkable book. The author has always called attention to historical documents for a deep understanding of the conflict. In this masterly (first edition) collection of 521 documents covering 175 years of history, Stein has reiterated the claim in a most impressive manner. He has provided us with extremely valuable materials in a single electronic volume which should be a must for laymen and professional alike because they do provide authoritative and significant documents perceptively chosen and skillfully presented. The resultant multifaceted story of the Arab- Israeli conflict can be more fully grasped, evaluated and contended. The book is definitely a tour de force.”
Professor Emeritus, Uri Bialer, Department of International Relations, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem –
“This source document reader is an extraordinary achievement, the triumphal culmination of an impressive academic career and effort spanning decades. Professor Kenneth Stein and his team have done a great service to anyone who cares to learn about Israel and the Middle East. They have truly shown that, as Professor Stein wrote, “context matters.” This superb collection will be extremely useful in many different contexts– from schools, camps and Israel trips to policy-making circles and research institutes.”
Professor Gil Troy, Department of History, McGill University –