Seven weeks after Hamas brutally killed more than 1,200 Israelis and others and kidnapped 239, hostages were exchanged for Palestinian prisoners. Joy, anguish and uncertainty hovered in Israel as some hostages were released and others retained. Joining us for CIE’s eighth weekly webinar to provide insightful analyses on the war and its implications were Tel Aviv University Professor Meir Litvak, delving into the origins of Islamic antisemitism and Iran’s role as ideological choreographer seeking Israel’s destruction; Dr. Mark Heller, a Principal Research Associate at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, a veteran specialist on intraregional politics; and Dr. Steven Bayme, an astute analyst of Israel-Diaspora relations and antisemitism in America. Dr. Ken Stein, CIE President and Emory University Professor Emeritus of Middle Eastern history and political science, was the moderator.