
Israel: A Curriculum for Grades 2-7
Curriculum (one year license) – $250.00
- 27 lessons grouped in eight units: Jewish Connection to the Land; Zionism; People and Places; Institutions; Culture; Israel’s Place in the World; State Building; Jewish Holidays & the Jewish State
- Each lesson contains multiple activities for different grade levels
- Lessons and activities include primary source materials, photographs and maps
The curriculum effectively engages our target population in conversations and activities about Israel which enables them to develop a connection to the people, the land, its history and its future. By fusing together big ideas with hands-on and relevant activities, young people are building a relationship with Israel in a variety of fun, thoughtful and exciting ways
Rabbi Marshall Lesack, Education Director, Congregation Shearith Israel, Atlanta –
We received absolutely glowing comments from the teacher who used this curriculum from our team. I look forward to receiving the new license.
Charlie Sherman, Head of School, Am Yisrael Congregation, Northfield, IL –
As a teacher in K-6 school, I am very appreciative of the CIE Israel curriculum. Before it existed, I spent a lot of time adapting middle and high school curriculum as well as locating appropriate primary sources. Now, I have a wealth of primary sources to use effectively and useable integrated lesson plans.
Gail Robillard, Library and Judaic Specialist, Brawerman Elementary School –