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Click the images below to see highlights from CIE’s Zionism and Us weekend.
Find details about Zionism and Us below.
The Center for Israel Education and Emory’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel are working with the Israeli Consulate General and a range of Jewish organizations to hold an educational weekend Feb. 4 and 5 that will help Atlanta kick off its observance of the forthcoming 75th anniversary of the State of Israel.
“Israel@75: Zionism and Us,” part of CIE’s Israel@75: A Yearlong Exploration, focuses on the deep, important connections and influences between Georgia and the State of Israel.
Registration is required but free. Click here.
The program takes place in two parts:
• Saturday night, Feb. 4, starting at 7:45, we’ll gather at the Marcus Jewish Community Center to discuss where Zionism has succeeded and what elements are unfinished.
The night will begin with a reception of wine and Israeli food. Scholar and author Gil Troy, a CIE board member, will set the tone with a video message. CIE Founding President Ken Stein then will moderate the discussion about Zionism and Israel. The scheduled speakers are Israeli Consul General Anat Sultan-Dadon, The Temple Rabbi Peter Berg, Atlanta Scholars Kollel Rabbi David Silverman and Jewish Fertility Foundation CEO Elana Frank.
• Sunday morning, Feb. 5, starting at 10:30, we’ll meet at Chabad Intown to look at the evolving ways Israel affects Jewish life in Georgia.
The doors will open at 10 a.m. for coffee and snacks, and the program will begin promptly at 10:30 with a panel discussion on Israeli innovations. The scheduled panelists are Dr. Rachel Schonberger of Hadassah, Moran Mizrahi of Rebillia Platform and Alan Wolk of Jewish National Fund, with Dana Neiger of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta’s innovation committee moderating.
Our second panel, starting at 11:50 a.m., will bring together four generations of native Georgians to talk about how they have viewed and interacted with a growing, evolving Israel and how it has affected their lives here. The scheduled panelists are Janice Blumberg, Shai Robkin, Bart Cohen and Abby Warshauer, with Michael Jacobs moderating.
Joining CIE and ISMI in sponsoring the weekend are the Israeli Consulate General, the Marcus Jewish Community Center , the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, the Atlanta Israel Coalition, the Atlanta Rabbinical Association, Hadassah, the Israeli American Council, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Atlanta, the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, Jewish National Fund, Limmud Atlanta+Southeast, The Temple, The Weber School, The Epstein School, and The Atlanta Jews of Color Council.
Sandra Bank’s A Kosher Touch has graciously provided the catering for Saturday evening.
Please join us for this free, informative program. Register here by Feb. 1.