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#112 Contemporary Readings June 2022

July 1, 2022 Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and the Center for Israel Education,  Ahmed Aleiba, “No Arab NATO,” Al-Ahram Weekly, June 28, 2022,  Dalia al-Qadi, “The Need for an Arab NATO is growing ever more pressing,” Arab News, April 5, 2022,  Moran Azoulai, […]

Los Acuerdos Abraham- Estados Unidos, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Israel y Baréin

Forjados silenciosamente durante la última década o incluso antes, los lazos para una relación a largo plazo entre Israel y los estados del Golfo se han hecho públicos, en base a intereses nacionales con la especulación de que las relaciones adversales podrían convertirse en un sistema regional de alianza flexible.

Ken Stein interview with Ambassador Gideon Rafael, Jerusalem, Israel 

Gideon Rafael’s contributions to Israeli diplomacy spanned four decades. His recollections are from the 1930s, the end of the 1947-1949 war, unfolding events before the June 1967 war, and his clear
criticisms of his government’s insufficient response to Sadat’s negotiating overtures to Israel prior to the 1973 War. His life long conclusion: he had hoped that diplomacy would have worked better than it actually did.

The Mandate for Palestine

International legitimacy is granted to establish a Jewish National Home in Palestine. Rules for its establishment clearly give Jews in Palestine distinct advantages over the local Arab population.

The Peace Treaty with Egypt: Achievements and Setbacks, Conference, Tel Aviv University

The Shiloah Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University, March-17-18, 1981, Reprinted with permission. Participants included researchers, academics, politicians, and business people.

Ken Stein Interview with Simcha Dinitz, Jerusalem, Israel

Dinitz focuses on mostly the 1973 October War period, the controversy of delay in the resupply of American military materials to Israel, his relationship with Kissinger and how the US Secretary of State maneuvered the Soviet Union out of postwar diplomacy. He notes that elements of the Israeli army leadership strongly wanted to embarrass Sadat after the war by harming his Israeli surrounded Egyptian Third Army. In the end Israel’s political leadership allowed diplomacy to unfold. Dinitz has great praise for Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat.

Alfabetización judía y una alfabetización de Israel distinta

Ken Stein, June 8, 2022 En su libro de 750 páginas Jewish Literacy (Morrow, 1991), el rabino Joseph Telushkin “resume” lo que significa ser judío y hacer que otros entiendan el judaísmo. Es una compilación exhaustiva de lecturas, rituales, historia, eventos del ciclo de vida, centros de población judía, tragedias, conceptos, puntos de referencia, personalidades […]

Tamar Hermann, “A Conditional Partnership Jews and Arabs,” Israel Democracy Institute, June 2022

The nature of the relations between Jewish and Arab citizens in the State of Israel have undergone, and are currently undergoing, significant changes. However, one fact remains unaltered: Israel is defined as the nation state of the Jewish people alone—a democratic state, but at the same time—the state of the Jewish majority, and a state in which the Arab minority constitutes around 22% of the population.

#111 Contemporary Readings May 2022

Updated June 1, 2022 Assembled by Ken Stein, Michele Freesman-Levenson, Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and the Center for Israel Education, Ahram Online Staff, “UAE to earmark $10 bln for investments in Egypt, Jordan,” Ahram Online, May 29, 2022,–bln-for-investments-in-Egypt,-Jord.aspx  AP. “Israel, UAE sign free trade deal, first with an […]

The Six Day war

From the Israel Government Yearbook, an 11 page description of the June War.

The June War

Following three weeks of building tension with Egypt, particularly Cairo’s dispatch of 200,000 troops into Sinai, the removal UN peace keeping troops from there, the blockade of Israeli shipping access to its port at Eilat, and blistering verbal barrages from Arab leaders threatening Israel’s destruction, Israel preemptively struck Egypt on June 5.

Transcripts, Interviews and Conference Proceedings on Arab-Israeli Negotiations in the 1970s

When oral recollections are used to bolster the written text, subtle shades and emphatic dimensions provide colorful detail to historical writing. Unlike written records, oral evidence provides vignettes, opinions, hues, suppositions, and sentiments almost always absent in a document.

Volume XXIII, Series A (August 1947 – June 1952)

The last of 23 volumes of Chaim Weizmann’s Letters summarized wonderfully by Aaron Klieman, recalls the Israeli first president’s views of those fateful years for Zionism and Israel from 1947-1952. Chaim Weizmann died at his home in Rehovot on 9 November 1952, shortly before his 78th birthday. All of the letters read together, provide ring side seat to Zionism as an idea to the reality of the Jewish state.

Secretary James Baker, American’s Stake in the Persian Gulf, September 4, 1990

US Secretary of State James Baker warns that in a post-Cold War world the US would not let Saddam Hussein’s August 1990 invasion and erasure of Kuwait stand. Baker said that intimidation and force would not be tolerated. In January 1991, the US and its coalition partners ejected Iraq from Kuwait and restored its rulers.

Israel Ambassador to the UN Gideon Rafael to the UN Security Council

A detailed outline is presented of events that led to the June 1967 War.

The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Past, Present and Future (English and Spanish, 65 minutes)

CIE Founding President Kenneth W. Stein, with a continual translation by Universidad Hebraica’s Mauricio Friedman, speaks to the evangelical Centro Cristiano Calacoaya outside Mexico City about the Arab-Israeli conflict. Recorded May 1, 2022.

El Estado de Israel (Inglés y Español, 1 hora)

CIE Founding President Kenneth W. Stein, with a continual translation by Universidad Hebraica’s Mauricio Friedman, addresses an evangelical church outside Mexico City on how and why the State of Israel exists. Recorded May 1, 2022.

#110 Contemporary Readings April 2022

Assembled by Ken Stein, Michele Freesman-Levenson, Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and the Center for Israel Education,  Ramy Aziz, “Egypt, Israel, and Hamas: Opportunities for Progress in Gaza,” Washington Institute for Near East Policy, April 19, 2022,  Nahum Barnea, “Israel must not let its regional allies’ undemocratic practices stick […]

Admission of Israel to the United Nations General Assembly, UNGA Resolution 273

Upon admission to the UN, Israel’s Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett said, “it was
the consummation of a people’s transition from political anonymity to clear identity, from inferiority to equal status, from mere passive protest to active responsibility, from exclusion to membership in the family of nations.”

David Ben-Gurion, Guideline for Zionist Policy, 1941

Jewish Agency head David Ben-Gurion emphasizes that a Jewish state will be a place for all, including Arabs, and calls for Jews to be better educated about the elements of a state.

Abdul-Rahman Azzam Pasha rechaza cualquier compromiso con los sionistas

Azzam Pasha al establecimiento del Estado judío: Este sugería, además, que la violencia sería la única salida y especulaba que los árabes podrían perder el control de Palestina.

Ken Stein Interviews with Ambassador Michael Sterner, Washington, DC

In the 1970s, US State Department Ambassador Michael Sterner was privy to Sadat’s preference for step-by-step diplomacy PRIOR to the 1973 October War. He is critical of the Carter administration for being too satisfied with only a bilateral Egyptian-Israeli Agreement.

Ken Stein interview with Ambassador Moshe Sasson, Jerusalem, Israel

Moshe Sasson spanned four decades in his service to Israel, from the Haganah’s Arab Department of Intelligence in the 1940s to being Israel’s Ambassador to Egypt in the 1980s. He recollects analytically and in detail his conversations with Arab leaders at Lausanne as well as personal impressions of Moshe Dayan and Anwar Sadat. A tour de force.

Ken Stein Interview with Ambassador Roy Atherton, Washington, DC

Ken Stein Interview with Ambassador Roy Atherton, Washington, D.C., July 16, 1992 (16 July 1992) Alfred Roy Atherton, Jr., participated in U.S-Soviet Middle East negotiations and formulation of Rogers Plan, 1969; Kissinger-Ismail secret meeting in Paris, 1973; mission to Moscow in October 1973 to negotiate UNSC 338; Kissinger Middle East shuttle diplomacy team, 1973-1975;  Assistant […]

Ken Stein Interview with David Korn, Washington, D.C.

(29 October 1992) After learning Hebrew, David Korn rose to become chief of the political section while at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv (1968 to mid-1971). Later, he was office director for northern Arab affairs (1972 to 1975), policy planning in 1977, officer director for Arab-Israeli affairs (1978-1981).  In the interview, David Korn shared […]

Dayenu – De la identidad judía al Israel contemporáneo

Cantado o recitado durante la Pascua, el Dayenu original es una apreciación reflexiva sobre los 14 importantes eventos, específicamente envueltos alrededor del éxodo de Egipto. El Dayenu presentado aquí relata la historia judía desde éxodo hasta la actualidad. Esta historia puede ser leída individualmente o de manera responsorial. Diferentes momentos y personajes en la historia judía podrían estar incluidos. Las versiones del Dayenu en hebreo y español se encuentran disponibles.

#109 Contemporary Readings March 2022

April 2, 2022 Assembled by Ken Stein, Michele Freesman-Levenson, Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and the Center for Israel Education, Ramy Aziz, “Cairo’s Opportunity for Policy Change on the War in Ukraine,” Washington Institute for Near East Policy, March 10, 2022,  Michael Barak, “The War on Public Consciousness: Social […]

Ken Stein – Socio-economic Differences Preface Palestine’s Political Partition – The Mandate

Primary sources, reputable scholarship and archival materials collectively show major communal (Arab-Jewish) socio-economic separation, factors that foreshadowed geo-spatial partition.

Cómo se hizo el Israel moderno

Importa dónde eliges comenzar a contar o recordar la historia. Le da forma a la historia y a la política que desea o no transmitir. ¿Lo que incluye y lo que deja de lado revela su conocimiento, sesgos e intenciones políticas? Ver Powerpoint