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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Address to Congress

In a 52 minute speech, Netanyahu explained Israel’s absolute need for total victory in the Gaza war because Hamas and Iran were both enemies of the United States and Israel. With bi-partisan emphasis, he thanked Presidents Biden and Trump for their unwavering current and past support. Dozens of congressional members did not attend his speech, noting disagreements with the Prime Minister’s policies.

88 Israelis Go for Gold in Paris

Michael Jacobs, July 24, 2024 Israel is sending 88 athletes to the 2024 Summer Olympics, officially opening Friday, July 26, in Paris. It’s the second-largest Israeli Olympic delegation ever, behind the 90 competitors at the last Summer Olympics in Tokyo. The Tokyo Games, delayed from 2020 to 2021 because of COVID-19, also were Israel’s most […]

Senator Kamala Harris Address to Annual AIPAC Conference, Washington

Two months into her Senate position, Harris promised “to do everything in my power to ensure broad and bipartisan support for Israel’s security and right to self-defense.” She endorsed the 10 year, $38 billion US military aid package to Israel while strongly backing (seven years before October 2023) a two-state Palestinian-Israeli solution.”

Gil Troy,  “The Essential Guide to October 7 and Its Aftermath: Facts, Figures, History” Jewish People Policy Institute, Jerusalem, Israel,  July 2024; 65 pages, CIE Board Member

This guidebook seeks to help Jews and non-Jews, in Israel and worldwide, understand the events that have unfolded since October 7 in historical and ideological context. These are difficult times – and this is no Six Day War. Months after absorbing the bloodiest terrorist attack in its history, Israel finds itself stuck on so many […]

David Makovsky, “Disagreements on Hostages Loom Over Netanyahu’s Washington Trip,” July 19, 2024, Washington Institute for Near East Policy

With permission Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s latest Washington visit will center around a July 24 speech to a joint session of Congress and a meeting with President Biden two days earlier, marking their first White House encounter since Netanyahu formed his current government in December 2022. Although the prime minister will set a record […]

Minutes of a Jewish Agency Meeting of Institutions on Issues Concerning the Inaugural Maccabiah Games, Jewish Agency Offices, Jerusalem  

Zionists decide to hold the first international sports games in Tel Aviv bringing 400 Jewish athletes from 18 countries. The games open on March 28, 1932. Zionists value the games as a “possible awakening of youth in the Diaspora” to Zionism and the positive economic outcome for the Jewish community in Palestine.

The Jewish State, Theodor Herzl

Eventual head of the World Zionist Organization, Theodor Herzl says anti-Semitism requires a Jewish state.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Address to the US Congress

Netanyahu praises the Obama administration for its support of Israel’s security, then roundly criticizes it for negotiating a deal with Iran that will not roll back its nuclear breakout time and for not demanding that before sanctions are lifted that Iran stop its support of terrorism and threats to wipe Israel off the map.

Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s Reasons for Signing the Oslo Accords

(November 1, 1995) Three days before he was assassinated on November 4, 1995, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin told  his speech writer Yehuda Avner, why he recognized the PLO and Yasir Arafat. That recognition came in the exchange of letters between Rabin and Arafat on September 9, 1993, four days before the Oslo Accords were signed.  […]

Yigal Allon, Lessons from the War of Independence, 1952

Allon was a Palmach commander in the late 1940s. Later, he briefly served as Israel’s Prime Minister., holding many other posts. Cogently, he offers 14 reasons why the Zionists succeeded and the Arabs did not.

July 9, 2024, Jim Zanotti, “Major Issues and U.S-Israel Relations”,” Congressional Research Service, July 9, 2024.

This is an excellent historical review of the relationship, including discussion of the Israel-Hamas War (31p.).

Quotations from Hamas Sources Expressing Hatred for Zionism, Israel, and Jews, 1988 – present

Since its inception in 1988, Hamas has been crystal clear about its total opposition to Zionism and Israel. It opposes any kind of negotiations or agreements that recognize Israel as a reality, and its more extreme spokesmen regularly incite or celebrate the killing of Jews.

Der Arabisch-Israelische Krieg von 1948 – Eine kurze Geschichte

Ken Stein Einführung  Der Krieg, der auch als Israels Unabhängigkeitskrieg oder „die Nakbah“ (Katastrophe) für die arabische Welt bekannt ist, da ein jüdischer Staat gegründet wurde, wurde ausgetragen zwischen dem neu gegründeten jüdischen Staat Israel und palästinensischen irregulären Truppen sowie Armeen aus fünf arabischen Staaten. Der offizielle Kriegsbeginn wird gewöhnlich auf den 14. Mai 1948 […]

1937 – Did politische Bedeutung des Landkaufs,” Keren Kayemeth Liyisrael [JNF]

E.M. Epstein, The Political Significance of Land Purchases, JNF, Information Circular No. 2/98, strictly confidential, 1937: CZA/S25/10250 Der Jüdische Nationalfonds (JNF), gegründet im Jahr 1901, war eine von mehreren zionistischen Organisationen, die die jüdische Einwanderung und Landbesiedlung in Palästina förderten und unterstützten. Sein Hauptziel war die Bewertung und der Kauf von Land, das zur Schaffung […]

Theodor Herzl, ‘Die Judenfrage,” Die Judenstaat

Herzl, Theodor. “The Jewish Question.” The Jewish State. Trans. Sylvie D’Avigdor. 1896. N.p.: American Zionist Emergency Council, 1946. N. pag. Print. Die Ursprünge der zionistischen Bewegung werden oft als synonym mit dem Leben und den Zeiten von Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) betrachtet. Obwohl Herzl relativ jung starb, hielten seine Ideen stand; die zionistische Bewegung brach nicht […]

July 2024 – Ronald E. Neumann, “Lessons for Postwar Gaza from the American Experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan,” Jerusalem Strategic Tribune, July 2024

(with permission) “Don’t repeat our mistakes—we can do it ourselves.” This line occurred to me as I listened to discussions of “the day after” in Gaza. Plans and ideas need to address the detailed problems of implementation. I do not pose as an expert on Israel or Palestinian affairs. Rather I draw from the painful […]

IDF Details October 7 Failures at Kibbutz Be’eri

The Israel Defense Forces “failed in its mission to protect the residents of Kibbutz Be’eri,” with those failures ranging from planning and communication to command and control, when Hamas overwhelmed the Negev kibbutz on Oct. 7, 2023. That is the conclusion of an IDF inquiry into the battle for Be’eri, the hardest-hit of all the […]

IDF inquiry team determines after thorough investigation that the IDF failed in its mission to protect residents of Kibbutz Be’eri on October 7

The inquiry team determined that the IDF failed in its mission to protect the residents of Kibbutz Be’eri; the bravery of the Be’eri residents and the members of the kibbutz’s civilian rapid response team are commended for preventing the attack from spreading.  In the October 7, 2024 Hamas attack on the kibbutz, 101 civilians were killed, and 30 hostages from Kibbutz Be’eri and two additional hostages were abducted and taken into Gaza.

Annotated Hamas Bibliography – in-depth assessments, analyses, objectives,  regional and international implications

Among Palestinians, Hamas popularity soars, two state solution at lowest ebb, Rise in European Anti-semitism, and Michael Mihlstein’s insightful analysis an essential read.

Uma breve história do Hamas

Ken Stein Na Carta Constitucional do Hamas de 1988, em comentários de seus líderes e em outras publicações, eles expressam o seu ódio ao sionismo, a Israel e aos judeus. É evidentemente claro que o Hamas abomina o sionismo, Israel e os judeus em um Estado soberano. O Hamas se opõe a qualquer tipo de negociação que reconheça Israel […]

Palestine High Commissioner Sir John Chancellor seeks to stop the Jewish national home, dispatch to the Colonial Secretary, Lord Passfield

Palestine’s High Commissioner Chancellor seeks to halt the Jewish National Home in favor of the Arabs. He fails to overcome the Zionist drive and Arab unwillingness to cooperate with his intentions.

#136 Contemporary Readings June 2024 – Including Israel-Hamas War

Assembled by Scott Abramson and Ken Stein, Center for Israel Education “AJC Survey Shows American Jews are Deeply and Increasingly Connected to Israel,” American Jewish Committee, June 10, 2024,  “ Alan Aziz, “Israel at War But It Keeps Innovating,” Jewish Chronicle, June 30, 2024, Shaul Bartal, “From the Battle of Badr to Military Defeat: […]

Shamgar Commission Report on the Assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin

The Israeli investigation concludes that Yigal Amir is Rabin’s assassin. The Commission does not assess the impact on the assassin of the vicious language directed at Rabin for signing the Oslo Accords.

“Agranat Commission” – Yom-Kippur War

The Israeli government assigns responsibility to military leaders for failures leading to and
execution of the War; though not assigned direct blame, Prime Minister Meir and Defense Minister Dayan resign in April 1974.

Citações de fontes do Hamas que expressam ódio contra o sionismo, Israel e os judeus, 1988-2014

Desde sua fundação em 1988, o Hamas tem sido bastante claro sobre sua total oposição ao sionismo e a Israel. Ele se opõe a quaisquer tipos de negociações ou acordos que reconheçam Israel como uma realidade, e seus porta-vozes mais extremados regularmente incitam ou celebram o assassinato de judeus. O Hamas tem se oposto a […]

Israel and Arab-Israeli Conflict Timeline – 1800s to the Present

This timeline includes maps, photos, and hyperlinks to documents and sources also found on the website. There are four dozen hyperlinks age appropriate for teens and older.

Dana Stroul, “Escalation – Hezbollah-Israel,” Washington Institute for Near East Policy, June 28, 2024 (video, 1:29)

Dana Stroul, “Escalation – Hezbollah-Israel,” leads incisive discussion with four outstanding panelists on high prospects of war, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, June 28, 2024 (video, 1:29)- With permission. View on YouTube.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 – Israel – Lebanese Border

Adopted in August 2006, this UN Resolution brought the 33 day Israel-Hezbollah war to an end, but it conspicuously failed to bring the Israel-Hezbollah conflict to conclusion. Though intended, keeping Hezbollah fighters from reoccupying the Israel-Lebanese border areas was not halted, giving rise to semi continuous cross the border firings, leading to its intensification after October 2023, with Hamas attack on Israel.