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Beyond Birthright and Advocacy

At Seattle’s Temple de Hirsch Congregation a week ago, the audience audibly gasped when I told them that the next day I would be giving a noon talk at Evergreen State College.

Michael Margolit: Meet Israel’s New Lawmakers

Michael Margolit, Meet Israel’s New Lawmakers,” Ynet News, March 20, 2015.

#24 Contemporary Readings and Analyses, February 2015

Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University and Center for Israel Education or   AFP, “Boutique Revolution Puts Israeli Wines on World Map.” YNetNews. January 25, 2015.,7340,L-4617935,00.html Agence France Presse, “Jordan, Israel sign deal to help save Dead Sea.” Middle East Institute. Feb. 26, 2015. Asharq Al-Awsat Staff, “Egypt bombs ISIS targets in Libya after 21 Egyptians beheaded.” Asharq Al-Awsat. Feb. 18, […]

Itamar Rabinovich: Israel and the Changing Middle East

Complexity and ambivalence are inherent in Israel’s relationship with its Middle Eastern environment. Israel’s national security agenda is shaped by the hostility of a large part of the Arab and Muslim worlds.

The Balfour Declaration

Hurewitz, J.C. The Middle East and North Africa in World Politics, A Documentary Record . 2nd, Revised and Enlarged ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979. 106. Print. Vol. 2 of British-French Supremacy. Background to the Declaration The Balfour Declaration was the Jewish charter that Herzl failed to obtain from the Ottoman Sultan twenty years […]

#23 Contemporary Readings and Analyses, January 2015

Contemporary Readings and Analyses, January 2015 Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Aaron David Miller, “Why the Diplomatic Intifada Will Fail.” Politico. January 04, 2015. Tariq Alhomayed, “Nasrallah’s Next Move.” Asharq Al-Awsat. January 21, 2015. Abdulrahaman Al-Rashid, “The Future of Saudi Foreign Policy.” Al-Sharq Al-Awsat. January 29, 2015. Abdulrahaman […]

#22 Contemporary Readings and Analyses, December 2014

Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University and Center for Israel Education or   Ayman Jawad Al Tamimi, and Jonathan Spyer, “Iran and the Shia Militias Advance in Iraq.” GLORIA Center. December 13, 2014. Sultan Barakat, “Pivots and Peace-Making in Qatar’s Regional Policy.” Brookings Institute. December 29, 2014. Zvi Bare’el, “A Virtual Stroll Through the Alleyways […]

Alliances of Convenience Alongside Alliances of Conviction

Alliances of convenience alongside alliances of conviction: when do the first become the second? Who is telling the story that we read?

Zionism is Racism UNGA Resolution 3379

Led by USSR and Arab states, Zionism is labeled as racist; the resolution is revoked in 1991.

US-Israeli Working Paper on Conference Procedures

After brutally frank and caustic meetings between Israeli Foreign Minister Dayan and President Carter, the US relents to Israeli demands that a peace conference be only an opening for direct talks.

US-Israeli Memorandum of Agreement Dealing with Future Negotiations

The US promises coordination with Israel on resumed negotiations, not to negotiate or recognize
the PLO until it recognizes Israel’s right to exist, and accepts UNSC Resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973).

Israel-Egypt Separation of Forces Agreement

The US mediates an agreement separating forces in Sinai after the 1973 War; Egyptian and Israeli
generals will negotiate additional details.

UN Security Resolution 1397 Reaffirming a Two-State Solution

This is the first UN resolution to call for “two States, Israel and Palestine, to live side by side within secure and recognized borders.”

Biblical Covenants

G-d promises Jews a great nation in return for observance of belief and practice of laws.

#21 Contemporary Readings and Analyses – November 2014

Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Sadik J. Al Azm, “Syria in Revolt: Understanding the Unthinkable War.” Tel Aviv Notes. November 26, 2014. Yaacov Amidror, “Between a Hollow Success and a Legacy of Failure.” Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies. December 1, 2014. Kristine Anderson, “After the Elections: […]

#20 Contemporary Readings and Analyses- October 2014

Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Today in Israeli History, Center for Israel Education, Dan Arbell, “The U.S.-Turkey-Israel Triangle.” Brookings Institute. October 2014. Burak Bekdil. “Turkey’s Love Affair with Hamas.” Middle East Forum. October 19, 2014. Nathan J. Brown, and Katie Bentivoglio, “Egypt’s Resurgent Authoritarianism: It’s a Way of […]

Remarks by Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta

The speech is typical of high American office holders in summarizing the US-Israeli relationship; it affirms an unshakable relationship, support for Israeli security, and the need for negotiating progress.

MOA Between the US and Israel Regarding Joint Political, Security, and Economic Cooperation

It affirms close relationship between US and Israel based on common goals, establishes the US-Israel
Free Trade Agreement, and institutes multiple regular meetings between Israeli and US officials.

MOU Between US and Israel on Strategic Cooperation

It calls for building a mutual security relationship and for enhancing strategic cooperation to
deter Soviet threats to the region. Establishment of a consultation framework is a key to the agreement.

Promises about the Golan Heights’ Future by President Ford

President Ford promises that the US will give “weight” to any future Israeli peace agreement with Syria that Israel should remain in the Golan Heights.

#19 Contemporary Readings and Analyses, September 2014

Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University and Center for Israel Education Today in Israeli History, Center for Israel Education, As’ad Abu Khalil, “Why the US War on ISIS Will Fail.” Al-Akhbar (Beirut). September 09, 2014. Yaacov Amidror, “We Have to Be Prepared (with Hamas).” BESA Center. September 15, 2014. Nader Bakkar, “Egypt’s Options in Dealing […]

President Obama’s Address to the UN General Assembly

US President announces creation of a coalition of countries to fight against the Islamic state in Syria and Iraq. His plan calls for limited US military action with supplies provided to others fighting on the ground.

Canada and Israel Strategic Partnership

Canada and Israel Strategic Partnership (22 January 2014) Memorandum of Understanding: Canada and Israel have shared a close partnership since 1948 and the founding of the Jewish State of Israel, based and built on the foundation of a shared commitment to a common set of core values, principles and interests such as democracy, free markets, […]

#18 Contemporary Readings and Analyses, August 2014

Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University and Center for Israel Education Today in Israeli History, Center for Israel Education, Yaakov Amirdror,  “Winning Counterinsurgency War: The Israel Experience.” Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs. August 23, 2014. Ofra Bengio, “Meet the Kurds, a Historically Oppressed People Who Will Get Their Own State While Hamas Fires […]

Memorandum of Agreement between the Governments of the United States of America and the State of Israel

If Egypt breaches the Egyptian-Israeli Treaty, the US will enhance its presence in the area, provide military and economic supplies to Israel, and vote against any UN resolution contrary to the treaty.

Minutes of Departure Conversation Between President Carter and Prime Minister Begin

Begin agrees to halt settlements construction only for the duration of the peace treaty negotiations, not until Palestinian autonomy is applied. Carter erroneously believes that Begin made a promise to halt settlements.

Camp David Accords

With President Carter mediating, Sadat and Begin agree to two outlines: a framework for a treaty between them and to define Palestinian “autonomy,” not self-determination or a state for them.

Hassan-Tuhami-Dayan Meeting Minutes: The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations

Hassan-Tuhami-Dayan Meeting Minutes: The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (6 December 1977) Source in Hebrew: Note: Israel National archives published on November 27, 2013 about 40 classified documents that described the secret contacts and the preparations for Sadat visit to Jerusalem on November 20, 1977 Strictly to the addressee Top Secret December 6, […]

Joint U.S.-Soviet Statement of the Middle East

Naively, the Carter Administration believes that a conference with the USSR would start comprehensive negotiations; instead, the fear of Moscow’s engagement helps drive direct Egyptian-Israeli talks.

Palestinian homeland – Jimmy Carter Remarks and a Question-Answer Session at Clinton, Massachusetts Town Meeting

Carefully stated, Carter says that there should be a homeland for the Palestinian refugees. He is the first US president to assert the need for a place for the Palestinians and for Israel’s right to exist in peace.