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Brookings Institute Report: Toward Peace in the Middle East

Outlining an Arab-Israeli settlement, it calls for Israeli withdrawal to “almost the pre-June War borders” and “extensive Palestinian autonomy.” The Carter Administration embraces the report for its policy.

Assistant Secretary of State Saunders on U.S. Foreign Policy and Peace in the Middle East

For the first time a US State Department official states the “legitimate interests of the Palestinian Arabs must be taken into account in the negotiating of an Arab-Israeli peace.”

Sinai II Accords, Egyptian-Israeli Disengagement Agreement

Cairo and Jerusalem agree to additional Sinai withdrawals, demilitarized zones, limited force zones and, importantly, placement of US civilians in Sinai to monitor observance of agreement.

UN Disengagement of Forces Agreement

On Golan Heights, Israel agrees to limited withdrawal; UN places forces between Syrian and Israeli armies. With few exceptions this border remains almost totally quiet for more than forty years.

Remarks on the Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations by US Negotiator, Ambassador Martin Indyk

As part of the US negotiating team, Indyk enumerates why talks faltered after nine months. He asserts Israeli settlement activity undermined Palestinian trust for Israel. He also blames Palestinian indecision.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Addresses the Knesset

As the first Canadian Prime Minister to address the Knesset, Harper asserts Canada’s long-time friendship with Israel. Two days later, Canada signs a strategic cooperation agreement with Israel.

President Obama to the People of Israel

In Jerusalem, Obama affirms the bonds in the US-Israeli relationship, praises Israel’s democracy, calls for Israelis to support a democratic Palestinian state, and Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses AIPAC

Netanyahu devotes the bulk of his speech to the Iranian threat, its desire to acquire a nuclear weapon, and its sponsorship of terrorism internationally. He speaks proudly of the US-Israeli relationship.

A Roadmap for a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

As a negotiating plan it seeks an end to the conflict with reciprocal performance objectives. Israel accepts the plan with some reservations; Hamas rejects it out of hand. The plan is not enacted.

President George Bush II on the Middle East, “The Future Itself is Dying”

He castigates PLO leader Arafat for support of terrorism and condemns Palestinian groups that “seek Israel’s destruction.” Bush suggests to Israel to support economically a viable Palestinian state.

Israel-PLO Mutual Recognition Letters

Four days before signing the Oslo Accords, the PLO and Israel recognize each other. Israel’s
Rabin worries about the growth of Hamas influence, thus elevates the PLO through international recognition.

President George Bush I, Opening of the Madrid Middle East Peace Conference

After the 1991 Gulf War, the US orchestrates a conference with Israel, multiple Arab states, and Palestinians participating; the conference leads to bilateral and multilateral negotiations.

Remarks by Secretary of State John Kerry at the Saban Forum

Kerry reaffirms that the US-Israeli relationship as an “unshakable bond” and calls for a two-state solution. He promises that the US will “never allow” Iran to gain a nuclear weapon.

Annapolis Peace Conference, Joint Understanding Read by US President George Bush II

Israeli Prime Minister Olmert and Palestinian leader Abbas meet in Washington to ‘kick start’ negotiations by implementing previous promises; the US is to judge performance to see if a treaty can result. It does not.

The 2002 Arab Peace Initiative

From an Arab summit, the initiative is revised several times since; it calls for normalization of relations with Israel, Israel’s withdrawal to the 1967 lines, but states an imprecise resolution of the refugee issue.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1860

Following two weeks of Israeli-Hamas fighting, it calls for a cease-fire, and for a “lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by peaceful means.” The Hamas-Israeli war occurs again in 2013-2014.

President Reagan Statement on the West Bank and the Palestinians

US endorses application of UN Resolution 242 to the West Bank and Gaza, and seeks Palestinian
control over land and resources, and for the territories to be affiliated with Jordan.

Venice Declaration on the ME Concerning Inclusion of PLO in Negotiations

It calls for “recognition of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, a just solution to the
Palestinian problem, the right to self-determination, [and] for PLO association to the negotiations.”

Clinton Parameters for Negotiating Peace

After trying but not succeeding in having PLO leader Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Barak reach an understanding at Camp David in August 2000, he offers a US view of a final status agreement near the end of his term in office.

Wye River Memorandum on Unilateral Actions, Security and other Matters between Israel and the PA

With Israeli-Palestinian talks in a hapless state, President Clinton rejuvenates them. In the Arafat-Netanyahu agreement Israel shares Hebron, with the CIA playing a role in West Bank security.

Is Hamas’s Real Goal to Lift the “Siege” on Gaza?

There is a major, and unfounded, underlying assumption behinds calls for Israel to accept Hamas’s conditions: that Hamas is genuinely motivated by its responsibility for the welfare of Gazans.

U.S. Secretary of State William Rogers Plan for an Arab-Israeli Settlement

Without any consultation with Jerusalem, Israel rejects US proposal for full withdrawal.

Eisenhower Doctrine

Further reinforcing the Truman Doctrine, the US President promises military or economic aid to any Middle Eastern country resisting Communist aggression.

Israeli-Egyptian General Armistice Agreement, Excerpts

One of four agreements Israel signed in 1949 with Arab neighbors, it does not end “state of war,” between Israel and Arab states. No treaty is signed until 1979.

UN General Assembly Resolution 194 Concerning Palestinian Refugees

The resolution states that refugees “wishing to return to their homes and live at peace (with Israel) should do so or compensation be paid…” Israel opposes the idea because it jeopardizes Israel as a majority Jewish state.

1947 Truman Doctrine

Fearing Communist penetration of the Eastern Mediterranean, Truman at the beginning of the Cold War defines the region as a sphere of US national interest.

Land Transfer Inquiry Committee Report

Circumventing the existing law on prohibition of land sales to Jews, Palestinian Arabs are found selling lands regularly and furtively to Zionists.

Central Zionist Archives

Located in Jerusalem, the Central Zionist Archives has a vast array and amount of materials pertaining to modern Jewish history and particularly the history of modern Zionism. There are files dealing with all aspects of the modern Zionist enterprise, Zionist history in eastern and western Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere.  The files go back […]

League of Nations

Established in 1920, the League of Nations evolved out of the Paris Peace Conference. One of its objectives was to assist former territories evolve to self-government through Mandates. In the Middle East there were British Mandates for Palestine and Iraq  and a French Mandate for Syria/Lebanon. Annually the League reviewed the political status of each Mandate through reports […]

US Congressional Hearings and Testimony

In the public realm, testimony given in hearings before US Congressional Senate and House committees is among the best that can be obtained. Habitually the staffs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee recruit articulate and sensible practitioners and analysts. The aim is to provide legislators with informed and current […]