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Loy Henderson, the Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs, US State Department to the U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall

Written two months before the US voted at the United Nations in favor of Palestine’s partition into Arab and Jewish states, Henderson voices profound dislike for Zionism and a Jewish state. He advocates for cultivating positive relations with Muslim and Arab states. He is one of many at the State Department at the time that saw Zionism as contrary to American national interest.

Tratado de paz entre Israel y Egipto

El Tratado Egipto-Israelí fue el cuarto acuerdo árabe-israelí firmado desde el final de la Guerra de Octubre de 1973 hasta marzo de 1979, siendo el siguiente acuerdo firmado solo en los Acuerdos de Oslo de 1993.

Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty

Signed sixteen months after Sadat’s visit to Jerusalem, it calls for establishment of diplomatic relations, staged Israeli withdrawal from Sinai, and American security arrangements to support the bilateral treaty.

Hamas Charter totally rejects Israel and Zionism – 1988

Hamas absolutely opposes Israel’s right to exist, with its leadership repeatedly declaring that all of Palestine belongs to Moslems.

Oslo Accords (Declaration of Principles on Interim Self- Government Agreements)

Negotiated through the Norwegians, the Accords call for limited Palestinian rule in some of the territories; it did not call for a Palestinian state or an end to settlements.

Abraham Accords-US, UAE, Israel, Bahrain Recognition Agreements

Quietly pursued in the past, long-standing strategic ties between Israel and Gulf states have become public. Building on the historic Joint Agreement signed between Israel and the UAE in August 2020, the Abraham Accords serve as a framework for normalizing diplomatic relations between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain.

Anti-Israeli teaching on American campuses: Origins, Extent, and Remedies

Since the June 1967 war, Anti-Israeli sentiment on US campuses has grown to extraordinary proportions merging with previously evolved anti-Zionism into sporadic mention to regular embrace.

Palestinian Arab Grievances Against the British for Supporting the Jewish National Home 

Five Arab political parties sent a memorandum of protest to the British asking for a halt to Jewish immigration, a stoppage in Arab land sales to Jews,and a measure of self-determination. The British did not change their policies in these three areas. In 1939, they did severely limit Jewish land purchases and severely curtailed Jewish immigration.

The 1947-1949 period: critical turning points in Zionist/Israeli History: sources and the context

Ken Stein, Emeritus Professor, Emory University President, Center for Israel Education September 15, 2022  In telling or writing the history of a place or of a person, it matters chronologically where you begin as teacher. What you leave out matters. It reveals to the observer the strengths, prejudices, weaknesses, or preferences you are intentionally not […]

Dr. Susan Nashman Fraiman: Against the Canon: Voices of Diversity in Israeli Art (44 minutes)

In less than 45 minutes, Israeli educator Susan Nachman Fraiman presents a taste of the variety of voices in Israeli art that have emerged in the past 20 years: female, religious, Mizrahi, Ethiopian and Israeli-Palestinian, all of which are rich subjects in themselves. We examine a few examples of works from each of these sectors and try to understand the rich background from which they come. This video is from a session July 25, 2022, at the 21st annual CIE/ISMI Enrichment Workshop on Modern Israel.

Israel’s Story – Telling and Remembering It

Where you choose to begin or tell or remember it shapes the history and politics you do or do not want to convey. What you include and what you leave out reveals your knowledge,
biases, and political intentions.

August 2024  – Erfolgsgeschichte der Israel-Bildung – Kontext, Quellen und Perspektive 

Die Verwendung von Originalquellen und der Einsatz von Perspektiven sind entscheidend für eine substanziierte Israelbildung. Das Fehlen von beidem behindert und verfälscht das Lernen über Israel. Wenn Dokumente und Texte oder

David Ben-Gurion’s Secret Remarks on “Arab Perceptions of Zionism”

Ben-Gurion recognized that Arab opposition to Zionism is a national feeling and that Palestinian Arab leadership had done little to help the majority impoverished peasant population.

Herbert Samuel’s review of present and future Zionist-Arab interactions in Palestine

Samuel would serve as Britain’s first and only Jewish High Commissioner (1920-1925) in Palestine; he noted reasons for Arab political in-fighting, origins of Arab dislike of Zionism, how land sales to Jews generated Arab jealousies, Jewish educational focus, and Palestine as a land area capable of supporting 4 million people.

Iran, the Jewish People and Israel, Scott Abramson

August 2, 2024 Contradiction has been a theme in Iran’s relationship with the Jewish people, for nowhere else in the Muslim world have Jews both suffered so grievously and flourished so thoroughly. Nor is the contradictory relationship between Iranians and Jews, heirs to two of the world’s oldest civilizations and among antiquity’s few surviving peoples, […]

#137 Contemporary Readings July 2024 – Including Israel-Hamas War

Assembled by Scott Abramson and Ken Stein, Center for Israel Education Faisal Abbas, “Israelis Need to Listen to Ron Lauder,” Arab News, July 31, 2024, Scott Abramson, “How Israelis Probe Their Failings,” Mosaic Magazine, July 1, 2024, Majd Abuamer, “Detection, Neutralization, and Destruction: The Limits of Israel’s Strategy against Gaza’s Tunnels,” Arab Center for […]

Asher Sussser, “The Rise of Hamas in Palestine and the Crisis of Secularism in the Arab World”

Asher Sussser, “The Rise of Hamas in Palestine and the Crisis of Secularism in the Arab World,” Brandeis, 2006 (79pp). (with permission) Read full article

Ismail Haniyeh address in Tehran asserts anger at US and hatred of Israel; jihad is the means to expel the Zionist enemy 

Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh says, “we shall never recognize the “usurper Zionism government”…continue Jihadist movement until liberation of Jerusalem.”

Iran’s Axis of Resistance Surrounding Israel

Compiled by Aidan New, Center for Israel Education, June 2024 Iran has financed, armed, trained, and, in some cases, directed terrorist and militant groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis around the Middle East to incorporate them into its ultimate goal of destroying the State of Israel. That close relationship is why Hamas leader […]

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Address to Congress

In a 52 minute speech, Netanyahu explained Israel’s absolute need for total victory in the Gaza war because Hamas and Iran were both enemies of the United States and Israel. With bi-partisan emphasis, he thanked Presidents Biden and Trump for their unwavering current and past support. Dozens of congressional members did not attend his speech, noting disagreements with the Prime Minister’s policies.

88 Israelis Go for Gold in Paris

Michael Jacobs, July 24, 2024 Israel is sending 88 athletes to the 2024 Summer Olympics, officially opening Friday, July 26, in Paris. It’s the second-largest Israeli Olympic delegation ever, behind the 90 competitors at the last Summer Olympics in Tokyo. The Tokyo Games, delayed from 2020 to 2021 because of COVID-19, also were Israel’s most […]

Senator Kamala Harris’ Address to 2017 AIPAC Conference, Washington

Two months into her Senate position, Harris promised “to do everything in my power to ensure broad and bipartisan support for Israel’s security and right to self-defense.” She endorsed the 10 year, $38 billion US military aid package to Israel while strongly backing (seven years before October 2023) a two-state Palestinian-Israeli solution.”

Gil Troy,  “The Essential Guide to October 7 and Its Aftermath: Facts, Figures, History” Jewish People Policy Institute, Jerusalem, Israel,  July 2024; 65 pages, CIE Board Member

This guidebook seeks to help Jews and non-Jews, in Israel and worldwide, understand the events that have unfolded since October 7 in historical and ideological context. These are difficult times – and this is no Six Day War. Months after absorbing the bloodiest terrorist attack in its history, Israel finds itself stuck on so many […]

David Makovsky, “Disagreements on Hostages Loom Over Netanyahu’s Washington Trip,” July 19, 2024, Washington Institute for Near East Policy

With permission Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s latest Washington visit will center around a July 24 speech to a joint session of Congress and a meeting with President Biden two days earlier, marking their first White House encounter since Netanyahu formed his current government in December 2022. Although the prime minister will set a record […]

Minutes of a Jewish Agency Meeting of Institutions on Issues Concerning the Inaugural Maccabiah Games, Jewish Agency Offices, Jerusalem  

Zionists decide to hold the first international sports games in Tel Aviv bringing 400 Jewish athletes from 18 countries. The games open on March 28, 1932. Zionists value the games as a “possible awakening of youth in the Diaspora” to Zionism and the positive economic outcome for the Jewish community in Palestine.