“The CIE sessions with students dealt with topics that were connected to their classroom learning, but focused on content that they had yet to explore in any detail. Students were interested while being exposed to ideas that forced them to grapple with some of the important challenges for the State of Israel today and in the future. With our faculty, Rich was able to craft a session that met the needs of teachers from kindergarten through 12th grade. Using a variety of teaching strategies, his session expanded their approaches to teaching Israel. In addition, he showed them the power of the Center for Israel Education website and how the content and the creativity within it can be brought into their classroom” Marshall L., Boca Raton, FL (2017)
“Through Eli Sperling’s session on Israeli culture, I gained a deeper understanding of the evolution of the Jewish state. Eli was a knowledgeable, well-prepared presenter who shared good insights and and allowed us to engage in discussion.” Harriet K., Bethesda, MD (2017)
“My key takeaways from the CIE workshop are that Israel can be incorporated into most aspects of curriculum, even in the lower grades, that using primary sources is the best way for kids to learn about facts and themes, and how students can learn content by studying biographies.” Janice L., Bethesda, MD (2017)
“This was a fantastic conference that gave me practical ideas to use with my teachers. I feel that I am much more valuable to my school and students when I feel refreshed and can bring new information to my classroom.” West Palm Beach, FL (2016)
“This workshop will help me not only in the classroom, but in general presenting Israel wherever I am… The information we got will be excellent to bring to class. It was an amazing experience and I would love to bring them to our school!” Montreal (2015)
“I (have a better) understanding of how to apply simple applications to the curriculum so that all levels have Israel incorporated into the classes. Thank you Rich and Ellen. Larry B. Princeton, NJ (2015)
“As a result of this session, I now have new ideas to use with my fifth and sixth grade Hebrew classes.” Natalie H. Princeton, NJ (2015)
“(I am bringing back) the importance of teaching about Israel to children at a young age.” Jay K. Princeton, NJ (2015)
“These conferences are often hit or miss, you never know if you’ll spend the morning waiting for it to end. But, both the presentation and the group session were fascinating. I even discovered ideas that would be great to incorporate into my non-Israel curriculum.” Michele D, Tampa, FL (2014)
“Uniformly, the 32 attending teachers had the highest esteem for your content and pedagogic presentations. You energized a superb group of dedicated teachers with your knowledge and engaged teaching style.” Juan – Jewish Agency official, Mexico City (2014)
“The Center for Israel education teachers’ workshop led by Ken Stein via Skype and Rich Walter was interesting, informative practical and empowering. A multitude of usable ideas packed into one day. They provided so much information to use right away together with great handouts. Fantastic presenters, very knowledgeable on the subject matter. I like the style of the presentation: logical sequence of ideas support by compelling evidence from primary sources. The workshop is very worthwhile in terms of its incredible content, creative and interactive ideas.” Gila L, Princeton, NJ (2014)
“I found this workshop interesting, informative and am going home with relevant info to use and incorporate in my classroom.” Anonymous participant, Hartford, CT (2012)
“Thank you so very much for your presentations on Sunday. I found the workshop was great food for thought about how we approach Israel education at the Day School…I was particularly struck by your focus on the Zionist idea of allowing Jews and Israelis to create their own destiny. I really want to thank you again for your thoughtful presentation and as someone with a degree in history it is nice to see the field move out of the ivory tower to the person on the streets.” Robert P. Minneapolis, MN (2012)
“All I can tell you over and over is that ever since coming to Atlanta and spending the week at the [June 2008 week-long pre-collegiate modern Israel teacher] institute, I have stayed away from all sorts of workshops because none can hold a candle to the work you do and I will not compromise. Any training has to be tops or it doesn’t happen for me.” Dina B-H. Syosset, NY (2009)
“It is difficult to find the words to express my appreciation for the Philadelphia Israel Education Project. The presentations have been consistently at the highest level of my educational experiences. You have encouraged us to think, to feel and work at sharing our respect for ‘our story.’ While each session of historical background paired with pedagogical suggestions has been wonderful; your last presentation [took] us through the documentary evidence for land purchase by the nascent Jewish state. I don’t believe I have in recent decades – not just years – ever been ‘blown away’ by studying a Jewish text as you presented to us. We held in our hands the indisputable proof with which to undo the assaults upon Israel. We are being shown the dots of history. Now, I have new ways in which to use documents with my students of all ages. I hope that Philadelphia will have the foresight to expand this program for others for years to come.” Rabbi B. Philadelphia, PA (2009)
You can assure vital Israel education for young adults today and for generations to come.
Please support our critical work.
“Thank you for the wonderful presentation you made to 40 Jewish community educators just over a week ago. I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to come to our small, Sunbelt Jewish community. Your presentation/program is ‘spot on’ [and is] desperately needed throughout our North American Jewish community. Why not attack the problem head-on while these impressionable teens are sitting directly in front of us? Personally, I believe that your program should be at the forefront of what is available to both developing and developed Jewish communities.” Howard T. Sarasota, FL (2009)
“…Your presentation has done much to change the culture of teaching Israel in Columbus. Five follow-sessions were held during January, February and March focusing on applying the teaching of Israel to each grade level. Teachers who attended these stated they were a natural profession from your [ISMI’s] You Limmud session and left the sessions with ideas, strategies and lesson plans to implement in the classroom. Your presentation raised the consciousness of our teachers to emphasize Israel education in the classroom. One day school decided to compile and fashion a K-12 curriculum this summer on teaching Israel stressing the Judaic values of the school…” Marlene T. Columbus, Ohio (2006)