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Hoja de ruta para avanzar hacia una solución permanente, en que se prevean dos Estados, del conflicto israelí-palestino, presentada por el Cuarteto: la Unión Europea, las Naciones Unidas, Rusia y los Estados Unidos

Como un plan de negociación, busca poner fin al conflicto con objetivos de un desempeño recíproco. Israel acepta el plan con algunas reservaciones; Hamas lo rechaza sin pensarlo dos veces. El plan no es promulgado.

Israelis Believe Netanyahu’s Investigations Will have the Greatest Impact on the Vote

January’s Israeli Voice Index found that 32% of Israelis believe Netanyahu’s investigations will be the issue with the greatest impact on voters in the upcoming Knesset elections, followed by other considerations such as the cost of living and housing, security, religion and state and Jewish-Arab relations.

Address by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon at the Fourth Herzliya Conference

In his speech at the annual Herziliya Conference, PM Sharon articulates his view that the Quartet’s 2003 Road Map for Peace “is the only political plan accepted by Israel, the Palestinians, the Americans and a majority of the international community. We are willing to proceed toward its implementation: two states Israel and a Palestinian State living side by side in tranquility, security and peace.”

Prepare for the Femtech Revolution, Coming Straight from Israel

Technologies being developed for women include a fertility gauge, an advanced breast pump, a cannabis treatment for endometriosis and a gadget that can identify vitamin deficiencies or cancer in menstrual blood. Pitching their product ideas in the predominantly male venture capital arena is a big challenge for entrepreneurs in femtech – a fast-growing field of technology for women’s health and wellness.

The Widening Military–Political Gap in Israel

Over the last decade, the gap between the military and political elites in Israel has increased and eventually peaked in 2019, when a group of senior officers who had just retired from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) formed a new party – led by three former chiefs of staff – and called for the replacement of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. This gap has developed because Israel’s previous govern­ments have represented a new kind of polarizing, right-wing politics beyond what is considered a shared national common sense.

Continuity vs. Overreach in the Trump Peace Plan (Part 1): Borders and Jerusalem

The newly released U.S. peace plan marks a very significant shift in favor of the current Israeli government’s view, especially when compared to three past U.S. initiatives: (1) the Clinton Parameters of December 2000, (2) Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s “Annapolis Process” of 2007-2008, and (3) Secretary of State John Kerry’s 2013-2014 initiative. The message is clear: the Trump administration will no longer keep sweetening the deal with every Palestinian refusal, a criticism some have aimed at previous U.S. efforts. Yet the new plan raises worrisome questions of its own.

The U.S. Peace Plan: A Return to the Rabin Doctrine of Defensible Borders

The U.S. peace plan offers a return to the security-first approach of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and, specifically, the concept of defensible borders. On Jan. 29, 2020, Shimon Sheves, former Director-General of Prime Minister Rabin’s office, told Israel Army Radio, “The Trump plan is essentially the Rabin plan” and a “continuation of Rabin’s legacy.” Journalist Ben Caspit, writing in Maariv, called it “a modern incarnation of Rabin’s plan from 25 years ago.”

#83 Contemporary Readings, January 2020

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli SperlingEmory University and Center for Israel or  Dana Blander, “Is Prime Minister Netanyahu Setting a Global Precedent?” Israel Democracy Institute, January 6, 2020. Brian Blum, “Top reasons 2019 was a record-breaking year for Israel’s economy,” Israel21c, January 15, 2020. Itai Brun and Itai Shapira “2020 Strategic Overview: […]

The technology that could save us from deep fake videos

It’s November 2020, just days before the US presidential election, and a video clip comes out showing one of the leading candidates saying something inflammatory and out of character. The public is outraged, and the race is won by the other contender. The only problem: the video wasn’t authentic. Israeli startup Cyabra’s technology detects expertly doctored videos as well as the bots powering fake social-media profiles.

A Scorecard on the First Decade after the Arab Spring

Today, the Middle East is a combination of confused Arab nation-states that have shown their weakness and incapacity to contain the Iranian threat. The instability of Arab regimes allows the formation of sectarian and extremist Islamic militias that threaten the Middle Eastern and world order. The disintegration of the Middle East nation-states has placed the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on hold.

The “Deal of the Century” and the United States in the Region (An INSS Panel Discussion)

The panel of international experts, chaired by Dr. Martin Indyk, dealt first with the “deal of the century,” announced minutes before the speakers took their places on stage. Among the points emphasized was the skepticism that any Arab country would accept this plan, and the belief that the Palestinians can be “bought.” Furthermore, Gen. (ret.) John Allen said that the plan does not resemble any concept that the American people have of a solution to the conflict. Conversely, the plan’s conditional promise of a Palestinian state with a capital somewhere in Jerusalem may fracture Netanyahu’s right wing bloc.

Music you can see and touch — even if you can’t hear

Israeli sound engineer’s social business uses sand and water to capture motion of soundwaves, enabling people with hearing impairment to enjoy music. Mordechai Braunstein’s CyMagic uses no algorithms or fancy technology. It’s simple physics: the natural effect of sound on matter.

Strategic Survey for Israel 2019-2020

At the core of the strategic assessment for 2020 stands the tension between Israel’s evident strength and its success in various fields, and the possibility that this positive state of affairs will prove temporary and fragile. This tension stems from a series of factors that in the coming year could lead to a large-scale conflict and even to war, and involves Israel’s approach to a series of substantive national security challenges. The strategic assessment is comprised of seven chapters along with an introduction and conclusion.

Lebanon’s Political-Economic Crisis: Ramifications for Israel

The waves of protests in Lebanon in recent weeks and the country’s political instability stem primarily from fundamental problems in the local economy, including the absence of reforms and the rampant corruption among the ruling elite and all government institutions. These developments are highly problematic for the country’s decision makers, including Hezbollah. Israel, for its part, is monitoring the developments, which inter alia could lead to a strengthening of Hezbollah.

Israeli device freezes malignant liver and kidney tumors

US doctors already use IceCure’s ProSense to destroy benign breast lumps. Soon they’ll be using it for malignant liver and kidney tumors. The device uses minimally invasive cryoablation to destroy the tumor by freezing it rather than surgically removing it.

Under Mediterranean Skies: Channels for Deepening Israel-Egypt Relations

On January 15, 2020, Israeli Minister of Energy Yuval Steinitz and his Egyptian counterpart, Tarek el-Molla, announced that natural gas began to flow from Israel to Egypt. The joint announcement marks a milestone in relations between the countries, and gives further expression to the significant rise in the importance of the Mediterranean basin for Egypt’s foreign, security, and economic policy in recent years. Israel has an interest in broadening the range of its relations with Egypt, and it has the ability to promote this aim through the formulation of various policies affecting aspects of the Mediterranean region.

What Will the 23rd Knesset Look Like?

New record low of number of lists; Left-Center shrinks from eight lists in 2013 to three today; women’s’ representation continues to dither – less than 30 women MKs are expected.

East Jerusalem and the Palestinian Legislative Council Elections

The participation of East Jerusalem residents in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) elections has become a matter of contention between Hamas and Fatah. While the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority has conditioned this participation on Israeli consent, Hamas has insisted that there is no such requirement and that the two sides should wage a joint struggle to force Israel to let this population participate. Neither party is enthused by the idea of elections and both would prefer that they be deferred, but each has painted itself into a corner and is trying to foist responsibility for a postponement on the other.

Top reasons 2019 was a record-breaking year for Israel’s economy

In technology, digital health, tourism, exports and other verticals, Israel has seen steady growth through the past decade. The year 2019 broke records across Israel’s economy. From tourism to tech, exports to the illusive “unicorn (a privately held company with a valuation of over $1 billion),” Israel scored higher in many categories than it ever had.

Is Prime Minister Netanyahu Setting a Global Precedent?

A comparative survey of the statutory provisions in various countries that apply when the head of the executive branch is suspected or convicted of a criminal offense: It turns out that in most democracies the legal situation is ambiguous. Cases in which the head of the executive branch is suspected or convicted of criminal activity, although no longer so rare today, continue to pose a new challenge to the judicial, political, and public systems, as well as, of course, to the individual in question.

La Iniciativa de paz árabe de 2002

Desde una cumbre árabe, la iniciativa es evaluada varias veces desde entonces; llama a la normalización de las relaciones con Israel, la retirada de Israel de las líneas de 1967, pero establece una resolución imprecisa en cuanto a la cuestión de los refugiados.

Eight Reasons Why the United States and Iraq Still Need Each Other

Unlike Iraq’s immediate neighbors, Israel is not directly tied to recent events in that country. Nevertheless, U.S. withdrawal would create additional threats to Israeli security. Both Iran and the Islamic State would have a freer hand to operate inside Iraq, likely spreading across the porous border into Syria and ultimately to Israel’s own frontiers. American credibility would also suffer a new setback.

Israel Democracy Institute: 2019 Democracy Index

The Democracy Index project, now in its 17th year, is based on an annual survey of public opinion, taking the public pulse of the country on issues such as the state and resilience of Israeli democracy, the trust in government institutions, feelings about the Jewish and democratic character of the state, and Israel’s standing in comparison to other democracies. This year the survey includes two expanded sections focusing on Israelis attitudes towards the IDF and their attitudes towards Diaspora Jewry.

Discurso del primer ministro Benjamín Netanyahu ante el Congreso de los Estados Unidos

Netanyahu elogia al gobierno de Obama por su apoyo a la seguridad de Israel, luego lo critica rotundamente por negociar un trato con Irán que no retrocederá su tiempo de actividad nuclear y por no exigir que, antes que las sanciones sean levantadas, Irán termine su apoyo al terrorismo y a las amenazas de eliminar a Israel del mapa.

Referencias litúrgicas a Sion y Jerusalén

La Biblia Hebrea, Los Libros Proféticos, el Talmud, el libro de oraciones diarias, y los textos judíos antiguos refuerzan la relación entre el judaísmo con Dios y Eretz Yisrael (la Tierra de Israel).

The Iranian Empire Cracks, at Home and Abroad

Iran is under severe internal and external pressure. Economic pressures have pushed the government to increase petrol prices and this resulted in riots and many deaths. During the last decade, the economy has barely grown and income per capita has fallen by an annual average of one percent. In 2019, per capita income is estimated to have fallen by 10 percent. The problems facing the Iranian economy are linked to sanctions and to underlying or structural factors.

The Soleimani Killing: An Initial Assessment

The targeting of Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force and arguably the second most powerful man in Iran after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is a major blow to the Islamic Republic of Iran. His death will likely result in a devastating chain of suspicion and insecurity in Iran’s nodes of power. The BESA center has assembled initial takes on this event by five BESA researchers.

The Obstacles Still Facing Israel’s Leviathan Gas Field

The Leviathan natural gas field has finally begun production, after long delays that pushed its start date to the last day of 2019. Flowing from undersea deposits located eighty miles off Israel’s coast, supplies will henceforth pass through processing facilities on the Leviathan rig constructed six miles offshore, then reach the mainland at the village of Dor and enter a gas grid that runs the length and breadth of the country.

Escalation in Iraq Raises Questions About Tensions Between Saudi Arabia and Iran

The escalation of attacks by Kat’aib Hezbollah and the subsequent U.S. response—which has culminated in the killing of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force leader Qassem Soleimani suggests that the United States may be willing to re-enter the Middle East theater, but the potential steps Iran is likely to take in retaliation are unclear. The apparent willingness of Iranian-backed proxies to target areas with an American presence in Iraq should also be seen as a warning sign for potential future attacks on Iraq’s neighbor: Saudi Arabia.

#82 Contemporary Readings, December 2019

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or  Ron Ben-Yishai, “Israel and Iran’s game of cat and mouse,” Ynet News, December 23, 2019. Hannah Brown, “Cultural Affairs: The curious emergence of Israeli film and TV,” Jerusalem Post, December 22, 2019.  Mordechai Chaziza, “China in the Middle […]