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#59 Contemporary Readings, January 2018

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Taisir Amre, “A Palestinian Offer to Share Jerusalem,” The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, January 17, 2018. Shimon Arad, “Getting to the Table: Key Elements of the US Approach to Restart the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations.” INSS, January 16, […]

Classroom Applications – Teaching With Timelines

Timelines are visual tools which help learners understand how events and concepts unfold in historical chronology. They are especially helpful at providing insight into how events impact each other.

Vice President Pence’s Speech to the Knesset

Vice President Pence firmly expresses American commitments to Israel’s security and commitment to the Arab-Israeli peace process. Palestinian Authority President Abbas and other Arab officials loudly criticize the speech and refuse to meet with Pence during his Middle East visit because of earlier US promise to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Cronología de Jerusalén

Los eventos y las citas en este documento demuestran la importancia política y religiosa de Jerusalén y el ansia por la misma del cristianismo, el islam y el judaísmo. También se notan la razones y ocasiones cuando las diferentes religiones, califas, iglesias, congresos, emires, imperios, generales, reyes, resoluciones, sultanes, tratados y entidades controlaron, proclamaron privilegios, […]

Informe de la Comisión Peel: extractos de los hallazgos y las recomendaciones de la Comisión Real

Luego del estallido de la violencia entre las comunidades, el comité británico investigativo sugiere la partición de Palestina, buscando crear dos estados para los pueblos.

La decisión del muftí Hajj Amin al-Husayni de rechazar el Libro Blanco de 1939

El muftí se opone al estado de mayoría árabe en diez años contrario a los deseos de una decena de líderes cruciales de Palestina. El muftí no quiere la presencia política de los judíos en Palestina de ningún modo.

“La importancia política de la adquisición de tierras”, Fondo Nacional Judío (KKL)

Con más ofertas de ventas árabes que fondos para hacer compras, los líderes sionistas deciden sobre prioridades estratégicas y designan áreas alrededor de Haifa, la ruta Jerusalén-Jaffa, y Galilea cerca de los nacimientos de agua del Río Jordán.

Declaración de Independencia de Israel El Estado de Israel

La Declaración recuenta la conexión judía a la tierra de Israel, el nacimiento del sionismo, y el reconocimiento de la legitimidad de un estado judío por parte de la ONU. También promete que el estado será una democracia para todos sus ciudadanos.

La Declaración Balfour

El Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Gran Bretaña promete instalar un Hogar Nacional Judío en Palestina sin causar daño a las poblaciones no-judías, o a los judíos que se encuentran en otros lugares quienes querrían apoyar el hogar judío.

“La cuestión judía”, El Estado judío, Theodor Herzl (1896)

Los orígenes del movimiento sionista son a menudo considerados sinónimo de la vida y la época de Theodor Herzl (1860-1904). A pesar de su muerte a una edad relativamente temprana, sus ideas se mantuvieron vivas.

“Historia moderna de Israel” – plan de estudios – febrero 2016

Download PDF Dr. Kenneth W. Stein, Profesor de Historia Contemporánea del Medio Oriente Ciencias Políticas y Estudios sobre Israel Emory University, Departamento de Historia Contenido: Este seminario para estudiantes de primer año de la licenciatura examinará la historia moderna de Israel desde la formación bíblica de la identidad judía hasta el presente. Se estudiarán […]

Israel y el sionismo está a favor de la pro elección: acojámoslos

Download PDF Los rabinos norteamericanos que asistieron al Simposio de la Asociación Nacional Rabínica (National Rabbinic Symposium Association) patrocinada por parte del AIPAC, en Washington al final del mes de agosto, estuvieron presentes en mis sesiones sobre el sionismo con varios intereses en común. Para muchos de ellos, surgió la inquietud de cómo demarcar el […]

#58 Contemporary Readings, December 2017

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Rania Said Abdalla, “Egypt’s Unfinished Revolution: The Fight for Sexual Equality,” Washington Institute for Near East Studies, December 15, 2017. Al-Ahram Weekly Staff, “Cairo called to intervene: (editorial) Palestinian conciliation is teetering, with little progress made on lauded agreements,” […]

El reconocimiento de Jerusalén como capital de Israel por parte de Trump tiene mérito y no daño.

Download PDF Así odie o adore al presidente Trump, no deje que eso lo ciegue del significado de las palabras que él pronuncia, o de sus mensajes por Twitter. Independientemente de las emociones o fuertes tendencias políticas que usted tenga, las palabras de Trump son decisivamente importantes, él es el presidente de los Estados Unidos. […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 on the Status of Territories Taken in the June 1967 War

(20 August 1980) The Security Council, Recalling its resolution 476 (1980), Reaffirming again that the acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, Deeply concerned over the enactment of a “basic law” in the Israeli Knesset proclaiming a change in the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, with its implications for peace and security, Noting that Israel […]

Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has merit, not harm

Whether you hate or love President Trump, don’t let it blind you from the meaning of the words he utters, or the tweets he sends. Regardless of your emotions or strong political leanings, his words are decisively important; he is President of the United States.

President Trump’s Speech Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel

President Trump’s proclamation to “officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel” breaks precedent. In doing so, he incurs bipartisan support in the US congress, but a flurry of criticism from analysts, diplomats and foreign leaders. In his remarks, Trump rebukes claims that he disqualified the US as a “reliable mediator” in future Palestinian-Israeli negotiations.

U.S. Memorandum of Agreement to Israel on the Peace Process

As part of the preparations for the Fall 1991 Madrid Peace Conference, US Secretary of State James Baker drafted a memorandum of agreement between the US and Israel regarding the particulars of resuming the Arab-Israeli peace process. He opens by reiterating that the intention of the negotiations is to achieve a regional peace agreement based on UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338.

#57 Contemporary Readings, November 2017

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Adam Abrams, “Israeli Economy Flexes its Muscle: Shekel Deemed World’s 2nd-Strongest Currency,” Algemeiner, November 15, 2017. Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi, “The U.S. Must Rethink its Yemen Policy,” Middle East Forum, November 24, 2017. Muriel Asseburg, “The Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation Agreement of […]

UNGA Resolution 181

The 1937 plan to partition Palestine was never implemented. It did, however, remain a workable political option for resolving the conflict between Arabs and Zionists. Britain needed to placate Arab state opposition to Zionism, so it refrained from actively revisiting the partition plan.

El liderazgo de Sadat incluyó la visita a Jerusalén

Download PDF 20 de noviembre del 2017 El liderazgo se trata de tener claro sus propios objetivos y de implementar las tácticas para lograrlos. El liderazgo también se trata de la toma de decisiones y de las consecuencias. En el mes de noviembre de 2017 se celebra el 40 aniversario de la visita a Jerusalén […]

History, Politics and Diplomacy of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

An easy way to learn Israel’s history for personal use and the classroom. Our CIE source and document compilation, is easily searchable, an ebook. Highly praised by teachers at all levels, practitioners and casual users.

#56 Contemporary Readings, October 2017

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Gwen Ackerman, “In Israel Ultra-Orthodox Women Emerge as Tech Entrepreneurs,” Bloomberg, October 16, 2017. Raphael Ahren, “UNESCO-Affiliated Scholars Slam Agency’s Anti-Israel Bias, Plead for Rethink,” The Times of Israel, October 22, 2017. David Albright, “Confronting the […]

Confíe, abarque y aprópiese de la historia de Israel

Download PDF En dos libros escritos con sesenta años de diferencia, Cuando la profecía falla (When Prophecy Fails), 1957 y La mente influyente (The Influential Mind), 2017, las conclusiones fueron las mismas: ni los hechos ni la evidencia importan si existe una convicción extremamente profunda. Preséntele a alguien hechos y cifras y este cuestionará sus […]

Eli Sperling: Domestic Issues, Often Overlooked by American Jews, Significant Factor in Determining Israel’s Future

According to a National Economic Council report, Israel’s population will increase by 5 million people over the next 23 years.

Trust, Embrace and Own Israel’s Story

In two books written sixty years apart, When Prophecy Fails, 1957 (Festinger, Riecken and Schachter) and The Influential Mind, 2017 (Sharot, an Israeli neuroscientist), the conclusions were the same.

Systematic Agricultural Colonization in Palestine

1934   J. Elazari – Volcani (Issac Vilkanski) SYSTEMATIC AGRICULTURAL COLONIZATION IN PALESTINE REPORT PRESENTED AT THE XVIIITH ZIONIST CONGRESS PRAGUE, 1933 Special Printing from the Protocol of the XVIIIth Zionist Congress 1934 Published by the Zionist Central Bureau 77 Great Russell Street, London W.C. 1 The complete protocol of the XVIIIth Zionist Congress together […]

#55 Contemporary Readings, September 2017

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Raphael Ahren, “Urging end to Iran Deal, Netanyahu envisions march of the sanctions,” Times of Israel, September 20, 2017. Alan Baker, “Hijacking the Laws of Occupation,” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, September 3, 2017. Howard Blas, […]

Zionism and Israel Are Pro-Choice: Embrace Them Both

Rabbis who attended the AIPAC-sponsored National Rabbinic Symposium Association meeting in Washington at the end of August sat in my sessions on Zionism with common interests.

#54 Contemporary Readings, August 2017

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Hussein Agha and Ahmad Samih Khalidi, “The End of this Road: The Decline of the Palestinian National Movement,” The New Yorker, August 6, 2017. Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror, “Beware Media Fear-Mongering,” The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, […]