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Antisemitic Activity in 2015 at US Colleges and Universities

The report, clearly a snap shot, conveys a picture of anti-Semitic activities on US campuses. A strong correlation is found between the occurrence of BDS activity and the occurrence of anti-Semitic expression where incidents were reported.

Dennis Mitzner: Israel’s desert city of Beersheba is turning into a cybertech oasis

Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben Gurion famously said that the future of Israel lies in the Negev, a desert located in southern Israel.

Israelis united about their country, divided over values and religion’s role

Deep gulfs exist among Jews, as well as between Jews and Arabs over political values and religion’s role in public life. Divisions are sharp within the Israeli Jewish community as well as between Arabs and Jews, yet unity exists about the idea that Israel is a homeland for the Jewish people and necessary refuge from rising anti-Semitism around the globe.

#36 Contemporary Readings, February 2016

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Hussein Abdulhussein, “Five Lessons from Syria,” Now, February 2, 2016. Abdelmahdi Alsoudi, “The Impact of the Arab Spring on the Political Future of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East: Jordan as a Case Study,” Rubin Center, February […]

Presidential Promises and Platitudes

In 2008 and again in 2012, President Barack Obama made lofty promises and gallant assessments about Iran and the Middle East respectively. His remarks to the annual AIPAC conference four years ago about Israel and Iran have proved to be out and out fictions. Who will hold the 45th President accountable for promises made but not kept?

Malcolm Hoenlein: Israel Illiteracy Rampant Among Young Jews

For Malcolm Hoenlein, the Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of American Jewish Organizations context matters. In his lengthy interview he suggests that Jewish students’ illiteracy is present before they hit American campuses.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Testifies Before the Senate Armed Services Committee

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified at the Senate Armed Services Committee on February 9, 2016 on the top global threats to the US.

Bruce Hoffman: Isis Is Here: Return of the Jihadi

ISIS has demonstrated an embryonic capacity to function as a legitimate governing entity. Unlike most terrorist groups, ISIS actually possesses its own means of income generation and financing.

Khaled Elgindy: The Palestinian Leadership Crisis

After ten years in power, Abbas presides over a Palestinian polity that is more divided and dysfunctional than ever.

Eran Lerman: New Permutations in the Middle East Game of Camps

The Middle East is today divided into four rival camps: Iran, the Salafi Jihadists-dominated ISIL, the Muslim Brotherhood, and forces of stability.

Col. (ret.) Dr. Jacques Neriah: Explaining the Islamic State Phenomenon

The Islamic State is a terrorist state with almost all governing elements. ISIS rules today over a swath of land bigger than the United Kingdom, with a population of almost 10 million.

#35 Contemporary Readings, January 2016

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Faisal J. Abbas, “An Unshackled Iran can only be Countered by a Firm Saudi Arabia,” Al-Arabiya, January 18, 2016. Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, “The Islamic State, Turkey, and Transportation,” Rubin Center, January 11, 2016. Sona Bahadur, “How Israel Went from a Culinary Desert to […]

American Jewish party preferences and Jewish voting percentages for presidents over time

Candidates that speak forcefully about a strong US-Israeli relationship and a need to provide Israel with a qualitative military advantage over any array of adversaries, secure the attention of American Jewish voters who put Israel at the top of their list in determining who should receive their vote in congressional and presidential election contests.

US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro’s Address to Security Conference in Tel Aviv

Claiming that Israel employs a double legal standard in the West Bank, US Ambassador Dan Shapiro receives a harsh rebuke for his remarks from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu; Obama administration continues to chide Israel for its management of the West Bank.

Secretary of State John Kerry’s Address to the Brookings Institute’s 2015 Saban Forum

Kerry states five major objectives for US foreign policy in the Middle East: mobilize partners to defeat ISIS, work diplomatically to end the civil war in Syria, keep it from destabilizing friendly nearby countries, monitor Iranian adherence to the nuclear deal, and seek a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Omri Efriam: Poverty in Israel is Startlingly High

Several reports and analyses published in Israel estimate that between between 21% and 31% of Israelis are living below the poverty line.

Yehudit Ronen: Libya’s Descent into Chaos: North African Turmoil

The collapsing Libyan state has become a textbook example of the law of unintended consequences. A review of how things fell apart—and what challenges lie ahead—may thus offer clues for how to approach similar situations.

Statements by Presidents Sadat and Carter in Aswan, Egypt

As part of a joint statement, President Carter makes promises regarding US’ role in coming Political-Military Committee Talks in Cairo and Jerusalem. Likewise presenting a four-point formula for resolving the conflict, these statements contribute to US-Israeli tensions.

Lt. Col. (ret.) Michael Segall: Iranian-Saudi Relations Before the Abyss

How deep, for how long, and with what ramifications for the Middle East will Saudi-Iranian tensions go?

#34 Contemporary Readings, December 2015

Israel and the Middle East Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror and Col. (res.) Dr. Eran Lerman, “Jordanian Security and Prosperity: An Essential Aspect of Israeli Policy,” BESA Center, December 27, 2015. Associated Press, “In Israel, Arab chefs carve out a distinct cuisine,” […]

Zirin Village Land Sales

The sale of Zirin Village to the Jewish National Fund was collusively undertaken by a local Arab family through the British Courts in Palestine. The process intentionally avoided financial compensation to the resident Arab occupants.

Daniel Polisar: Why Do Palestinians Believe What They Believe?

For this project, Daniel Polisar of the Shalem College in Israel examined over 330 surveys carried out by the four major Palestinian research institutes, each of which has been conducting regular polls for a decade or more. His conclusions focus on what Palestinians think about Israel and why?

Ehud Yaari: Hamas and the Islamic State: Growing Cooperation in the Sinai

Hamas has long sought to stymie Egyptian control over the peninsula and keep its weapons smuggling routes open, but its latest opportunistic gamble on local jihadists carries wider dangers that should be nipped in the bud by sponsors Turkey and Qatar.

#33 Contemporary Readings, November 2015

Israel and the Middle East #33 Contemporary Readings, November 2015 Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Saleh Al-Shayeji, “Israel is Not Our Enemy,” Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Anbaa, MEMRI, November 30, 2015. Adna Abu Amer, “How Palestinian Divisions affect the intifada,” Al Monitor, November 3, 2015. Maj. Gen. […]

Minister of Foreign Affairs David Levy Comments on EU – Israel Association Agreement

This is the third (1971 and 1985) and most extensive trade agreement signed between Israel and the EC/EU, emphasizing that more than half of all Israeli exports are to Europe. Virtually every conceivable area of sharing and exchange is noted in the agreement.

Interview with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin Discussing Lebanon, Syria, & Palestinian Track

(November 1, 1995) Interview with Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by anchorman Ehud Yaari, Kol Yisra’el party affairs correspondent Yaron Dekel, and YEDI’OT AHARONOT political correspondent Shimon Schiffer

George Washington University Center for Cyber & Homeland Security: PARIS INSIGHTS

What are the implications of the Paris attacks; what do they mean for the US homeland in particular, and what next?

Jonathan Spyer: Israel is avoiding the abyss, for now

For the past four weeks, Israel and the West Bank have been hit by a wave of stabbing attacks by Palestinian Muslims on Israeli Jews and protests in the West Bank.

#32 Contemporary Readings and Analyses, October 2015

Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Éliette Abécassis “Jews of France hide like Marranos and turn towards Israel,” YNet News, October 20, 2015,,7340,L-4713402,00.html Yossi Alpher, “Israel-Palestine: From Oslo to the Slippery Slope,” Verdidebatt, October 10, 2015, Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror, “This Is Not the Third Intifada,” […]

Hisham Milhem: Obama’s Scarred Legacy in the Middle East

Obama’s legacy in the Middle East will be defined and deeply scarred by the region’s inconclusive wars.