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Teaching Diversity with Israel’s Music Mix, Dr. Eli Sperling, (52:57)

In a July 1, 2020, session of our annual educator workshop, CIE’s Eli Sperling programs a youthful, entertaining video playlist to bring Israel’s religious, cultural and ethnic variety into the classroom.

Identity and Politics in Israel, Dr. Jonathan Rynhold, (30:46)

Applying demographic statistics and polling data, Professor Jonathan Rynhold lucidly examines Israel’s politics through the lenses of ethnic, religious, and cultural diversity. He concludes that Israeli society and its political priorities are ever changing, evidenced by the June 2021 formation of Israel’s most ethnically and politically diverse government coalition ever formed.

July 2022 – Tierra y carácter de nación: la creación del estado judío

El rabino Michael Berger, profesor del departamento de religión de la Universidad de Emory, y el presidente del Centro para la educación sobre Israel (CIE), Ken Stein, profesor emérito de Emory, trazan 3000 años de conexión judía con la Tierra de Israel y las estrategias que prepararon a los sionistas modernos para la creación de […]

Gershon Agronsky: “Palestine Arab Economy Undermined by Disturbances”

A description details the economic devastation caused by the 1936-1939 Arab disturbances in Palestine to the majority rural population. This followed the annually poor crop yields of the early 1930s, and the vast rural wreckage caused by WWI.

President Isaac Herzog Op-Ed: Bahrain’s warm peace with Israel: What’s next?

In December President Herzog visited Manama, Bahrain, his fourth visit to a Middle Eastern country in 2022, (Abu Dhabi in January, Istanbul in March, Amman in June, and Sharm El-Sheikh in November), all aimed at bolstering Israel’s economic, cultural and bi-lateral relations with Arab states. Talks on this trip focused on expanding trade and sharing among others, Israel’s solar and desalinazation technologies.

#117 Contemporary Readings November 2022

Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and Wendy Kalman,  Center for Israel Education Stewart Ain, “Are Birthright participants more likely to marry Jews? A study says yes,” The Forward, November 14, 2022,  Antebi, “Iranian Drones in Ukrainian Skies: Not the Battlefield of the Future that Was Expected,” […]

CIE-ISMI Teen Israel Leadership Institute (TILI) – January/February 2023

The sixth and next CIE-ISMI Teen Israel Leadership Institute (TILI) will be held in January and February 2023 in person in Atlanta. High School students can expect to enhance their knowledge of Israeli culture, history, and contemporary political matters.  TILI programs in other locations are available.

The Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs (Henderson) to the U.S. Secretary of State (George Marshall)

Loy Henderson’s pro-Arab sympathies and anti-Jewish state attitudes represent a powerful view held by many at the US State Department’s Near East section in the 1946-1949 period.

El Renacimiento de la Lengua Hebrea (5:20)

Una visión general del importante papel que desempeñó el hebreo en el movimiento sionista y de cómo el propio movimiento contribuyó a impulsar su renacimiento.

Israeli Prime Minister Menachen Begin’s Address to the Israeli Parliament

Begin welcomes Sadat’s bold initiative, seeking an end to the conflict with other Arab states through negotiated treaties. Begin invites other Arab leaders to negotiate as Sadat was doing.

Entrevista sobre el interior de los acuerdos de normalización entre Israel, los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y Bahréin

Al reciente acuerdo de normalización entre Israel y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y Bahréin. Sin embargo, el pensamiento regional convergente, los incentivos económicos y el comienzo de un cambio en el discurso acerca de que los judíos son indígenas de la región, significa que estos acuerdos tienen el potencial de impactar la trayectoria de Medio Oriente. ¿Cuál es el origen de estos avances?

#116 Contemporary Readings October 2022

Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and the Center for Israel Education November 3, 2022 Marie Abdi, “Where is the US’s red line on Iran’s protests?” Middle East Institute, October 24, 2022, AFP, “Algeria president urges Arab unity to confront ‘tensions and crises,” Ahram Online, November […]

Gil Troy and Steven Bayme, “Diaspora-Israel Relations: What unites Jewish communities,”  July 25, 2022 (37:26)

Jewish Historians Gil Troy and Steven Bayme cogently discuss the ties and tensions between Jewish communities, primarily between American and Israeli Jews. This 37 minute video is entwined with extraordinary vivid insights.

Ken Stein Interview with Naftali Lau-Lavie, Jerusalem Israel

For years, Naftali Lau-Lavie worked closely with Moshe Dayan. His remarks here focus on Dayan as Menachem Begin’s Foreign Minister (1977-1979). He provides sumptuous detail on Dayan’s thinking and interactions with the Carter administration as it tried to force a Palestiinian/PLO state on Israel in seeking a comprehensive Middle East Peace.

Partidos israelíes presentan 40 listas para elecciones de noviembre en la Knesset

Israel el 1 de noviembre de 2022, es celebración de su quinta elección de la Knesset desde la primavera de 2019 y la 25 desde la fundación del estado en 1948. Los votantes se enfrentan a una nueva mezcla de opciones en las urnas, aunque los resultados nuevamente podrían dificultar que cualquiera forme una coalición de gobierno para enfrentar temas que van desde la política educativa el crimen hasta Irán y la guerra en Ucrania.

October 6, 1973 – Anwar Sadat and the Outbreak of the October 1973 War

Peter Rodman, as an advisor to Henry Kissinger had a front row seat taking notes on how President Sadat used the October War to break the logjam in Arab-Israeli negotiations.

UN Security Council Resolution 338 on a Ceasefire and Direct Negotiations Following October 1973 War

The October 1973 War broke the logjam over whether diplomacy could unfold to kick-off Arab-Israeli negotiations. Sadat used the 1973 war as an engine to harness American horsepower. In that he succeeded since US Secretary of State Kissinger saw Sadat’s leaning to Washington not only as a chance to begin useful negotiations, but of great significance to weaning the Egyptian President away from Moscow.

October 27, 1973 – Kenneth Stein “The Link Between War and Diplomacy: The Kilometer 101 Talks After the October 1973 War.” 

Ken Stein explains in detail how Egyptian and Israeli leaders coached their generals into reaching an understanding on how their troops would be disengaged after the war. On that day, a German-born Egyptian career foreign service officer, Omar Sirry was told to pack his toothbrush and go to meet several Israelis along with other Egyptians at the 101 Kilometer marker for talks.

Memorandum of Understanding between the US and Israel

The US promises to implement an Egyptian-Israeli disengagement agreement and have the Suez Canal cleared. Israel sees eventual repopulation of Suez Canal cities as a sign that Egypt will not go to war again soon.

#115 Contemporary Readings September 2022

Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and the Center for Israel Education October 1, 2022 Assembled by Ken Stein, Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and the Center for Israel Education,  Mohamed Abdelaziz , “In New Poll, Most Egyptians Split on Relations with […]

CIE and Israel@75

Michael Jacobs and Ken Stein Israel celebrates 75 years of statehood in spring 2023. At its wellspring is 3,000-plus years of Jewish peoplehood. On May 14, 1948 (5 Iyar on the Hebrew calendar, which in 2023 coincides with April 25-26), David Ben-Gurion read the Declaration of Independence in the Tel Aviv Museum. To mark the […]

Congressional Research Service, September 22, 2022, Israel: Background and U.S. Relations in Brief

Political instability and fall 2022 election, Israeli Palestinian issues, Abraham Accords and Israeli normalization, countering Iran, Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine

Israel@75 International Student Competition Terms & Conditions

Israel@75 International Student Competition Terms & Conditions The purpose of the Israel@75 International Student Competition sponsored by the Center for Israel Education (CIE) is to encourage deep, age-appropriate thinking and learning about the State of Israel as it approaches the 75th anniversary of independence and to recognize and reward creativity and active engagement with such […]

El período 1947-1948 es un punto de referencia crítico en la historia sionista/israelí

Ken Stein, profesor emérito, Emory University Presidente, Centro para la Educación de Israel 15 de septiembre de 2022 Al contar o escribir la historia de un lugar o de una persona, importa cronológicamente dónde comienzas como maestro. Lo que dejas fuera importa, le revela al observador las fortalezas, los prejuicios, las debilidades o las preferencias […]

Israeli Parties Present 40 Lists for November Knesset Election

Michael Jacobs and Ken Stein Israel on Nov. 1, 2022, is holding its fifth Knesset election since spring 2019 and its 25th since the state’s founding in 1948. Voters are facing a new mix of options at the ballot box, though the results again could make it difficult for anyone to form a governing coalition […]

Discurso de apertura del Primer Ministro Yair Lapid como el 14º Primer Ministro de Israel

Yair Lapid, el líder del Partido Yesh Atid, agradeció amablemente a su predecesor, Naftali Bennett, por su servicio. Como Primer Ministro al menos hasta aproximadamente un mes después de las elecciones programadas para el Knesset del 1 de noviembre, Lapid enfatizó el valor de los principios democráticos inclusivos de Israel. Afirmó el compromiso de mantener a Israel como un estado mayoritariamente judío, y con ese apoyo para una economía fuerte. Mientras enfatizaba las necesidades de seguridad y defensa de Israel, incluidas las de “Gaza e Irán”, habló con esperanza de consolidar la presencia de seguridad regional de Israel basada en los Acuerdos de Abraham del 2020.