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The June 1967 War: How It Changed Jewish, Israeli and Middle Eastern History

In our ebook for teens, college students and adults, The June 1967 War: How It changed Jewish, Israeli, and Middle Eastern History, according to many, we captured the drama and essence of the war’s enduring and so far unending impact. The June 1967 Middle East War transformed Israeli, Jewish, and Middle Eastern History. In the span of six weeks, in May and June 1967, Israel, its neighbors and the international community were engulfed with varying emotions including admonition, arrogance, audacity, astonishment, bravado, boasting, daring, euphoria, fears of annihilation, hesitation, humiliation, indecision, miscalculation, pride, procrastination, relief, resignation, self-doubt, self-importance, and tension.

Biden Administration provides detail to a two-state solution to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

A week after Antony Blinken’s confirmation as Secretary of State, the Acting US Ambassador to the UN outlined with considerable detail the administration’s objective to an agreed, not imposed two-state resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict.

ACTIVITY: Edpuzzle for ‘Forming a Government’

An Edpuzzle-enhanced version of CIE’s Israel On Board video about what happens after Israelis vote increases student understanding of how governing coalitions are formed in Israel. Middle school to high school. A fantastic teaching tool, especially for distant learning and flipped classroom lessons, Edpuzzle allows you to transform any video into a more meaningful experience […]

ACTIVITY: Edpuzzle for ‘How Israel Votes’

An Edpuzzle-enhanced version of CIE’s updated Israel On Board video about the Israeli electoral system increases student understanding by employing comparisons with the U.S. political system. Middle school to high school.

#95 Contemporary Readings, January 2021

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Meirav Arlozoroff, “Israel’s Population Is Growing at a Dizzying Rate. Is It Up for the Challenge?” Haaretz, January 4, 2021. Shlomo Avineri, “[YouTube video] Israeli Democracy: Historical Origins and Future Perspectives,” UCLA Nazarian Center for Israel Studies, January 13, […]

CIE Master Timeline

The CIE created Master timeline© contains more than 1,000 entries, following Jewish History through Jewish identity in the diaspora, Zionism, to contemporary issues in Israel. Search by year or by a subject through time.

American Officials on Zionism, Israel, the US-Israeli Relationship and Resolving the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1922-present

For more than seventy years the US government developed and revised its attitude toward Zionism and Israel. Using published archives, press conferences, speeches and numerous interviews, this compilation of 50 quotations traces how American views of Zionism and Israel changed.

Options and Realities for Biden’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East

President Biden comes to the presidency with more Washington experience than any other former president. While he has designated a foreign policy team with significant experience, his immediate priorities will be domestic. With a razor thin senate majority why would he expend political capital in trying to find solutions to Middle Eastern issues that are highly complex, seemingly intractable, and culturally embedded? The exception might be seeking to curtail Iran’s nuclear and regional aggressiveness.

Being Friends in Deed Helps Pro-Israel Students Keep Friends in Need

From a panel discussion July 1, 2020, at our Enrichment Workshop on Modern Israel: True allyship helps prevent the Israel conversation on college campuses from leading to anti-Semitism.

2021 Strategic Overview: Vaccines and Vacillations

From the Tel Aviv based, INSS, The Institute for National Security Studies, their annual review of Israel’s domestic and foreign policy challenges is available. Released by one of Israel’s most prestigious think tanks, their 2021 Strategic Overview contains more than a dozen thoroughly researched topics. This publication has no peer for excellence and analyses. Its authors are highly respected for their competence in respective fields of specialty, and in the coherence that each of them brings to their essays.

Shlomo Avineri – “Democracy in Israel: Past, Present, and Future”

Hosted by the Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies at UCLA All rights reserved to Professor Avineri and the Nazarian Center Transcribed by the Center for Israel Education, Atlanta, Ga. January 15, 2021. Transcript Dov Waxman: Welcome everyone. I’m Dov Waxman, the director of the UCLA Nazarian Center for Israel Studies and The Rosalinde and […]

Biden’s Mideast Foreign Policy: Personal Connections, Deep Experience

In a collaboration with Atlanta congregation The Temple’s Tamid learning program Jan. 12, 2021, CIE founder and President Ken Stein previews the possible foreign policy approaches of the Biden administration in Israel, Iran, the rest of the Middle East and beyond.

Incidents of anti-Semitism or Jew-hatred are rising on and off line, on and off campus. What is happening and why? How is hate speech protected? When does criticism of Israel become something sinister?

Incidents of anti-Semitism or Jew-hatred are rising on and off line, on and off campus. What is happening and why? How is hate speech protected? When does criticism of Israel become something sinister?

Israel in Context: Options and Realities for Biden’s Foreign Policy, Rabbi Peter Berg, CIE Board Member and Dr. Ken Stein (47:41)

In a collaboration with Atlanta congregation The Temple’s Tamid learning program Jan. 12, 2021, CIE founder and President Ken Stein previews the possible foreign policy approaches of the Biden administration in Israel, Iran, the rest of the Middle East and beyond.

As alianças bíblicas

Jewish Publication Society (JPS) JPS Tanach Hebraico-Inglês: texto tradicional em hebraico e a nova tradução da JPS. Filadélfia: Jewish Publication Society, 2003: O apego do povo judeu à Terra de Israel, assim como o próprio judaísmo, evoluiu através da história e mudou em relação às conjunturas e situações de tempo e espaço. As Alianças feitas […]

Dos tempos bíblicos até 1897

Desde a época das alianças bíblicas, os judeus comprometeram-se a acreditar em um único D’s, num vínculo inquebrável com a Terra de Israel. Desde o princípio, a identidade judaica foi cercada por compromissos mútuos entre D’s e o povo.

#94 Contemporary Readings, December 2020

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli SperlingEmory University and Center for Israel or Guled Ahmed, “An Emboldened Horn of Africa Axis and an Unfolding Humanitarian Crisis Await the Biden Administration,” Middle East Institute, December 23, 2020. Daphna Aviram-Nitzan and Hila Shoef Kollwitz, “Global Warming—Israelis Concerned,” Israel Democracy Institute, December 13, 2020. Naama Barak, “First […]

Accessible Sources for Understanding Zionism to 1949

Modern Zionism to 1949 Learning about modern Jewish history, Israel and the Middle East can be daunting. Whether student or teacher, Jew or non-Jew, knowing what sources to trust and where to find them can be overwhelming, given the number of blogs, organizations, websites, and individuals who claim their views are the most relevant, salient, […]

Why learning about Israel matters

Whether you are Jewish or non-Jewish, knowing and familiarizing yourself with the history and future of Israel is about knowing your unique origins.

¿Por qué aprender sobre Israel?

Seas judío o no, saber y familiarizarte con la historia y el futuro de Israel significa conocer tus orígenes únicos. Se trata de sentirse orgullosos de una historia. Los judíos han dado forma al sionismo y a Israel. Han intervenido en la historia para obtener y preservar el irrenunciable derecho a la auto-determinación. Eligen creer […]

Free Speech, Jew-Hatred and Israel: A Panel Discussion

Speaking June 20, 2020, at CIE’s annual educator workshop, experts report from the front lines of rising anti-Semitism on hate crimes, hate speech, anti-Israel activism and social media.

Predicciones, Política, Pandemia y Responsabilidad

Profesor Ken Stein, Presidente, Centro para la Educación sobre Israel De manera similar a los cambios inesperados que nos han envuelto en el 2020, de los cuales la mayor parte no podían ser anticipados, y en mantenerse con la temporada, ¿creen que alguno de los Macabeos podría haber adivinado que un tarro de aceite podría […]

Hannukah: Predictions, Politics, the Pandemic, and Accountability

Do you think any of the Maccabees would have guessed that the one jar of oil would have kept the menorah burning in Mod’in for eight days rather than one? If one had predicted yes or no, there probably would not have been either good or bad consequences in the years after 165 BCE. 

6 Escuelas de Ideas Sionistas para la Generación Actual de Líderes

En una presentación el 29 de junio del 2020, en nuestra conferencia para educadores de Israel, Gil Troy provee detalles sobre la expansión del clásico libro de documentos “La Idea Sionista” a su más complejo, más detallado y más diverso libro “Ideas Sionistas” y explica por qué el sionismo permanece como algo vital para los estudiantes en la generación de líderes de hoy que portan la antorcha.

#93 Contemporary Readings, November 2020

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Amiram Barkat, “IMF: Israeli economy less damaged than others,” Globes, November 19, 2020. Almog Ben Zikri, “Thousands of Middle-class Israelis Join the Homeless, and the Soup Kitchens Can’t Keep Up,” Haaretz, November 27, 2020. Hannah Brown, “Celebrating a […]

Las Relaciones Israel-Indo Asia

Las delegaciones de Israel y China se reúnen en 2018. Foto: GPO Israel Hasta los 1990s, cuando se expandió notablemente el relacionamiento aumentado de Israel con Asia, sus relaciones particularmente con China, India y Japón, fueron limitadas por tres razones generales. Primero, los esfuerzos de Israel en la búsqueda y la creación del estado se […]

Ben-Gurion, Begin, Rabin y otros líderes israelíes menos conocidos

Un panel sobre estudios realizados por educadores sobre el pasado y el presente de Israel, sobre ejemplos de personas que demonstraron cómo tomar decisiones difíciles, llevar a personas a donde tengan que ir y a veces desafiar a las masas.

El Liderazgo de Sadat: ¿Lecciones para los palestinos?

Ken Stein El liderazgo se trata de saber tus objetivos y ajustar e implementar las tácticas para lograrlos. El liderazgo también se trata de decisiones y consecuencias.  Noviembre del 2020 marca el 43er aniversario de la visita del presidente egipcio Anwar Sadar a Jerusalén y su histórico discurso dirigido al parlamento israelí. Aquellos eran días […]

Sadat’s Leadership: Lessons for the Palestinians?

Ken Stein Leadership is about knowing your objectives and adjusting and implementing the tactics to accomplish them. Leadership is also about choices and consequences. It is about making political trade-offs.  November 2020 marks the 43th anniversary of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat’s visit to Jerusalem and his historic speech to the Israeli Parliament.  Those were heady […]

Ben-Gurion, Begin, Rabin and Lesser-Known Israeli Leaders

A panel of educators studies Israel’s past and present for examples of people who showed how to make tough decisions, take people where they need to go and sometimes defy the crowd.