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Israel’s 9/11 — College Campus Turmoil: Anti-Zionism, Antisemitism and Academic Unease

Anti-Israel demonstrations on college campuses in North America and Europe have often crossed the line from free speech to anti-Jewish harassment. Beyond ignoring or even endorsing the killing of 1,200 Israelis and others in the Hamas-led terrorist attack of Oct. 7 and the continued captivity of some 130 hostages, these protest movements reflect long-term efforts […]

The Mufti’s Decision to Reject a Majority Palestinian State

Mufti opposes Arab majority state in ten years contrary to wishes of a dozen key other Palestinian leaders. Mufti wants no Jewish political presence in Palestine whatsoever.

Liturgical References to Zion and Jerusalem

The Hebrew Bible, Prophetic Books, the Talmud, the daily prayer book, and ancient Jewish texts reinforce Judaism’s relationship to G-d and Eretz Yisrael.

El antisionismo es antisemitismo

Degradar a los judíos y debilitar a Israel dondequiera que tenga lugar y en cualquier formato son elementos individuales y colectivos del antisemitismo clásico, histórico y moderno.

Israel’s Declaration of Independence

May 14, 1948: The Declaration recounts the Jewish connection to the land of Israel, the birth of Zionism, and recognition by the UN of a Jewish state’s legitimacy. It also promises that the state will be a democracy for all its citizens.

President Jimmy Carter, “The US and Iran, the Shah’s down-fall, the hostage crisis and the rise of Ayatollah Khomeyni,” March 24, 1985

Jimmy Carter, “The US- Iran relationship, the Shah’s downfall, Khomeyni’s rise to power, and the Hostage Crisis,” an Emory class presentation, Atlanta, Georgia, March 24, 1985, recorded and transcribed with permission.

Israel’s 9/11 — Rafah and the Fog of War

More than seven months since Hamas and others killed 1,200 people and seized more than 240 hostages in southern Israel on Oct. 7, the IDF is operating in Rafah but must continue to fight elsewhere in Gaza as Hamas and other terrorist groups return to areas Israel had cleared. Meanwhile, the United Nations has acknowledged […]

Israel’s 9/11 — Assessing Israel@76

This week Israel is soberly marking its 76th Independence Day during a war against Hamas in Gaza, where more than 130 hostages are unaccounted for more than seven months after the brutal terrorist attack of Oct. 7. Northern Israel remains evacuated and under bombardment from Hezbollah and others. Protests on North American college campuses have […]


Watch our collection of weekly Wednesday webinars with expert analysis and insights into the war and related topics, and register for the next webinar.

The Netanyahu Government’s Administrative Horizon for Postwar Gaza

Israeli Prime minister provides minimal detail for the Gaza Strip’s post war civilian restructuring, focusing entirely on immediate and long term Israeli security needs with no imposed Palestinian state nor international negotiating intervention acceptable.

April 2024 – David Shenker – Changing the Israel-Lebanon Status Quo: U.S Options (with permission)

Nearly six months into the Gaza war, Israel has come to the realization that the pre-October 7 status quo in south Lebanon is no longer tenable. Whether a new status quo is established through negotiation or force of arms, something will have to give—the question is when and under what circumstances. Either way, the United […]

Scott Abramson, “Gen Z, Infected with Antisemitism Is Spreading the Very Disease It’s Committed to Eradicating, Racism”

If, in the eyes of a generation, social justice is the highest good and racism the greatest evil, shouldn’t that generation fiercely oppose history’s oldest and deadliest bigotry, antisemitism?  Apparently not, judging from the sentiments of Gen Z, because the same generation that professes to be the most intolerant of bigotry is also the most […]

US Government’s Position on the Future of Palestine

In March 1948, two months before Israel’s establishment, the US State Department sought to reverse the US vote in favor of partition for the creation of Arab and Jewish states in Palestine.

Seminario Web- El 45º Aniversario del Tratado Egipcio-Israelí

Michael Jacobs and Ken Stein, Center for Israel Education Michael Jacobs: Buenas tardes. Mi nombre es Michael Jacobs. Soy un periodista en recuperación y trabajo en comunicaciones aquí en el Centro para la Educación de Israel. Hoy conmigo está el profesor Ken Stein de la Universidad de Emory, presidente y fundador del Centro para la […]

Reagan and Shamir on US-Israel cooperation

Areas of bi-lateral political and military cooperation are noted to fend off Soviet involvement in the the Middle East, to assist Israel in building the Lavi aircraft, to assure an independent Lebanon, and promote Arab-Israeli negotiations.

US-Israel Joint Statement on Strategic Cooperation

President Clinton and Prime Minister Peres agree to deepen cooperation between their countries through regular consultation in all economic, political, military spheres.

The Jerusalem U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Joint Declaration

(July 14, 2022) The leaders of the United States and Israel, President Biden and Prime Minister Lapid, met in Jerusalem on 14 July 2022, and adopted the following Joint Declaration on the US-Israel Strategic Partnership: The United States and Israel reaffirm the unbreakable bonds between our two countries and the enduring commitment of the […]

Israel’s 9/11 — Hezbollah’s War of Attrition

The day after Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist assault killed 1,200 and dragged more than 240 kidnapped Israelis and others to Gaza, Hezbollah opened a second front along Israel’s northern border with missile fire from Lebanon. More than 60,000 Israelis were evacuated from 43 communities. Seven months later, those evacuees have been told they won’t be […]

Unbridled praise by the Shah of Iran and President Jimmy Carter, a State Dinner Tehran, Iran 

Having made human rights a central pillar of his foreign policy, Carter nonetheless seemingly ignored the abuses the Shah of Iran imposed upon his own people. Carter’s unctuous praise for the Shah at this state dinner angered Iranians in general, the clerical regime that replaced the Shah in 1979, resulting in negative consequences for Carter as he went into the 1980 presidential election.

#134 Contemporary Readings April 2024 – Including Israel-Hamas War

Assembled by Scott Abramson and Ken Stein, Center for Israel Education CIE Webinar, “Women Respond to the War With Hamas,” Ken Stein, Yocheved Kim Ruttenberg, Pnina Sharvit Baruch, and Julia Elad-Strenger, April 17, 2024 (audio/visual) CIE Webinar, “Europe-Israel Relations Under Pressure,” Ken Stein, Joan Ryan, Colin Shindler, and Raouf Leeraar, April 10, 2024, (audio/visual) […]

Excerpt of Three Letters from Mr. Heinrich Margalith, Anglo-Palestine Bank

Three letters from a Zionist official details how Arab peasants are sometimes swindled out of their lands by Arab land brokers and effendis, noting economic harm to them, and how they learn to avoid landlords and sell directly to Jewish buyers. Intra-Arab communal tension rises.

Israel’s 9/11 — Iran’s Threat and Regional Responses

Hamas’ terrorist assault Oct. 7, killing 1,200 and kidnapping more than 240, was the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust, but the night of April 13-14 could have been worse when Iran attacked Israel with more than 300 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. Only a multinational defense of aircraft, ships and anti-missile systems […]

The Logic of Israel’s Actions to Contain Iran in Syria and Lebanon

Israel’s opposition to Iranian entrenchment in Syria and Lebanon is twofold: To prevent Iran from building a beachhead against Israel through its proxies on Israel’s borders, and to impede development of Iran’s nuclear and long-range missile capabilities. Israel is absolutely determined and prepared to act forcefully against Iran, which could lead to a full-scale war. Israel must win this struggle against Iran, one way or another.

Land and Jewish Nationhood: The Making of the Jewish State

Rabbi Michael Berger, a professor in Emory University’s religion department, and CIE President Ken Stein, an Emory emeritus professor, trace 3,000 years of Jewish connection to the Land of Israel and the strategies that prepared modern Zionists for statehood by May 1948. This 49-minute presentation was part of the 21st annual CIE/ISMI Enrichment Workshop on […]

Dayenu – From Judaism’s Foundation to Contemporary Israel

Sung or recited on Passover, the original Dayenu is reflective appreciation of 14 significant events specifically wrapped around the exodus from Egypt. The Dayenu presented here chronicles Jewish history from Exodus to the present day. This history can be read individually or responsively. Different moments and personalities in Jewish history could have been included. Hebrew and Spanish versions of Dayenu are available.

Ley de comisiones estatales de investigación de Israel

30 de diciembre de 1968 Reguladas por una ley aprobada el 30 de diciembre de 1968, las comisiones de investigación estatales israelíes son paneles designados para investigar asuntos de interés público e interés estatal. Estos organismos independientes se encuentran entre las instituciones más confiables de la democracia israelí. Sin embargo, ningún gobierno en ejercicio exige […]

Israel’s 9/11 — Women Respond to the War With Hamas

The raw numbers in the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attack — 1,200 killed and more than 240 abducted — can sanitize the personal trauma and horror of the brutality, including sex-based violence. Women often are stereotyped as victims or peacemakers, but CIE’s 27th weekly webinar on the Israel-Hamas war, set for April 17, examines the reality of women’s responses and roles in Israeli society and the reactions to how they have fought, volunteered, advocated and led for more than six months. Joining moderator Dr. Ken Stein, CIE’s president and an Emory University emeritus professor of Middle East history, political science and Israel studies, are Col. (res.) Pnina Sharvit Baruch of the Institute for National Security Studies and Dr. Julia Elad-Strenger, a political psychologist at Bar-Ilan University.

The Israel-Hamas War – Multiple Resources

Videos, webinars, timelines, analyses, suggested readings, maps, and educator guides relating to the Israel-Hamas War that began on October 7.

Ken Stein,  “¿Qué pasaría si la élite árabe palestina hubiera elegido el compromiso en lugar del boicot al enfrentar al sionismo?” 

Kenneth W. Stein,  “¿Qué pasaría si la élite árabe palestina hubiera elegido el compromiso en lugar del boicot al enfrentar al sionismo?” in Gavriel D. Rosenfeld (ed.) What Ifs of Jewish History, Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp. 215-237. Introducción La elección de la élite árabe-palestina de boicotear o no participar en prácticamente todas las propuestas […]

A Collection of Reasoned Views for the Dysfunctional Condition of the Palestinian Arabs’ Political State of Affairs

Noted Palestinian and Arab authors discuss reasons for a fractured Palestinian community (fractured politics, jealousies, peasant impoverishment, and deep sociological divisions)