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Forming a Nucleus for the Jewish State: 1882-1947

With 20 maps and prose, trace the progression of Jewish physical and demographic growth toward state building from 1882 to 1948 (25,000 to 600,000), with two-thirds in place by 1940.

UNGA (Palestine Partition) Resolution 181

The UN recommended establishing Arab and Jewish states in Palestine, with an international regime for Jerusalem. Zionists were jubilant; Arab states and the Palestinians were indignant and rejected two state solution. No Arab state is established, Israel is in 1948

Ken Stein, “Israel y el Medio Oriente Entrevista,  Israel and the Middle East,”  with Dr. Armando Alducin and Maurico Friedman (75 minutes)

Five points stressed in this Spanish-English interview. 1. Hamas’s purposeful mission as stated dozens of times by Hamas leaders in their own words, and in its founding 1988 Charter is to destroy Israel, degrade support for Israel among nations of the world, kill Jews, and delegitimize the Jewish state. Hamas proudly carries the banner of […]

Israel’s Basic Laws

With no constitution, citizen rights and government responsibilities are stated in 14 laws. The Judiciary is covered in the Seventh Basic Law, February 1984.

Las 14 leyes básicas de Israel

Sin constitución, los derechos de los ciudadanos y las responsabilidades del gobierno están establecidos en 14 leyes. El poder judicial está cubierto por la Séptima Ley Fundamental, de febrero de 1984.

Israel’s 9/11 — Israel’s Diversity During War: Druze, Muslim, Christian and Haredi Responses

Israel’s diversity is reflected in the range of responses to four months of war since Hamas and others killed 1,200 people and took more than 240 hostages Oct. 7. Amid many examples: Areas in which some Israeli Arabs rioted during Israel-Hamas fighting in May 2021 have been quiet, and Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews have volunteered in […]

Jewish Cultural Life in Palestine, 1945-1946

Gerda Luft’s, “Cultural Life in Palestine,” is representative of the dozens of excellent analyses of Jewish life and politics in Palestine/Israel and the world located in the annual Palestine Yearbooks, later the Israel Yearbook, published from 1945 forward.

Israel’s 9/11 — Economic Disruption and Resilience: From Agriculture to High Tech

The war that began Oct. 7 with Hamas’ killing of 1,200 people and abduction of more than 240 others shook Israel and Israelis to their core. Particularly impacted was Israel’s vibrant economy. With hundreds of thousands of Israelis internally displaced or serving in the military and most foreign workers unavailable, labor is short. International investors […]

Biden’s lifelong support for Israel: Compatibility to American Strategic Interests in the Middle East

Scott Abramson and Ken Stein, Center for Israel Education  Common political, emotional and strategic threads are present in President Joe Biden’s speeches and comments about the brutal reality of the Hamas attacks on Israel and his iron-clad support for Israel as a state, its people and national security, including his support for Israel to eradicate […]

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Address at the Herzliya Conference

In preparing the Israeli public, Prime Minister Sharon outlines his government’s preparations for Israel’s August 2005 unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. Sharon’s optimism includes hopes for a long-lasting Israeli-Palestinian agreement, rebuilding the Israeli econonmy, and improving citizen’s security. Within a year of the speech, he suffers a debilitating stroke; the Gaza withdrawal in 30 months becomes a hazard to Israel’s security.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Bar-Ilan University

Thirteen years ago, then Prime Minister Netanyahu endorsed the evolution of a Palestinian state, stipulating that it had to be demilitarized, and he would not rule out a complete halt to settlement activity, noting that Palestinian refugees would not be resettled inside Israel’s borders.

Foreign Minister Shimon Peres’ Remarks at the Knesset on the Oslo Accords and Gaza Strip

FM Peres supports the Oslo Accords, opposes a Palestinian state and rejects Israel’s role in the Gaza Strip as enforcer of security; his considerations have relevance for the Gaza Strip in 2024.

Israel’s 9/11 — War in Culture and Remembrance: Music, Memorials and More Artifacts

The reactions to Hamas’ killing of 1,200 Israelis and others and abduction of more than 240 on Oct. 7 have rippled across Israeli society and left their marks on Israeli music, art and other aspects of popular culture. As Israelis cope with a range of emotions, memorials are being created, and documents and artifacts are […]

Era II: 1898 to 1948

Go to The Timeline starting at Era II Previous Era Next Era

2024 – Hanin Ghaddar, “Reinforcing U.S. Diplomacy to Stop a Hezbollah-Israel War,” Washington Institute for Near East Policy

View PDF Since the Hamas-led attacks against Israel on October 7, 2023, Hezbollahsecretary-general Hassan Nasrallah has made five public appearancesto address the group’s own confrontation with Israel along the Lebaneseborder. Taken together, these speeches acknowledge a dramatic shift in therules of engagement and deterrence that had governed the two adversariessince the summer war of 2006.1 […]

Readings and videos: Histories of Jewish Peoplehood, Zionism and Israel

We recommend summaries of  modern Israeli politics, history, and culture.  The classic review of  is “Zionism” discussed from biblical origins, including the  ancient kingdoms, peoplehood, messianism, and stirrings to renewal for Eretz Yisrael.  This is found in the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906, Vol VIII, 40 pages;  In addition, we suggest,   “The Zionist Movement”  reprinted from  The Israel Yearbook, 1950-1951, […]

#131 Contemporary Readings January 2024 – Including Israel-Hamas War

Khaled Abu Toameh, “Is Hamas Waging a Smear Campaign against Egypt?” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, January 21, 2024. Lior Ben-Ari, “Abraham Accords Hold Steady amid Gaza War Turmoil,” Ynet, January 9, 2024. Yoni Ben Menachem, “Egypt Fears the Strengthening of the “Muslim Brotherhood” Movement,” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, January 28, 2024. […]

Israel’s 9/11 – Military Strategy and Tactics: How the IDF Is Fighting Hamas

The Israel-Hamas war started nearly four months ago on Oct. 7 when Hamas terrorists and others from the Gaza Strip killed 1,200 Israelis and others, including 31 Americans, and kidnapped more than 200. Some 130 Israelis and others remain hostages. In fighting this war, Israel is juggling sometimes conflicting challenges: eliminate Hamas as a threat […]

Ken Stein, The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 – A Short History of the Israel War of Independence

Otherwise known as Israel’s War of Independence, or, “the nakbah” or disaster to the Arab world because a Jewish state was established, the war was fought between the newly established Jewish state of Israel opposed by Palestinian irregulars, and armies from five Arab states. Official beginning of the war is usually given as May 14, 1948, the date Israel declared itself an independent Jewish state, but the war’s first of four phases began in November 1947. Lasting for two years, the war ended with armistice agreements signed in 1949 between Israel and four Arab states.

Yahyah Sinwar, Hamas leader in Gaza, seeks Israel’s eradication;  thanks Iran- his own words

“We support the eradication of Israel through armed Jihad and struggle. This is our doctrine. The occupation must be swept [away] from all our land.”  May 26, 2021 speech on Aljazeera  “Our complete gratitude is extended to the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has spared us and the other Palestinian resistance factions nothing in […]

Israel’s Law of Return

Jews worldwide are given the right to come to Israel and become citizens.

Memorando sobre la administración de Palestina, junio de 1947

Este resumen de Palestina (gobierno británico) sobre el funcionamiento del Mandato de Palestina fue escrito especialmente para el Comité Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre Palestina (UNSCOP) formado en la primavera de 1947 para analizar la futura disposición política de Palestina.