From the early 19th century, Zionists and then Israelis negotiated with Arabs in Palestine and then with Arab neighbors.
Zionists, Arabs, Israelis, Palestinians, and various outside powers took positions for and against negotiations. Many tried and succeeded in mediating portions of the conflict. Over time, numerous agreements were offered, less were signed, and many more were suggested. Our listing is our sampling of the most important successes, possibilities, and positions.
- 1939 Mufti Hajj Amin Al Husayni, Decision to Reject a Majority Palestinian Arab State
- 1947 Abdulrahman ‘Azzam Pasha Rejects Any Compromise with Zionists
- 1949 Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett to the Israel Knesset
- 1949 Israeli-Egyptian General Armistice Agreement, Excerpts
- 1967 Israel’s Alon Plan on the Future of the Territories
- 1967 Khartoum Arab League Summit Resolution
- 1967 UN Security Council Resolution 242
- 1973 UN Security Council Resolution 338
- 1977 “The Framework for the Peace-Making Process between Israel and its Neighbors”
- 1978 Camp David Accords
- 1979 Peace Treaty Between Israel and Egypt
- 1991 Madrid Middle East Peace Conference
- 1993 Israel-PLO Mutual Recognition- Letters
- 1993 Oslo Accords (Declaration of Principles on Interim Self- Government Agreements)
- 1994 Israeli-Jordanian Treaty, Excerpts
- 1995 Yitzhak Rabin’s Reasons for Signing the Oslo Accords
- 2000 Clinton Parameters
- 2001 Mitchell Report
- 2003 A Roadmap for a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Presented by the Quartet, European Union, United Nations, Russia and the United States
- 2009 UN Security Council Resolution 1860
- 2009 PM Benjamin Netanyahu at Bar-Ilan University
- 2013 President Obama to the People of Israel
- 2014 US Negotiator Martin Indyk on the Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations
- 2020 Peace to Prosperity A Vision to improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People. (Click here for webinar)
- 2020 Interview on Inside the Normalization Agreements Between Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain