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The Nation-State Law, One Year Later: What has Changed?

From a practical standpoint, the Nation State law’s ramifications are not yet clear. Neither its opponents nor its supporters ever claimed that it would immediately create a totally new situation in Israel. By its nature, a constitutional amendment of this sort, at the vaguest and most general level possible of the definition of the state, years will go by before all its provisions have been interpreted and before they trickle down to substantive changes on the ground.

The Kushner Plan: Economics or politics, which comes first?

Until a political plan is announced the economic one is unlikely to progress. Two key issues are whether Israel will cooperate in the creation of a Palestinian state, and can the Palestinians create a unified, democratic and effective government within such a state. These remain very open questions.

Volume VII, Series A (August 1914 – November 1917)

The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann  August 1914 – November 1917 Volume VII, Series A Introduction: Leonard Stein General Editor Meyer W. Weisgal, Volume Editor Leonard Stein in collaboration with Dvorah Barzilay and Nehama A. Chalom, Oxford University Press, London and Israel Universities Press, Jerusalem, 1975 [Reprinted with express permission from the Weizmann Archives, […]

Russian Soft Power in the Middle East

Russian soft power efforts in the Middle East are bearing fruit, as many young Arabs now view Moscow as an ally and the US as unreliable. Russia wants to build more ties with the Muslim world and views Trump’s presidency as an opportunity in that regard. This ambition is tempered somewhat by the Muslim jihadist threat in Russian areas and, of course, the painful legacy of the war in Afghanistan.

Volume VI, Series A (March 1913 – July 1914)

The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann  March 1913 – July 1914 Volume VI, Series A Introduction: Barnet Litvinoff General Editor Meyer W. Weisgal, Volume Editors Gedalia Yogev, Shifra Kolatt, Evyatar Friesel, English Edition: Barnet Litvinoff, Oxford University Press, London and Israel Universities Press, Jerusalem, 1974 [Reprinted with express permission from the Weizmann Archives, Rehovot, […]

Tectonics, Techno-economics, and National Security: The Strategic Clash between the United States and China, and Implications for Israel

A series of “volcanic” eruptions are reported around the world: “trade war,” mutual imposition of tariffs, sanctions on companies, military signaling in the South China Sea, summits between leaders, and temporary “ceasefires.” All are manifestations of the historic clash between the “tectonic plates” of the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China. Like the processes that shaped the earth, the collision will shape the landscape for future generations: politically, economically and militarily. Israel has a marginal and secondary role in this dynamic, but the shockwaves reach its shores and present complex challenges to its policy and national security.

Arab Politics in Israel: Where are they Headed?

The elections of April 2019 were marked by a historic low in the participation rate of Arab citizens. According to the CEC, only 49.2% of eligible voters in Arab and Druze communities voted. For 20 years, Arab society’s voting rate in Israel has dropped by more than 25 percent. The national voter turnout also declined during this period, but only by 10%. The increase in voter turnout among the Arab population in the 2015 elections is therefore the exception to the general rule.

Volume V, Series A (January 1907 – February 1913)

The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann  January 1907 – February 1913 Volume V, Series A Introduction: Barnet Litvinoff, based upon the Hebrew by Hanna Weiner General Editor Meyer W. Weisgal, Volume Editor Hanna Weiner and Barnet Litvinoff, Oxford University Press, London and Israel Universities Press, Jerusalem, 1974 [Reprinted with express permission from the Weizmann […]

A New, Pro-Israel Government in Athens

The right-wing conservative New Democracy party’s accession to office in Greece will not weaken the country’s close ties with Israel and could even strengthen them, despite the presence in the government of a minister with an allegedly antisemitic past.

Volume IV, Series A (January 1905 – December 1906)

The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann  January 1905 – December 1906 Volume IV, Series A Introduction: Camillo Dresner General Editor Meyer W. Weisgal, Volume Editor  Camillo Dresner and Barnet Litvinoff, Oxford University Press, London and Israel Universities Press, Jerusalem, 1973 [Reprinted with express permission from the Weizmann Archives, Rehovot, Israel,  by the Center for […]

Why are the Ethiopian Israelis Angry?

The integration process of Ethiopian immigrants in Israel has been especially difficult, given the complexity of their interaction with the host society. A number of factors are at the root of these challenges, even before we bring up the color of their skin and the racism it feeds or inspires. First of all, Israelis of Ethiopian descent, first and second generations are a relatively small group (around 150,000 people, 1.7% of the entire Israeli population). Hence their ability to exert political pressure via the institutionalized channels, mainly political parties and on Election Day is quite limited.

Israel Framework for the Peace-Making Process between Israel and its Neighbors

Begin tells Carter that Judea, Samaria (the West Bank) and the Gaza Strip will not be placed under foreign sovereignty; likewise, these areas will not be annexed, leaving them open for possible negotiations.

1885 – 1952: The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann are an enormously valuable but under-utilized source of modern Zionist History. The twenty-three-volume series offers an intimate perspective into the life of Chaim Weizmann, as he became one of half a dozen key leaders in the 19th and 20th century Zionist quest to establish a Jewish state. Each […]

Do Limited Resources Threaten the IDF’s New Multiyear Plan?

The multiyear Tnufa (“momentum”) plan drawn up by IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi is meant to provide a response to changes affecting the IDF – those underway and those that are expected in the next five years – and to improve operational effectiveness. However, recently the situation assessment has been flooded with factors related to economic and political conditions that may delay and limit the plan’s launch.

US-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act

Building on a collaborative relationship of over 50 years, the US once again affirms its strategic commitments to Israel through an additional “Security Cooperation Act.” The agreement bolsters American military and financial aid to Israel.

Volume III, Series A (September 1903 – December 1904)

The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann  September 1903 – December 1904 Volume III, Series A  Introduction: Gedalia Yogev General Editor Meyer W. Weisgal, London, Oxford University Press, 1972 [Reprinted with express permission from the Weizmann Archives, Rehovot, Israel,  by the Center for Israel Education] The third volume of the Weizmann Letters is the […]

For These Do-Over Elections, We are all Smarter

Another Election? It Has its Pluses for the Public and for Democracy. Voters got to see how parties behaved after elections, and parties now know the real risk of a hardline negotiation stance.

Religious Zionism, Professor Michael Berger (57:00)

During the 2019 CIE/ISMI Educator Workshop on Modern Israel, Emory University Professor Michael Berger traces the evolution of religious Zionism from its roots in Europe to its participation in current Israeli politics.

Volume II, Series A (November 1902 – August 1903)

The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann  November 1902 – August 1903 Volume II, Series A Introduction: Gedalia Yogev General Editor Meyer W. Weisgal, Editorial Direction Gedalia Yogev,  Editor: English Edition Barnet Litvinoff, London, Oxford University Press, 1971 [Reprinted with express permission from the Weizmann Archives, Rehovot, Israel,  by the Center for Israel Education] […]

Volume I, Series A (1885 – 1902)

The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann  Summer 1885 – 29 October 1902  Volume I, Series A, English Edition    Edited by Leonard Stein in collaboration with Gedalia Yogev, London, Oxford University Press, 1968 [Reprinted with express permission from the Weizmann Archives, Rehovot, Israel by the Center for Israel Education] INTRODUCTION TO VOLUME I […]

How Fault Lines in the PA and the Arab World Affect Jerusalem

In a general sense, east Jerusalem is disengaging from Ramallah and the West Bank and connecting with Israel. However, tensions over the Temple Mount are hard to control and may change this situation completely. The process of connecting to Israel shapes the city, but undermining the order on the Temple Mount may affect the whole of Jerusalem.

Biographical Indices 1885 – 1952

The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann Series A 1885-1952 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX This is a composite biographical index, collected from each of the twenty-three individual biographical indexes published originally at the end of each separate volume of Weizmann’s Letters. Identifying information includes a persons affiliations, birth and date dates, important turning points in a careers, […]

#76 Contemporary Readings, June 2019

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Muriel Asseburg and Nimrod Goren, “Divided and Divisive Europeans, Israel and Israeli-Palestinian Peacemaking,” SWP Berlin, 2019. Laura Adkins, “This 20 year-old Israeli combat soldier is also a drag queen,” Jewish Telegraph Agency, June 28, 2019. Ami Ayalon, “Donald […]

Jewish Request at the End of WWII: Let My People Go [to Palestine]!

Moshe Sharett urges British and US to open Palestine to unimpeded Jewish immigration from

Southern Lebanon: The Land of Three Armies

July 12, 2019 will mark the thirteenth anniversary of the outbreak of the Second Lebanon War; August 14 will mark the anniversary of its end under Security Council Resolution 1701; and discussions will be held at the United Nations headquarters regarding a renewal of UNIFIL’s mandate for another year. The bottom line: another war between Israel and Lebanon did not erupt, mainly due to both sides’ desire to avoid it and, to some extent, also due to UNIFIL’s help in preventing escalation resulting from tactical incidents.

General Introduction to the Collection

Edited by Leonard Stein in collaboration with Gedalia Yogev,  London, Oxford University Press, 1968 [Reprinted with express permission from the Weizmann Archives, Rehovot, Israel,  by the Center for Israel Education] THE purpose of the work commencing with this volume is to make available, in Hebrew and English, a comprehensive collection, with explanatory notes, of […]

Economic Prosperity is Not a Recipe for Resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The economic workshop in Bahrain is the first part of the “deal of the century”; the political portion will apparently be presented only after the Israeli elections in September. The workshop in Bahrain leans heavily on Donald Trump’s political doctrine, whereby the economic power of the United States is the key to resolve economic, political, and social issues. However, a review of peace treaties that Israel has signed shows that the economy has consistently played only a secondary role, behind significant political solutions. The economic incentives were not the main channel of Israel’s peace treaties, but rather, a complement to the political channel. Therefore, despite the American desire to present a chiefly economic agenda for the Middle East, the success of the plans presented at the conference are tightly tied to the forthcoming political portion of the “deal of the century.”

Arab Minority and the Challenge of Integration, Professor Yitzhak Reiter, (1:03:22)

During the 2019 CIE/ISMI Educator Workshop on Modern Israel, Professor Yitzhak Reiter of Ashkelon Academic College discusses Israel’s Arab minority. The talk focuses on the factors that impact relations between Israel’s Jews and Arabs, the impact of the 2018 Nation State Law, and the conflict between civic and national identities.

The Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty at 25: A Slightly Tarnished, but Still Important, Silver Anniversary

Twenty-five years after the signing of the Jordan-Israel peace treaty, the bilateral relationship is in a challenging phase, but nothing should obscure the crucial benefits strategic and security cooperation affords to both sides, and the centrality of the relations to each side’s national security.

The Greatest Necessity: National Cohesion

Israel’s government must nurture a spirit of unity and national purpose by building a policy consensus as broad as possible. This is necessary both in preparation for likely combat operations against Iran and its proxies, and in order to respond wisely to the American peace plan and to intelligently manage conflict with the Palestinians.