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Center for Israel Education’s History, October 2022

The Center for Israel Education (CIE), founded in Atlanta under the direction of Dr. Kenneth W. Stein, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and tax-exempt entity established in 2008. The CIE evolved out of the Emory Institute for the Study of Modern Israel (ISMI), which was established in 1998. ISMI was the first permanent academic platform, center […]

La Adquisición Sionista de Tierras: un elemento principal en el establecimiento de Israel

Para lograr que un estado judío moderno se desenvuelva, dos requisitos físicos fueron necesarios: una población y un territorio. La inmigración y la adquisición de tierras llevó al sionismo a la realidad. Ambos fueron el oxígeno para el desarrollo de la nación. Crear establecimientos e instituciones, colocar las tuberías de agua y los caminos, expandir los almacenes, construir escuelas y contratar a maestros, crear instalaciones médicas, expandir las áreas urbanas, desarrollar instituciones políticas, sociales y culturales de auto-gobierno, y revivir al hebreo como idioma hablado reflejaron un dinamismo proactivo.

UN Security Council Resolution 465 Concerning Jerusalem, Settlements and the Territories

Showing its public opposition to Israeli actions in the lands taken in the June 1967 war, an area that the Carter Administration
wanted reserved for Palestinian self-rule, it ‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s settlement policies. Passage of the resolution three weeks
prior to the New York and Connecticut presidential primaries, cause many Jewish voters to vote in favor of Ted Kennedy
and not for Carter, helping to splinter the Democratic Party.

September 17, 2008, Ken Stein Interview with Rabbi Avi Weiss, Riverdale, New York

As a political activist, Weiss recollects with keen candor the incidents in 1978-1980 where he personally confronted President Jimmy Carter for what he viewed as his definitive anti-Israeli comments and actions.

Avraham Sela: Arab Historiography of the 1948 War: The Quest for Legitimacy

Reprinted with permission from the author. Sela’s survey is unique for its breadth and analytical candor. He analyzes Arab authors, country by country who wrote about the 1948 Arab loss of Palestine. Sela reviews key books and articles that focused on causes, responsibility and blame for Israel’s success. He touches on the sensitive issue of […]

Gran Bretaña. Palestina: Terminación del mandato

(15 de mayo de 1948) Gran Bretaña. Declaración preparada por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Coloniales. 1948. Versión Impresa. Este informe de 10 páginas, escrito por la Oficina Británica de Asuntos Exteriores y Coloniales, junto con el Informe de la Comisión Peel (Royal) de 1937, es uno de los dos mejores resúmenes de la […]

Great Britain. Palestine: Termination of the Mandate, May 15, 1948

This 10 page report, written by the British Colonial and Foreign Office, along with the 1937 Peel (Royal) Commission Report, is one of the two best summaries of the British presence in Palestine. Both are substantial in terms of content, detail and analyses; both were written from Britain’s perspective. Read these along with 1931 Census for Palestine to have a fuller grasp of the politics and the populations that shaped Britain’s Palestine’s administration from 1918-1948.

Great Britain. Palestine: Termination of the Mandate

This 10 page report, written by the British Colonial and Foreign Office, along with the 1937 Peel (Royal) Commission Report, is one of the two best summaries of the British presence in Palestine.  Both are substantial in terms of content, detail and analyses; both were written from Britain’s perspective. Read these along with 1931 Census for Palestine to have a fuller grasp of the politics and the populations that shaped Britain’s Palestine’s administration from 1918-1948

Memorandum of Conversation Between US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski and Saudi Arabian Prince Fahd on Camp David Accords and Other Regional Issues

Nine days before the March 26, 1979 signing of the Egyptian-Israeli Treaty, US National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud carried out an extraordinarily frank conversation. It included discussions about their bilateral relations, common fears of regional turbulence, and Sadat’s building estrangement from Arab leaders.

#108 Contemporary Readings February 2022

Updated February 28, 2022 Assembled by Ken Stein, Michele Freesman-Levenson, and Ana Kilbourn Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and the Center for Israel Education, AFP, “Israel’s economy minister visits Morocco to cement trade ties,” Ahram Online, February 20, 2022,;s-economy-minister-visits-Morocco-to-cement.aspx  Mansour Abbas, David Makovsky, and Robert Satloff, “An Arab Leader […]

Meet a Transformative CIE Partner

Rabbi Sharon Clevenger, who leads Jewish studies at The Rashi School, discusses the positive working relationship she and her team have built with CIE.

Lessons from the Day School Initiative, March 1, 2022

Dr. Tal Grinfas-David, March 1, 2022 When it comes to boosting Israel education, some schools go through transactional changes, and some go through transformative changes. What’s the difference? Transactional schools add units and information, making superficial connections to Israel but failing to truly integrate curricula as do transformative schools.  In transactional schools, students walk away […]

RootOne Turns to CIE for Trip Prep

RootOne, which provides vouchers for thousands of high school students to visit Israel during the summer, is again working with CIE for educational courses that prepare teens for their trips.

A Glossary of Terms on modern Israel in Essential Israel

S. Ilan Troen and Rachel Fish (eds.) have provided a very useful and authoritative compilation of 15 essays, covering almost all topics and disciplines that pertain to modern Israel.

Los Sefardíes: Haciendo Estado, Política y Cultura (40 minutos)

El Dr. Yaron Ayalon de College of Charleston y Rich Walter de la Federación Judía de la Gran Atlanta profundizan en la historia y la influencia política y cultural del diverso grupo de judíos israelíes conocidos colectivamente como sefardíes o mizrajíes.
Fecha de grabación: 14 de junio de 2021
Parte de 20º Taller Anual de Enriquecimiento sobre el Israel Moderno

Israel National Security Index: Public Opinion 2020-2021

The National Security Index tracks trends in Israeli public opinion on national security issues in a systematic and consistent manner. Included are levels of confidence in public institutions, handling the pandemic, security establishment, and taking military action against the Iranian nuclear threat.

Israeli Prime Minister Bennett cogently assesses the state of Israel’s foreign, defense, and domestic matters

In a far-ranging speech about Israeli domestic and foreign policies, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett presented the views of Israel’s 36th government, in office since June 2021. On foreign and…

Remarks by Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to the INSS 15th Annual International Conference

Bennett makes remarks about a new self-defense system, fears about Iran, managing the pandemic, economic growth, and Israel’s growing relationship with Middle Eastern Arab countries.

#107 Contemporary Readings January 2022

Updated February 2, 2022 Assembled by Ken Stein and Michele Freesman-Levenson, Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and the Center for Israel Education, Musa Alami, “The Lesson of Palestine,” Middle East Journal, October 1949, reprinted with permission, Tomer Barak and Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak, “Confronting Climate Change, Turkey Needs ‘Green’ Leadership […]

Memorandum of Understanding (military aid) Between the United States and Israel

14 September 2016, commencing in 2018 Source: Building upon previous US-Israeli memorandums of understanding, the first of which signed in 1974, the US promised 10 years of military assistance to Israel, totaling $38 billion. Representing an $8 billion increase of US military aid since the last MOU in 2007, this commitment reflects the costs […]

Memorandum of Understanding (military aid) Between the United States and Israel

The US promises Israel $38 billion in military aid over a decade, the assistance promised despite Jerusalem and Washington periodically differing over matters relating to Iran and the Palestinians.

David Ben-Gurion provides substantive outlines needed for moving toward the Jewish state

Despite WWII in Europe, and the British White Paper, Ben-Gurion outlines in 1941 a pragmatic policy for Jews to pursue in building a state: educate Jews world-wide, embrace the Arab communityin Palestine as neighbors, build an economy, strengthen Jewish defense, and be prepared toabsorb the coming influx of Jewish immigrants. Read more

Israel and Tu B’Shvat: A Study Guide

ncient Israel, Tu B’Shvat was the day when farmers offered the first fruits of their trees in the form of a tithe or tax to the Temple after the trees had turned 4 years old.

Identidad y política en Israel (30 minutos)

El Dr. Jonathan Rynhold, profesor de estudios políticos en la Universidad Bar-Ilan e investigador principal en el Centro Begin-Sadat de Estudios Estratégicos, aborda cómo la política de Israel refleja la diversidad étnica, religiosa y cultural del estado.Grabado el 15 de junio de 2021, en el 20º Taller Anual de Enriquecimiento de Israel Moderno. (Inglés con subtítulos […]

#106 Contemporary Readings December 2021

Updated January 4, 2022  Assembled by Ken Stein and Michele Freesman-Levenson, Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and the Center for Israel Education,  Elliott Abrams, “Murmurs About Palestine as 2021 Ends,” Council on Foreign Relations, December 15, 2021,   Associated Press, “Israeli leader returning home from UAE ‘very optimistic’.” Y-Net, December 14, 2021,   Daphna Aviram-Nitzan and Roe Kenneth […]

Un plan de estudios de Israel que informa: décadas de evidencia

Professor Ken Stein, Última clase de Emory, abril de 2020 El 1 de enero de 2022 cumplí 43 años de enseñanza en la Universidad de Emory. Fue una gran y entretenida carrera. En el camino acumulé más papeles de los necesarios, entre ellos cada programa de estudios, lista de lecturas, listas de clases, evaluaciones de […]

An Israel Syllabus that informs – decades of proof

On January 1, 2022, I completed 43 years of teaching at Emory University. It was a great run and great fun. Along the way, I accumulated more pieces of paper than was necessary, among them every syllabus, reading list , class rolls, course evaluations, and bibliographies  assigned. Collectively those guide posts for teaching have reminded me that undergraduate students have enormous, if not […]