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Diáspora, sionismo, de la primera guerra nundial a 1939

Profesor Kenneth W. Stein, Presidente De CIE CIE-ISMI Conferencia De Maestros 2020 Atlanta, Georgia Ver powerpoint

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La Guerra de junio 1967: El Pivote en la historia judía, de Israel y del medio oriente Utilizando adjetivos y sustantivos, complete las cajas en blanco para describir como cada componente pudo haber cambiado con respecto a Israel en el transcurso del tiempo. Si requiere asistencia, por favor utilice el banco de palabras localizado en la […]

El proceso de formación del núcleo que constituyó la creación del estado de Israel 1882-1947

Desde tiempos bíblicos hasta el presente, los judíos y el judaísmo han tenido una conexión ininterrumpida con “Sión”, “Eretz Israel”, “Tierra Santa” o lo que las grandes potencias denominaron “Palestina” después de la Primera Guerra Mundial. El plan del siglo XIX para construir un estado judío requería población y territorio. La identidad judía, el antisemitismo […]

#90 Contemporary Readings, August 2020

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli SperlingEmory University and Center for Israel or  Al-Jazeera Staff, “Lebanon sees record-high coronavirus cases and deaths,” Al Jazeera, August 12, 2020. Khaled Abu Toameh, “Thousands of Palestinians flock to Israeli beaches, restaurants,” Jerusalem Post, August 9, 2020. Jon B. Atlman, “The Normalization of UAE-Israel Relations,” Center for […]

Remote Learning Highlights

How has the shift to distance learning affected Jewish learning environments, and what are some best practices to make the most of education from afar? A head of school, a synagogue rabbi, a JCC and Jewish Federation chief, and an expert on remote learning offer answers and insights during the 19th CIE/ISMI Enrichment Workshop on Modern Israel.

Palestine and the Arab World: A relationship in Crisis

After the August 15, 2020 announcement that the UAE would recognize Israel in return for not annexing any of the West Bank area, the PLO and the PA reacted with anger, calling the UAE action a ‘stab in the back of the Palestinians.’ Subsequently, the Arabic written media and analysts in the Middle East and elsewhere poured out their thoughts about what this action meant to the future of the Palestinian community worldwide and to the Palestinian issue in general. One of the many responses was presented in a webinar by the Brookings Institution on August 27, 2020.

Israel – United Arab Emirates Recognition

On August 13, 2020, when the United Arab Emirates agreed to pursue full normal relations with Israel, without any Israeli withdrawal from lands it won in the June 1967 war, the sacred negotiating formula, “Land for Peace” that had dominated Arab-Israeli talks for half a century abruptly ended.

El Reconocimiento de Israel por Emiratos Árabes Unidos

Profesor Kenneth Stein, Agosto 16, 2020 El 13 de agosto del 2020, cuando los Emiratos Árabes Unidos acordaron buscar relaciones completamente normales con Israel, sin la retirada del mismo de ningún territorio ganado en la guerra de junio de 1967, la fórmula sacra de negociación, “Tierra por Paz” que ha dominado las conversaciones árabe-israelíes por […]

Joint Statement of the United States, the State of Israel, and the United Arab Emirates

President Trump announces the diplomatic breakthrough, in which Israel halts its plans to annex parts of the West Bank, and in return, the UAE agrees to full diplomatic relations with Israel. This took place without any Israeli commitments to withdrawal from lands it won in the June 1967 war.

Great Powers, the Middle East and the Cold War

The clash of great powers to control the Middle East, particularly between the US and the USSR neither began after the end of WWII nor ended with the demise of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. Today, China, the US, Russia, and Middle Eastern regional powers vie to influence everyday politics and resources.

Declaraciones del ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de la Unión Soviética, Andrei Gromyko, ante la Comisión Especial de las Naciones Unidas para Palestina

A pesar de una postura oficial anti-sionista, el gobierno de Stalin apoyó la partición de Palestina de manera a dar fin allí a la presencia británica, dejando el área abierta a la entrada y la influencia de Moscú.

Memorándum del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos con respecto al futuro de Palestina, George Kennan, director de Planificación Política del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos

En marzo de 1948, dos meses antes del establecimiento de Israel, el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos trató de revertir el voto de los EE.UU. a favor de la partición para la creación de los estados, árabe y judío, en Palestina. Diplomáticos sionistas trabajaron con fervor en la ONU, Londres y Washington para prevenir la reversión de la decisión política de Estados Unidos. ¿Por qué el Departamento de Estado de EE.UU. se opone tan vigorosamente a la creación del Estado Judío ya desde los años 1940s? Además del anti-semitismo institucional, muy bien documentado, del Departamento de Estado practicado para prevenir la inmigración judía a los estados en los años 1930s y 1940s, había una gran y fuerte impresión de que el estado judío podría alejar el apoyo a Estados Unidos por parte de los estados árabes, especialmente Arabia Saudita.

Informe de la Comisión Especial de las Naciones Unidas para Palestina (UN Special Committee on Palestine, UNSCOP)

La investigación y los estudios, de alta dedicación, del comité de la UNSCOP proveyó a las Naciones Unidas la opción de dos-estados y soluciones federales para la cuestión de Palestina.

The Western Wall and the Jews: More than a Thousand Years of Prayer

Against the background of the Jordanian condemnation of Israel for work carried out by Israel on the southern extension of the Western Wall and the Muslim denial of the Jewish connection to the Western Wall, Nadav Shragai, a researcher at the Jerusalem Center, published this collection of forgotten and lesser-known facts about the Western Wall, which Muslims are trying to deny.

#89 Contemporary Readings, July 2020

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli SperlingEmory University and Center for Israel or  Afif Abu Much, “Israeli Arabs absent from anti-Netanyahu, COVID-19 crisis protests,” Al-Monitor, July 22, 2020. Nuzha Allassad Alhuzail, “The “Gender Genie:” [Negev] Bedouin Women between the Generations,” Moshe Dayan Center, July 28, 2020. Ghaith al-Omari, Ehud Yaari, and Michael Herzog, […]

Memorandum of Conversation: U.S. Secretary of State Vance in Israel with Israeli Foreign Minister, Yigal Allon

With candor, Israeli Foreign Minister Allon tells Secretary of State Vance that the Israeli Labor government would under no circumstances negotiate with the PLO until it gave up terrorism, recognized UNSC 242, and unequivocally accepted Israel’s right to exist. Only in 1993, did the PLO accept these premises, Sixteen years had then passed while Israel built settlements virtually without restraint in the territories.

Proven Success in Israel Education—Context, Sources and Perspective

Using original sources and employing perspective are keys to substantive Israel education. Failure to use either, handicaps and prejudices learning about Israel. When documents and texts or a broad overview of the literature in a field are not employed, there is a strong possibility that the educator either has a personal political agenda or, is covering up for their own lack of knowledge of what they are teaching. This premise is true for teaching any country’s history and through the lens of any discipline. I reside in the discipline of history.

Video: Leaders in Israel Who Made Historic Decisions: Tracing Their Journey

What lessons can we learn from some of Israel’s leaders about Jewish sovereignty, peoplehood, and compromise? Panelists Rachel Fish, Nachman Shai and Gil Troy highlight some key individuals, including David Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin, and Henrietta Szold, in a discussion with Rich Walter.

El Impacto del COVID-19 en los estudios del Medio Oriente y África del Norte: Una lista con artículos seleccionados (actualizado – 6 de Julio 2020)

Ben Wax, Michele Freesman, y Ken Stein, ISMI y el Centro para la Educación sobre Israel La pandemia del coronavirus interrumpe dramáticamente con la política y la economía de los países en Medio Oriente. Un segundo pico alarmando a la población de esta región. Aquí proveemos una lista con artículos seleccionados con 225 análisis y […]

#88 Contemporary Readings, June 2020

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli SperlingEmory University and Center for Israel or  Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Staff in collaboration with the Moshe Dayan Center, “The Coronavirus in the Middle East: State and Society in a Time of Crisis,” Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2020. Nirit Anderman, “The Israeli Version of […]

The Progression of Israeli Culture, Dr. Eli Sperling, (1:01)

Upon its inception, Zionism needed more than political and financial solutions to actualize a Jewish home in Palestine. It was necessary for the architects of the Zionist enterprise to cultivate a “new Jew” to lay the societal foundation for what would become the state of Israel. The result was a largely European, secular and labor-focused […]

Religion and State in Israel, Professor Michael Berger (1:02)

Even as Israel, like America, guarantees religious freedom, it has been connected from its inception to Judaism, the religion of the Jewish people. Nevertheless, that connection has been fraught with tension, from accommodation of religion in the public sphere (the “Status Quo” agreement) to how the state should relate to the Haredi population. Emory University’s […]

Israel in Context: How did the Zionists Make the State; 1882-1949, Professor Ken Stein, (48:32)

Using archival and published sources, including materials from the CIE website, CIE President Ken Stein identifies six factors as reasons for the Zionists’ success: Zionist political action, the impaired socio-economic condition of the Arab population, the commitment of Zionist immigrants, strategic decisions by Zionist leaders, the dysfunctional relations of surrounding Arab states, and persistent European […]

Coronavirus, Oil and the Middle East

Hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people have been put out of work and the result is a massive loss of output and a collapse in the demand for goods and services. There is great uncertainty regarding the development of therapeutics and prevention; health services face massive pressure and many countries have abandoned orthodox economic policies to support households, firms, and financial markets. Conventional economic theory has once again been put to the test and found wanting. The Middle East has been hit by two large overlapping shocks: COVID-19 and the collapse in oil prices.

Mapping West Bank Annexation: Territorial and Political Uncertainties

Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu has repeatedly declared that he will be putting forward his proposal for West Bank annexation as early as July 1. Yet uncertainties about his plans still abound, indicating that this timetable may not be met despite his assertions to the contrary.

West Bank Areas A, B and C – How Did They Come into Being?

In January, President Donald Trump published his long-awaited plan for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People.” The president’s vision calls for Israel to annex roughly 30% of the West Bank – half of Area C – with Areas A, B and the balance of Area C allocated to the future State of Palestine (which is also slated to receive additional land, currently a sovereign part of Israel, of roughly equal size to lands to be annexed by Israel).

Wrestling with Annexation: The Elusive Search for a Policy Rationale

With permission, read full article at Washington Institute for Near East Policy. As soon as next month, Israel’s new government could approve plans to annex a substantial portion of the West Bank. The trigger for this comes from Washington—a shift by the Trump administration to recognize Israel’s new self-declared borders. But that still doesn’t […]

#87 Contemporary Readings, May 2020

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli SperlingEmory University and Center for Israel or  Ahmad Agbaria, “Arab Citizens are Not the Problem: How the 2020 Election Might Redefine the Israeli Political Landscape,” The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, May 31, 2020. Raphael Ahren, “Lots of Bark, Some Actual Bite? How the […]