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Israel’s 9/11 — Europe-Israel Relations Under Pressure

Since Hamas brutally murdered 1,200 Israelis and others and kidnapped more than 240 on Oct. 7, some European governments have reliably supported Israel through six months of war, while others have been consistently critical. Meanwhile, anti-Israel demonstrations have become common across the continent. CIE’s 26th weekly webinar on the Israel-Hamas war on April 10 examines […]

Abdulrahman ‘Azzam Pasha Rejects Any Compromise with Zionists

The head of Arab League says Palestine may be lost in a confrontation with the Zionists, but emphatically states that war is the Arab’s only option.

PLO National Covenant

Palestine Liberation Organization seeks Israel’s destruction through armed struggle. It retains this stated policy until December 1988.

El Plan Biltmore, David Ben Gurión

En los años 30, David Ben Gurión encontró muchos motivos para establecer un nexo entre el objetivo sionista de autodeterminación y el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos y los judíos de ese país. La presentación del Plan Biltmore (The Biltmore Program), en 1942, marcó el inicio oficial de esta campaña, que había comenzado discretamente a finales de los años treinta para persuadir a los judíos de los Estados.

The Biltmore Program

In New York, urging American (Jewish) support, Ben-Gurion proclaims the eventual establishment of a Jewish state.

#133 Contemporary Readings March 2024

Including Israel-Hamas War Assembled by Scott Abramson and Ken Stein, Center for Israel Education Tal Beeri, “Is Israel Responsible for Lebanon’s Economic Situation?” Alma Research and Education Center, March 13, 2024, Yoni Ben Menachem, “Assessing Hamas’ Failures,” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, March 14, 2024, Yoni Ben Menachem, “The Parallels Between Yahya Sinwar […]

Jewish National Fund – Minutes of a Meeting of Those Involved in Purchasing Lands, November 1946

The JNF estimated that upto 250,000 dunams – (a dunam = quarter of an acre) could be purchased if funds were available despite Arab opposition to sales and a steep rise in prices. By then, Jews owned 1.6 million dunams of land, with more than half of Palestine not owned by anyone.

Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett to the Israel Knesset

Sharett gives an overview of Israeli foreign policy, key issues, and relationships with UN and Arab states.

45th Anniversary of the Egyptian-Israeli Treaty, Ken Stein and Michael Jacobs, (44:57)

From 1967 forward Arab-Israeli negotiations began in earnest. First, under the Nixon and Ford Administrations, then the Carter administration. Egyptian President Sadat and Israeli Prime Ministers implemented the political trade-offs to enhance the honor, security and vitality of their respective countries. Sustained by the March 1979 Treaty, four decades later, the bi-lateral relationship remains in […]

Israel’s 9/11 — A General Assesses the Hamas War: Rafah’s Value, Gaza’s Future, and Effects on U.S. and Saudi Relations

Since Hamas and allies invaded Israel, killed 1,200 Israelis and others, and seized more than 240 hostages Oct. 7, Israel has conducted a methodical military campaign in Gaza that has uncovered hundreds of miles of tunnels, eliminated some of Hamas’ most senior leaders, and killed, by IDF estimates, more than 13,000 terrorist fighters. How important […]

Israel’s 9/11 — U.S.-Israel Relations in Times of Tension

Register now After Hamas brutally murdered 1,200 Israelis and others and kidnapped more than 240 on Oct. 7, President Joe Biden’s support was immediate and unflinching. But in the shadow of a U.S. presidential campaign and an anticipated Israeli election, cracks in the essential U.S.-Israel relationship have emerged. Publicly and privately, the Biden administration has […]

Congressional Research Service, Israel and Hamas Conflict In Brief: Overview, U.S. Policy, and Options for Congress, March 2024

On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreignterrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.Hamas and other groups also seized 253 hostages on October 7. The stunning nature, scope, […]

Political Statements on a Two-State Solution to Resolve the Arab (Palestinian)-Israeli Conflict, 1937–Present 

Speculation again abounds whether a two state solution might be a seriously considered outcome to Palestinian-Israeli differences. A long history of its mention but not its implementation persists. Advocacy by external voices persists, but no one seems ready to make the critical political trade-offs required.

Era I: Early History to 1897

Jews bound themselves to commitments to G-d, ethics and rules to one another, learning self-governing lessons while a minority under others domination. Then, in the first half of the 20th century evolving a concrete reality, building institutions through pragmatism and ingenuity, lobbying for their cause, receiving willing Arab collaboration in state building, slowly constructing a demographic and physical nucleus for a state, linking people to the land to unfold sovereignty in 1948.

Update on the Israel-Hamas War – Teens and Parents

Register now We would like to offer another opportunity exclusively for CIE/ISMI teen alumni and their parents to discuss the ongoing situation in Israel. You can expect: – Expert updates from Dr. Ken Stein and Dr. Scott Abramson about the war and its implications in Israel, the region and the United States. – CIE Teen […]

Israel’s 9/11 — A New Era of Antisemitism: Political, Academic, Literary and Physical Attacks and Responses

As devastating as Oct. 7 was, when Hamas brutally murdered 1,200 Israelis and others and kidnapped more than 240, the pain and shock have grown as Jews in the Diaspora have faced a surge in antisemitism. Among recent responses, The Forward launched a newsletter dedicated to antisemitism, and Atlantic journalist Franklin Foer declared the end […]

התקופה השניה 

1947-1898 בשנים שחלפו מ-1898 עד 1947 עברה הציונות תהליך של התפתחות מרעיון למציאות, שהתבטא בייסודה של המדינה היהודית – מדינת ישראל. בעת שבנימין זאב הרצל כתב את מסתו “מדינת היהודים” לא היה ליהודים כוח פוליטי ועמדו לרשותם מקורות פיננסיים מוגבלים בלבד, שבאמצעותם החלו לממש את הסבת הרעיון הציוני למציאות טריטוריאלית. במשך מאות שנים שימרו היהודים […]

התקופה הראשונה

מההיסטוריה הקדומה  עד 1897 מאז הברית שכרת האל עם אברהם וטקס הברית בין האל לעמו במעמד הר סיני, האמינו היהודים באל אחד עם קשר בל-ינותק  עם ארץ ישראל ומחויבותם לתורה. יסודות אלה של הדת היהודית שמרו על הזהות היהודית במשך יותר מ-3,000 שנים והפכו את היהודים לעם. במזרח-התיכון הקדום הם היו לאומה שמושבה היה בארץ […]

A Short Summary of Minorities in Israel

Scott Abramson, November 2023 Throughout the history of their diaspora, the Jewish people had represented the definitive nation-in-exile and the quintessential minority, “the minority par excellence,” as philosopher Hannah Arendt described them. Jews had even held a monopoly on the word “diaspora” itself, which, until the late twentieth century, had been a proper noun that […]

A Short Summary of Israel’s Geography

Scott Abramson, October 2023 The state of Israel lies at the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea, at the intersection of three continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe. Together with its Lebanese, Syrian, and Jordanian neighbors, it forms the subregion of the Middle East variously known as the Levant, Greater Syria, and Bilad al-Sham. Since geography ordained […]

Después de la Guerra de Octubre, Golda Meir asume la responsabilidad de sus errores y dimite voluntariamente como Primera Ministra

Al asumir la responsabilidad personal de los errores de juicio de su gobierno que permitieron a los ejércitos sirio y árabe causar muertes masivas, destrucción, heridos y prisioneros tomados como rehenes en Israel, en la guerra de octubre de 1973, la Primera Ministra Golda Meir, aunque no estaba obligada a hacerlo, renunció a su cargo. […]

Interviews with Saudi Prince Bandar Bin Sultan on Arab world and Palestinian leaders

Ambassador Bandar Bin Sultan served as Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to the United States from 1983-2006. From 2005 to 2015 he head the country’s National Security Council. He offers a scathing attack on Yasir Arafat’s failure to embrace multiple negotiating overtures proposed by Presidents Carter and Reagan. Additionally, he expresses his anger at the present Palestinian leadership for criticising the UAE’s recognition of Israel in the 2020 Abraham Accords

Evaluación de la guerra Hamás-Israel – Cuatro meses – febrero de 2024

Israel y el Medio Oriente Entrevista, Israel and the Middle East, with Mauricio Friedman, (75 minutes in English and Spanish) Cinco puntos destacados en esta entrevista español-inglés. 1. La misión decidida de Hamás, tal como la afirman docenas de veces Los líderes de Hamás en sus propias palabras y en su fundación Carta de 1988 es destruir a […]

Ken Stein – Assessment of the Hamas-Israel War – Four Months – February 2024

February 13, 2024 – Dr. Kenneth Stein and Pastor Dr. Armando Alducin, Israel y el Medio Oriente Entrevista, (Israel and the Middle East) with Mauricio Friedman, (75 minutes in English and Spanish)  Five points stressed in this Spanish-English interview. 1. Hamas’s purposeful mission as stated dozens of times by Hamas leaders in their own words, and […]

Israel’s 9/11 — The Danger of Hezbollah: Rockets, Evacuees and the Risk of War

Since Hamas brutally murdered 1,200 Israelis and others on Oct. 7 and kidnapped more than 240, Hezbollah and Israel have battled along the Lebanese border, trading missiles and airstrikes but so far avoiding all-out war. The threat, however, has forced Israelis to evacuate from the northern border, and the risk of fighting on the scale of the 2006 war seems to be rising. Assessing the danger and the impact on Israelis in the north during CIE’s 22nd weekly webinar March 13 are retired IDF Maj. Gen. Yaacov Ayish of the Jewish Institute for National Security of America and Anat Shapira of the Institute for National Security Studies. Moderating the discussion is Dr. Ken Stein, CIE’s president and an Emory University emeritus professor of Middle East history, political science and Israel studies.

#132 Contemporary Readings February 2024 – Including Israel-Hamas War

Assembled by Scott Abramson and Ken Stein, Center for Israel Education Hussain Abdul-Hussain, “Is Gaza Really the Biggest Case of Arab Suffering?” Algemeiner, February 28, 2024, Hezki Baruch, “Netanyahu Presents: The Plan for ‘The Day after Hamas,’” Arutz Sheva, February 23, 2024, Yoni Ben Menachem, “Why the Palestinian Authority Opposes Marwan Barghouti’s Potential […]

Israel’s 9/11 — Administrative Horizons for Post-Conflict Gaza

Five months since Hamas brutally murdered 1,200 Israelis and others on Oct. 7 and kidnapped more than 240, Israel still seeks to balance freedom for all hostages with Hamas’ military and political destruction. Until the day that was the greatest shock in Israel’s 75 years, many Israelis were prepared to accept a compromise with Palestinians. […]

Israel’s 9/11 — More Rabbinic Wisdom: Ireland, Spain, Canada and California

Jews worldwide have shared Israel’s devastation since Hamas and others killed 1,200 people and took more than 240 hostages Oct. 7. But Diaspora Jewish communities have struggled for empathy and allyship from neighbors. Rabbis are uniquely positioned to observe and comment on how the Israel-Hamas war has affected their communities and how they are responding. […]