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Arab League Summit Resolutions

Arab states declare “no peace, no negotiation, no recognition” with Israel after their collective defeat in the June 1967 War.

Israel’s 9/11 – Reporting from the Homefront – Observations of Reporters on the Ground in Israel

Since Hamas viciously killed more than 1,200 Israelis, unleashed brutal sexual assaults, and dragged away some 240 hostages, global focus has increasingly turned to the situation in Gaza as Israel tries to destroy Hamas and force the hostages’ release. But the war still has profound effects within Israel amid continuing rocket attacks, mass evacuations, military […]

A Short History of Hamas

Ken Stein In the 1988 Hamas Charter and from remarks by it leaders and in other publications, they express hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews. It is unmistakably clear that Hamas abhors Zionism, Israel and Jews in a sovereign state.  Hamas opposes any kind of negotiations that recognizes Israel as a reality or requires cooperation […]

Israel’s 9/11 – The War Resumes – Some Hostages Returned: The U.S.-Israel Relationship in the Context of Regional Politics

Eight weeks after Hamas brutally killed over 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped 239 hostages, some hostages were exchanged and humanitarian convoys flowed into the Gaza Strip during a cease-fire. Hovering over the weeks of conflict, the United States and Iran possess major influence over enduring conflict. How does the resumption of fighting between Hamas and Israel […]

#129 Contemporary Readings November 2023 – including Israel-Hamas War

Additional readings and resources on the war may be found here. Assembled by Ken Stein and Wendy Kalman, Center for Israel Education Jon Alterman, “Israel Could Lose,” Center for Strategic & International Studies, November 7, 2023.  Emil Avdaliani, “For China and Russia, the Gaza War May Be a Blessing in Disguise,” Stimson Center, November […]

#128 Contemporary Readings October 2023

Assembled by Ken Stein and Wendy Kalman, Center for Israel Education Agencies, “Hezbollah-allied politician says Lebanon won’t initiate war with Israel,” Times of Israel, October 24, 2023.  Ali Ahmed, “Cost of neglecting conflict resolution in favour of conflict management is rather steep,” Deccan Herald, October 10, 2023,   Ghaith al-Omari, “How the Palestinian Authority […]

Israel’s 9/11 – A Pause in the War – Unknown Paths Forward: Strategic Considerations and Directions of Anti-Semitism

Seven weeks after Hamas brutally killed more than 1,200 Israelis and others and kidnapped 239, hostages were exchanged for Palestinian prisoners. Joy, anguish and uncertainty hovered in Israel as some hostages were released and others retained. Joining us for CIE’s eighth weekly webinar to provide insightful analyses on the war and its implications were Tel […]

1945-1949 – Una colección de opiniones razonadas sobre la condición disfuncional del estado de cosas político de los árabes palestinos

Ken Stein revisado en diciembre de 2022. 1946 — “Los árabes [palestinos] están divididos políticamente debido, principalmente, a las disputas personales entre sus líderes. Estos conflictos se centran en las diferencias entre la familia Husseini y sus rivales. A nivel social, se encuentran divididos por la brecha que separa a la pequeña clase alta de […]

1931-1949 – Arab land sales to Jews – Palestine Arab Press, British reports and Zionist accounts

While protesting angrily against the Jewish National home, Arabs in Palestine were regularly engaged in selling land to Zionists. Arab were angry that land was passing out of their hands according to British, Arabic, and Zionist documents. One British official in 1940 said, “the Arab landowner needed to be protected against himself.”

Jewish Peoplehood, Zionism and State Building (33:00)

Recorded March 20, 2022, this 33-minute presentation by Center for Israel Education President Ken Stein addresses how teachers’ decisions on when in history to begin the story of Israel alter what students learn about Zionism, the State of Israel and the Jewish people’s connection to the land.

Israel’s 9/11 – Hamas-Israel War: Israeli Border Regions, Islam and Turkey

After Hamas terrorists murdered more than 1400 Israelis and others, and kidnapped 239 on October 7, Israel unfolded a systematic military response to eliminate Hamas. The political tectonic plates were shaken. Joining us for the seventh CIE webinar to provide insights and analyses will be Professor Shai Feldman, the Raymond Frankel Chair at Brandeis University’s […]

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Prosor’s Statement to the the UN

Prosor accuses the UN of duplicity and hypocrisy because it is constantly critical of Israel, but not of radical Muslims for killing of Yazidis, Bahais, Kurds, and Christians.

Origins of Israeli Democracy: Jewish Political Culture and Pre-State Practice

Neither Israel’s political culture nor Israel’s democracy based on Jewish self determination simply materialized on May 15, 1948. A connection exists from Jewish self-rule in the Diaspora to Zionist political autonomy during the Yishuv and to contemporary Israeli political culture. Likewise, the origins of Israeli democracy are found in the hundreds of years of Jewish Diasporas transitioning into the Zionist movement to the state; from aliyot before the Palestine Mandate to 1948 and since. Components of Israeli political culture…

Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to the Israeli Knesset

Sadat tells the Israeli people and world that he seeks a just and durable peace, which is not a separate peace, between Israel and Egypt. He equates statehood for the Palestinians as their right to return.

President Joe Biden’s recommitment to Israel and the Ukraine

President Biden reaffirmed the iron-clad US commitment to Israel’s security and to eradicate the murderous nihilism of Hamas. He advocated for two states for two peoples; he committed his administration to facilitate that outcome.

Israel’s 9/11 – Hamas and Unrest on Israel’s Border

With more than 1,400 murdered and 239 kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on October 7, the war in Gaza has unfolded in full force. Rising discussion abounds about what ‘tomorrow’ looks like, with no certainty provided. Dr. Sarah Feuer a research fellow at the Gazit Institute in Tel Aviv and lecturer at the Reichman University where […]

International Voices Urging the Recognition of Hamas as a Legitimate Political Actor, 2003-2018

These remarks by public figures, writers, scholars, authors, and former diplomats are a partial list covering the period, 2003 – 2018. No Arab or Israeli sources are cited. A separate blog that focuses only on former President Jimmy Carter may be found here.

Ken Stein – La guerra árabe-israelí de 1948 – Una breve historia

Introducción También conocida como la Guerra de Independencia de Israel, o “la nakbah ” o desastre para el mundo árabe debido a que se estableció un estado judío, la guerra se libró entre el recién establecido estado judío de Israel con la oposición de irregulares palestinos y ejércitos de cinco estados árabes. El comienzo oficial […]

Zionism’s Overarching Concept: Seek and Preserve Jewish Self-determination

להיות עם חופשי בארצנו Zionism’s two part history, Early History to 1897 and Zionism 1898 to 1948 Where has Zionism succeeded?  What remains incomplete or  unfinished? Finished or well-shaped results of Zionism   Unfinished results of Zionism, so far Israel has not answered or been able to answer fully if, how, or when Ken Stein, […]

Israel’s 9/11 – the Hamas-Israel War: Into the Second Month

Underlying Israel’s response is the intention of destroying the military and political capabilities of Hamas to rule Gaza. For CIE’s fifth webinar in this series, Dr. Michael Eisenstadt, an authority on military and strategic matters at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy where he is the Kahn Fellow; Ambassador Itamar Rabinovich, a prolific author […]

Citas de fuentes de Hamás que expresan odio hacia el sionismo, Israel y los judíos, 1988-2014

Desde sus inicios en 1988, Hamás ha sido muy claro acerca de su total oposición al sionismo e Israel. Se opone a cualquier tipo de negociación o acuerdo que reconozca a Israel como una realidad, y sus portavoces más extremistas incitan o celebran regularmente la matanza de judíos.

Suggested Videos on the Hamas-Israel War

Curated videos and CIE webinars that explain evolution of the Hamas – Israel War. 11.22.2023  – Hamas-Israel War, Israel Border Regions and Turkey (Shai Feldman,  implications for ceasefire/truce; Israel civil society- personal reflections on living in Sderot, 2019-2022,  this is a path to where?); Yitzhak Reitert (Hamas use of Jerusalem,” civil society, how this ends?,); Alan Makovsky […]

Israel’s 9/11 – Regional Transformations: Great Power Chess and Israeli Volunteerism

With more than 1,400 murdered and 220 kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on October 7th, the Middle East and other parts of the world continue to seethe with emotion and limitless uncertainties. CIE’s fourth webinar to analyze the unfolding Hamas-Israel War included Dr. Meir Litvak, Professor at the Department of Middle Eastern History at Tel Aviv […]

Interview on Inside the Normalization Agreements Between Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain

UAE and Bahraini ambassadors to the US provide incisively sharp assessments about why their peace accords unfolded with Israel in September 2020: to halt West Bank annexation, strengthen ties with the US, enhance national security purposes, and stimulate, if possible Palestinian-Israeli negotiations.

Balfour Declaration

British Foreign Ministry promises to set up a Jewish National Home in Palestine with no harm to non-Jewish populations, or to Jews living elsewhere who might want to support a Jewish home.

Una breve historia de Hamás

Ken Stein, 23 de octubre de 2023 En la Carta de Hamás de 1988 y en comentarios de sus dirigentes y en otras publicaciones, expresan su odio al sionismo, a Israel y a los judíos. Es inequívocamente claro que Hamás aborrece el sionismo, a Israel y a los judíos en un Estado soberano.  Hamás se […]

Kenneth Stein,  “Separate Palestinians, Israelis through a Trusteeship” Orlando Sentinel, October 14, 2002

Note by the author: As a faculty member at Emory University, I wrote several articles per month for national and local newspapers. This article appeared in October 2002 in the Orlando Sentinel. The idea for a trusteeship to be possibly be considered to manage the Israeli-Palestinian relationship emerged from my decades of study of the Palestine Mandate, understanding the concept of separation of the two communities that was offered by the British on more than one occasion during the 1930s and 1940s, and the American suggestion in early 1948 to create a trusteeship for Palestine’s future. Martin Indyk, a US diplomat published an article about considering a trusteeship as a future political option in a Foreign Policy magazine article in July 2003.

Hamas: A Document of General Principles & Policies

The general principles are restated as they are in the 1988 founding Hamas Charter, jihad is the means to liberate Palestine, with an important notable addition, that these principles include ‘no recognition of the Zionist entity,’ for their point of view a terrible PLO recognition in September 1993. This document also restated the Palestinian right of return to all of Palestine defined as from the Jordan River on the east to the Mediterranean Sea.

Israel’s 9/11 – Local, Regional and International Responses: Political Considerations, Public Reactions, and Military Replies

After Hamas terrorists murdered more than 1,400 Israelis and kidnapped 220 others on Oct. 7, 2023, Israel’s military responses unfolded. Political and emotional reactions erupted across the region and the world. CIE’s third weekly webinar with academic experts providing context on the current Israel-Hamas war featured insights from Tel Aviv University’s David Menashri on Iran, the […]