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#102 Contemporary Readings, August 2021

September 5, 2021 Assembled by Ken Stein and Michele Freesman, Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and the Center for Israel Education, or Kasra Aarabi and Saeid Golkar, “Completing the Revolution,” Carnegie Middle East Center, August 17, 2021,  Abdul Basit, “Why did the Afghan army disintegrate so quickly?” Aljazeera, […]

Responding to the PA’s Mounting Fiscal Crisis

Years of declining international aid, unstainable public patronage, and controversial policies have pushed the Palestinian government and banking sector to the bring of insolvency. (published with permission)

Los enfrentamientos palestino-israelíes, mayo de 2021

Bienvenido a nuestro seminario web de CIE “Israel en contexto y sobre el terreno: los enfrentamientos palestino-israelíes, mayo de 2021”, parte de una serie regular y planificada de seminarios web. Duración: 51 minutosFecha de grabación: 28 de mayo de 2021Los temas incluyen: la política y los temas que enmarcan los enfrentamientos; las motivaciones de Hamas; […]

La Retirada de Afganistán: lecciones para Israel

Profesor Ken Stein, Centro para la Educación sobre Israel Afganistán y los países vecinos en el Medio Oriente, cortesía de la Universidad de Texas, colección de mapas En agosto de 2021, Estados Unidos retiró su ejército de Afganistán, poniendo fin a la guerra más larga de Estados Unidos. Necesariamente, veinte años antes, Estados Unidos tomó […]

Understanding Israel’s Middle Eastern Neighbors: Between the Unique and the Universal Presentation to the CIE Educator Workshop June 2021

Two Israeli Middle East experts, Professor Asher Susser of Tel Aviv University and Dr. Sarah Feuer of the Institute for National Security Studies, and the Washington Institute for Near East Policy examine the “Arab neighborhood” in which Israel exists, placing their views in the context of the decade after the “Arab Spring” failed to meet […]

Lessons from American Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Ken Stein

In August 2021, the U.S. withdrew its military from Afghanistan, ending America’s longest war. Correctly, we needed to prevent another 9/11 on our doorsteps. We still have that imperative. Our departure does not diminish America’s need for stable allies, like Israel and Arab states. The US should build an effective alliance system among them. We should have a small, substantive and selective US footprint in the region for support of friends and deterrence of foes, not for nation-building.

Presidente Isaac Herzog, Discursos reunidos y comentarios abreviados

Fuente: 15 de sus discursos y entrevistas, 2016-2021 La experiencia personal y profesional de Herzog como líder del Partido Laborista y jefe de la Agencia Judía demuestra un compromiso repetido con Israel como el estado nación del pueblo judío y la necesidad de unir los lazos desgastados entre los judíos de la Diáspora y los […]

El Primer Ministro Naftali Bennett da un discurso de inauguración frente al Parlamento Israelí

13 de junio del 2021 Presidente de la H.E. Reuven Rivlin; Presidente electo Isaac Herzog; Sr. Primer Ministro Benjamin Netanyahu; Presidente de la Corte Suprema, Jueza Esther Hayat; Presidente de la Knesset Yariv Levin; mi compañero en formar la Unidad de Gobierno, Miembro de la Knesset Yair Lapid, y su esposa Lihi; Ministros del gobierno […]

Israel a bordo: Cómo funciona la presidencia

El 2 de junio de 2021, Isaac Herzog fue elegido en lugar de Miriam Peretz para un mandato de siete años como el undécimo presidente de Israel. Cuando asuma el cargo en julio, sucediendo a Reuven Rivlin, se convertirá en el primer presidente israelí de segunda generación: su padre, Chaim, ocupó el cargo de 1983 […]

Identidad y política en Israel 2021, Jonathan Rhynold, 15 de junio de 2021

Aplicando estadísticas demográficas y datos de encuestas, el profesor Jonathan Rynhold examina lúcidamente la política de Israel a través de los lentes de la diversidad étnica, religiosa y cultural. El concluye que la sociedad israelí y sus prioridades políticas están en cambio constante, como lo demuestra la formación en junio de 2021 de la coalición gubernamental más étnicamente y políticamente diversa de Israel que jamás se haya formado.

#101 Contemporary Readings, July 2021

Assembled by Ken Stein and Michele Freesman Emory University, Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and Center for Israel Education or Sultan Althari, “It’s time to bring a realist perspective to Middle Eastern foreign affairs,” Al-Arabiya, July 13, 2021,  Oula A. Alrifai and Ali Alleile, “Iran and Russia Are Exploiting America’s […]

The Census of Palestine, 1931 – An Invaluable Glimpse at Palestine’s Population: Gaping Socio-Economic Distances and Differences between Muslims, Christians, and Jews

An invaluable glimpse at Palestine’s population: gaping socio-economic distances and vast communal differences between Muslims, Christians and Jews that set the strong preferences for separation of the populations.

“Jews and Moslems in Jerusalem – Har Ha Bayit and Al-Haram al-Sharif, 1917- present – A history”

Since the 1920s the Sacred Esplanade of Jerusalem came to symbolise the bone of contention in the conflict over Palestine. The maintenance and even definition of the lines of division between the communities was a clear aim of the British authorities from 1920-1948. The communal/religious conflicts intensified after 1967 with the Israeli capture of East Jerusalem and other Arab-populated territory, which left neither side fully content.

The Arabs and the Approaching War with Israel, 1945-1948

In “The Arabs and the Approaching War with Israel, 1945-1948,” Yaacov Shimoni reviews in detail the period from the early 1940s to May 1948, examining decisions made by Arab leaders toward Palestine and Zionism. He concludes that disunity among Arab states, jealousies, and disorganization plagued Arab preparations for the expected coming war with the Zionists.

#100 Contemporary Readings, June 2021

Assembled by Ken Stein and Michele Freesman Emory University, Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and Center for Israel Education or Elliot Abrams, “Can Democracy Help Solve the Problem of Gaza?” Council on Foreign Relations, June 15, 2021,  AJC Staff, “AJC 2021 Survey of American Jewish Opinion,” AJC, June 14, 2021,  Dr. […]

Israel Emerge de la Cultura Política Judía (PowerPoint)

¿Que es la cultura?Un sistema de creencias, valores, costumbres, ideas, comportamientos, símbolos, rasgos, mitos y tradiciones compartidos que los miembros de un grupo definen como propios y utilizan para enfrentarse a su mundo, a los demás, a los extranjeros y extraños, y de alguna manera transmitirlo de generación en generación. Ver PowerPoint

Israel-PLO Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA), September 9, 1993

On September 9, 1993, four days before Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin signed the Oslo Accords on the White House Lawn, Israel and the PLO signed mutual recognition Letters. Joel Singer, who significantly assisted the negotiation of both the MRA and the Oslo Accords, as well as earlier agreements with Egypt, recalled that the MRA was “a massive leap forward in Israeli-Palestinian relations.”

President Isaac Herzog, Assembled Speeches and Abbreviated Remarks, 2016-2021, June 21, 2021

Herzog recognizes the gap between Israel and American Jews, proclaiming the critical and immediate need for education of each community of the other.

Israel and American Jews: The Case for Advocacy, The Case for Content, Dr. Steven Bayme and Cheryl Fishbein, (50:06)

Support for Israel is important to most members of the U.S. Jewish community, but advocacy is effective only when it begins with a foundation of deep, nuanced Israel education.

Israel and American Jews: Cultural Ties and Tensions, Part 2, Dr. Ken Stein, Jay Schaefer, Jackie Weiss, Dr. Steven Bayme, June 16, 2021, (39:45)

In the second half of a conversation recorded June 16, 2021, during the 20th annual Enrichment Workshop on Modern Israel held by CIE and the Emory Institute for the Study of Modern Israel, people involved in education at various levels respond to former American Jewish Committee official Steven Bayme’s thoughts about the differences between the world’s two largest Jewish populations.

Israel and American Jews: Cultural Ties and Tensions, Part 1, Dr. Steven Bayme, (30:01) June 16, 2021

Former longtime American Jewish Committee official Dr. Steven Bayme combines the framework of books by Peter Beinart and Daniel Gordis with recent survey data to gain insights into the differences between the world’s two largest Jewish communities.

Critically Consuming Information About Israel and the Middle East, Ken Stein, Gabriel Epstein, Jackie Epstein, Jacqeline Berci, Avi Posen, Tal Grinfas-David (35:51)

How can adults and students alike know what information to trust about Israel and the Middle East, especially when it comes to social media? How can any of us learn to be critical consumers of the flood of information available in the world? In this June 16, 2021, session from the 20th annual Enrichment Workshop on […]

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett gives his Inaugural Address to the Israeli Parliament

Prime Minister Bennett outlines and offers details for meeting domestic and foreign policy challenges facing Israel. He asks all the citizens of Israel to forge together under the banners of realism and practical solutions.

The Sephardim: Making the State, Politics and Culture, Professor Yaron Ayalon, (39:00)

In a 40-minute video recorded June 14, 2021, Dr. Yaron Ayalon of the College of Charleston and Rich Walter of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta delve into the history and the political and cultural influence of the diverse group of Israeli Jews collectively known as the Sephardim or the Mizrahim. Representing a majority of […]

Memorandum on the Administration of Palestine, June 1947

Published by the British Administration of Palestine, this summary emphasizes attempts at impartiality in governing the Mandate. It notes that in 1922, the Jewish community already possessed ‘national’ characteristics, while the Arab community’s composition was sociologically and economically divided and to a large degree impoverished by the war.

Context and Causes of Arab-Israeli and Jewish-Israeli communal clashes, October 2000 – Or Commission Report

During the May 2021 Israeli-Palestinian clashes, Arab citizens of Israel clashed with Jewish- Israelis. By comparison in October 2000, similar clashes were longer, more intense with similar underlying causation. Read the context with the findings of the Or Commission Report that investigated them.

#99 Contemporary Readings, May 2021

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli SperlingEmory University and Center for Israel or Adnan Abu Amer, “Palestinian factions mull next steps after Abbas calls off elections,” Al-Monitor, May 7, 2021. Anan Abu Baker, “Postponed Palestinian Elections: Causes and Repercussions,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, May 11, 2021. Associated Press, “World Bank: Lebanon’s crisis […]

As President, Herzog Offers Advancement of Israel-Diaspora Ties

Isaac “Bougie” Herzog’s election as Israel’s 11th president on June 2 was such “big” news that it was all but impossible to find on the home page of The Times of Israel a day later. That’s because reporting on a largely ceremonial position was overwhelmed by the end of a two-year wait for the monumental announcement of an eight-party government coalition, including Islamist Arabs and religious Zionist Jews, to unseat the longest-serving prime minister in Israel’s history.

Israel on Board: The Presidency

On June 2, 2021, Isaac Herzog was elected over Miriam Peretz to a seven-year term as Israel’s 11th president. When he takes office in July, succeeding Reuven Rivlin, he will become the first second-generation Israeli president: His father, Chaim, held the position from 1983 to 1993. How was he elected? What was the process to […]

Israel Emerge de la Cultura Política Judía

¿Que es la cultura? Un sistema de creencias, valores, costumbres, ideas, comportamientos, símbolos, rasgos, mitos y tradiciones compartidos que los miembros de un grupo definen como propios y utilizan para enfrentarse a su mundo, a los demás, a los extranjeros y extraños, y de alguna manera transmitirlo de generación en generación. Ver Powerpoint