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Discurso de Abba Eban en la Asamblea Especial de la ONU, 19 de junio de 1967

Tras una semana de la guerra de junio de 1967, el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Israel Abba Eban relató con gran exactitud el porqué Israel utilizó sus fuerzas armadas contra los estados árabes para prevenir la destrucción del estado judío.

Israel in Context: Palestinian-Israeli Clashes, May 2021, Rabbi Mario Karpuj, Dr. Sarah Feuer, Dr. Ken Stein (53:46)

The Center for Israel Education’s “Israel: In Context and on the Ground” webinar series May 28, 2021, features a 54-minute discussion among Dr. Ken Stein, Dr. Sara Feuer and Rabbi Mario Karpuj to put the 11 days of fighting between Israel and Hamas into the larger context of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israeli and Palestinian politics, Middle Eastern diplomacy, and media coverage. A bibliography for further study is included.

El camino de Israel hacia la guerra de junio de 1967

Esta cronología omite las guerras de 1948 y 1956 y cualquier mención de las tensiones crecientes árabe-israelíes desde 1947 hasta mayo de 1967. Ese contexto es esencial para comprender la aversión apasionada que Egipto y otros estados y poblaciones árabes tenían por Israel antes de la guerra de junio de 1967, así como el nivel […]

Palestine Disturbances May 1921, (Haycraft Commission), Reports of Commission of Inquiry with Correspondence Relating Thereto Cmd 1520

In early May 1921, communal riots unfolded in the city of Jaffa and at Jewish settlements along the coast, with considerable loss of life and property for both communities. The British decided that both Arabs and Jews had real as well as exaggerated fears of the other.

Gerusalemme cronologia

Professor Kenneth Stein, Center for Israel Education, Dicembre 2020 Gli eventi e le citazioni qui citati dimostrano l’importanza politica e religiosa, nonché l’attrazione di Gerusalemme per il cristianesimo, l’islam e l’ebraismo, e quando nel tempo ognuno dei tre monoteismi ha controllato parti della città. Altre voci qui riportate fanno notare quando, e/o perché, califfi, chiese, […]

Las negociaciones entre israelíes y palestinos no han madurado

Profesor Kenneth Stein, Center for Israel Education10 de mayo de 2021 Elementos anteriormente presentes en los éxitos de las negociaciones árabe-israelíes  Nueve condiciones previas que permitieron que las negociaciones árabe-israelíes se desarrollaran con éxito en los años 70 y 90 no están presentes hoy en día. Los acuerdos egipcio-israelíes y jordano-israelíes se produjeron porque las […]

#98 Contemporary Readings, April 2021

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli SperlingEmory University and Center for Israel or Christophe Abi-Nassif, “The Unfolding struggle for political survival in Lebanon,” Middle East Institute, April 27, 2021. Naama Barak, “In Tel Aviv, amazing Brutalist architecture hides in plain sight,” Israel21c, April 21, 2021.   Katherine Bauer and Matthew Levitt, “Hamas Fields […]

Israeli – Palestinian Negotiations are not Ripe

Nine pre-conditions that enabled Arab-Israeli negotiations to unfold successfully in the 1970s and 1990s are not present today. Egyptian-Israeli and Jordanian-Israeli agreements occurred because the respective sides wanted them and needed them.

Lessons to Strengthen Israel Education

Newsworthy stories unfold in Israel at breathtaking rates. Repeated elections, COVID-19 responses, path-breaking Supreme Court decisions, the Abraham Accords — all are worthy of community discussion and age-appropriate student exploration. Yet few Jewish students and their parents possess sufficient understanding or discussion skills to explain them beyond a passing headline.

Origens da democracia israelense: A cultura política judaica e a prática pré-Estado

Existe uma conexão entre o autogoverno do povo judeu na diáspora, a autonomia política sionista durante o Yishuv e a cultura política israelense atual. Da mesma forma, as origens da democracia israelense remontam desde o período de centenas de anos em que ocorreram as diásporas judaicas, durante a transição ao movimento sionista até a criação do Estado judeu; a partir das aliyot anteriores ao Mandato da Palestina até a consolidação do Estado e desde 1948.

The Return of Palestinian Politics

Palestinian legislative elections are scheduled for May 22. Whether or not the vote takes place, finally scheduling elections was nothing short of remarkable. Palestinian politics has been in gridlock, with elections suspended since the terrorist group Hamas won a parliamentary majority in 2006. However, PA President Abbas could still postpone the elections.

Analyses of Palestinian community in 2021

Opinions, survey data, bibliographies and references on internal composition, attitudes, coming elections and general views of coming to terms with Israel  April 12, 2021, Ken Stein  Congressional Research Service, Palestinian Elections, February 9, 2006, (pp. 21), Hussein Agha and Ahmad Samih Khalidi “Time for a New Beginning (for Palestinian communities,” Foreign Affairs, March/April 2021 […]

#97 Contemporary Readings, March 2021

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Micky Aharonson, “The Israel-Russia-Syria deal: Cost, beneficiaries and future deals,” Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, March 3, 2021.  Aida Alami, “Bridging Time, Distance and Distrust with Music: Neta Elkayam, an Israeli singer, plumbs the rich culture of the […]

Counte Folke Bernadotte’s Report: Conclusions of UN Mediator for Palestine

Subsequent to Israel’s territorial successes from May 1948 forward, UN Mediator Bernadotte is assassinated after suggesting smaller borders for Israel. He does not mention Palestinian Arabs in his interim report.

Preliminary Election Results for 23 Knesset Election

One of the most striking elements to emerge from the preliminary results is that the current Knesset is going to be much more fragmented. If only eight party lists were elected to the Knesset a year ago, thirteen factions succeeded in entering the parliament in this round.

Happy Israel Independence Day 2021!

CIE asked friends and experts in the field of Israel Studies to discuss the challenges and successes of the State of Israel in this past year, and to reflect on the coming year.  Below, we have compiled their thoughts and wishes.  You may broadcast this video during an assembly, use parts of it in classrooms, […]

Orígenes de la Democracia Israelí: La Cultura Política Judía y la Práctica Pre-Estado

Ken Stein, 17 de marzo del 2021 Existe una conexión directa entre el autogobierno judío en la diáspora con la autonomía política sionista durante el Yishuv y la cultura política contemporánea de Israel. De la misma manera, los orígenes de la democracia israelí son trazados en los cientos de años de las diásporas judías en […]

La Formación de un Gobierno

Este video de nuestra serie de pizarra interactiva Israel On Board examina lo que sucede después de las elecciones para permitir a Israel formar un gobierno con una mayoría parlamentaria

Cómo Vota Israel

Este video de nuestra serie de pizarra interactiva Israel On Board examina el sistema electoral de Israel, incluyendo comparaciones con el sistema estadounidense.

Las Leyes Básicas de Israel

(12 de febrero de 1958 – 19 de julio del 2018) De acuerdo al Plan de Partición de Palestina de 1947 dos estados, árabe y judío, serían creados del área del Mandato de Palestina. El Plan de Partición también estipuló que cada estado tendría una constitución escrita. Los árabes palestinos y estados árabes rechazaron […]

2019-2021 Elections

Israel entered a period of political instability when its governing coalition fell apart in December 2018 over the issue of Haredi military service. The articles, activities and other digital resources below provide insights into how and why Israel’s Knesset elections in April and September 2019 failed to produce a new government, leading to a third election within a year on March 2, 2020. The urgency of the COVID-19 pandemic helped break the political logjam with a unity government featuring a rotation agreement for prime minister between Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz, but that government failed to survive into 2021. For the fourth time in less than two years, Israelis are electing a new Knesset on March 23, 2021.

The Israeli Supreme Court as an Engine for Social Change

Speaking Feb. 14 to Jewish teen leaders, former Israeli Supreme Court clerk Gal Levy Ben Haim explains the Israeli judiciary and its role in society, using cases about LGBTQ and women’s rights as examples.

The Israeli Political System

Elections, Parliament, Political Culture, Prime Ministers, Parties and the Voting Public Israel has a parliamentary system of government with some unusual features in the elections and the creation of multiparty ruling coalitions, as explained by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Click here to see the results of all of the elections with infographics for Israel’s […]

#96 Contemporary Readings, February 2021

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli Sperling Emory University and Center for Israel Education or Naama Barak, “A healing prayer brings Israeli, Lebanese singers together,” Israel21c, February, 28, 2021. Shaul Bartal, “Now It’s the Turn of the Palestinian Voter,” BESA Center, February 10, 2021. Lazar Berman, “Beth Din of Arabia: Jews in Gulf […]

Opciones y Realidades de la Política Internacional de Biden en el Medio Oriente

Ken Stein 12 de enero, 2021, presentación virtual, patrocinado por The Temple, Atlanta,GA y CIE. Rabino Peter Berg: [00:00:00] Buenas noches a todos y bienvenidos a nuestro programa. Estamos emocionados de tener a tanta gente aquí con nosotros esta noche para uno de nuestros programas Tamid, uno de nuestros programas de aprendizaje para adultos […]

„Kwestia żydowska”, Państwo żydowskie, Teodor Herzl

(1896) Herzl, Teodor. “Kwestia żydowska.” Państwo żydowskie. Tłumaczenie. Sylvie D’Avigdor. 1896. N.p.: American Zionist Emergency Council, 1946. Brak paginacji. Druk. „Kwestia żydowska”, Państwo żydowskie, Teodor Herzl  (1896) Herzl, Teodor. “Kwestia żydowska.” Państwo żydowskie. Tłumaczenie. Sylvie D’Avigdor. 1896. N.p.: American Zionist Emergency Council, 1946. Brak paginacji. Druk. Początki ruchu syjonistycznego są często uznawane   za jednoznaczne […]

British Government: Policy Statement/Advice against Partition

Pressure from Arab leaders in states surrounding Palestine, growing instability in the eastern Mediterranean, and a firm opposition voiced by the British High Commissioner in Egypt, Miles Lampson, caused the British to withdraw the idea of resolving the Arab-Zionist conflict with a two-state solution. Instead, heavy restrictions were imposed in 1939 on the growth of the Jewish National home. Coincidently this policy statement is issued, two days after Nazi Germany attacks Jewish, homes, businesses and synagogues, in what came to be known as Kristallnacht.

Nachman Shai: Veteran Labor Voice seeks Return to Knesset

Former three-term Knesset member is motivated to run in the March 23 elections to create a better Israel for his children and grandchildren, provide a voice for the vital senior population, topple Prime Minister Netanyahu, and restore the Labor Party’s legacy.

The Fall of Liberal Zionism (Three part series), Professor Yaron Ayalon and Dr. Nachman Shai, CIE Board members, March 23, 2021 (1:05), March 2, 2021, (1:08),  February 19, 2021 (1:16)

CIE board members Nachman Shai, a former Knesset member and a Labor candidate in the March 2021 election, and Yaron Ayalon, the director of the Jewish studies program at the College of Charleston, discuss the decline and possibilities for revival of the once-dominant political left in Israel in a series of three online conversations held in the first three months of 2021.

Israel-Indo Asian Relations

Until the 1990s, when Israel’s increased engagement with Asia notably expanded, her relations particularly with China, India and Japan, were limited for three broad reasons.  First, Israel’s state-seeking and state-building endeavors focused westwards on Europe, the Americas and Africa. Once statehood unfolded in 1948, no trade evolved with hostile Middle Eastern Arab neighbors after the […]