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Segunda Era – 1898-1947 – De Herzl a la partición

Entre 1898 y 1947, el sionismo evolucionó de ser una idea a una realidad concreta: el establecimiento efectivo del Estado judío en Israel. Cuando Theodor Herzl escribió El Estado judío, los judíos carecían de poder político y contaban con pocos recursos financieros para transformar la idea en una realidad territorial. Durante siglos, los judíos mantuvieron […]

Primera Era – Desde los tiempos bíblicos hasta 1898

Desde los pactos bíblicos, los judíos se han aferrado a la creencia en un solo Dios, un lazo inquebrantable con la Tierra de Israel. Desde sus inicios, la identidad judía siempre ha estado ligada a los compromisos mutuos entre Dios y el pueblo. Estos incluían el vivir en la Tierra de Israel, la promesa de […]

A Panacea in the Pandemic: Distance Learning

June 10, 2020 By Dr. Ken Stein, Founding CIE President The pandemic has had a blistering impact on our lives. When and where will it end? Unexpected and unnecessary deaths. We have learned that some parts of government are inept — some not prepared or not willing to cope, some on-the-spot accurate and competent. Unemployment […]

Las alianzas biblicas

Dios promete a los judíos una gran nación a cambio del cumplimiento de las creencias y de poner en práctica las leyes.

Atlanta Jewish Times: Israel Educator Workshop Goes Virtual

The Center for Israel Education and the Emory University Institute for the Study of Modern Israel are presenting their 19th annual workshop on teaching about modern Israel, but with a coronavirus-inspired twist. For the first time, the four-day workshop is going virtual, enabling a larger group to participate and lowering the cost. As previously planned, […]

Yom Yerushalyim – Jerusalem Day: Resources for teaching and learning

Jerusalem Day, or Yom Yerushalayim in Hebrew, is a commemoration of the reunification of Jerusalem after the Six-Day War in June 1967. It is celebrated on the 28th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar.
On this day, the city is pampered and beautified just for the sake of celebration. So what typically takes place on this special day? Examples include official ceremonies, tours, tastings, a festive parade, a lot of music, unique characters with a story and everything Jerusalem has to offer.

גיבוש הגרעין למדינה היהודית: 1947-1882

מאז ימי המקרא ועד לימינו אנו, היה ליהודים וליהדות קשר בלתי-ניתן לערעור לציון, לארץ ישראל, לארץ הקודש, או למה שכונה על-ידי המעצמות הגדולות לאחר מלחמת-העולם הראשונה בשם פלשתינה. התוכנית במאה ה-19 להקים מדינה יהודית חייבה קיום אוכלוסייה וטריטוריה. הזהות היהודית, האנטישמיות והכישלון בהשגת שוויון אזרחי ביבשת אירופה זירזה את ההגירה היהודית למסגרות דמוקרטיות ואת האפשרות […]

#86 Contemporary Readings, April 2020

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli SperlingEmory University and Center for Israel or  Algemeiner Staff, “Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Releases Virtual Passover Music Medley,” Algemeiner, April 08, 2020. Moran Azulay, “Netanyahu and Gantz sign deal for unity government,” Ynet News, April 20, 2020. Joy Bernard, “Locked down? Open up to… rising Israeli musician Oren […]

Coalition Agreement for the Establishment of an Emergency and National Unity Government in Israel

Israeli Likud and Blue and White parties agree to a three-year national unity coalition government with a rotation of Prime Ministers (Netanyahu and Gantz) to take place after 18 months. The Covid-19 pandemic, earlier paralysis in coalition formation, and President Rivlin’s urging catalyze the coalition agreement.

Zionism in Israeli Music – Activities, Ideas and Links to Resources

HaTikvah, Israel’s national anthem, describes the hope of the Jewish people to be and remain free in the Land of Israel. Its story parallels the Zionist progression from ancient connection to the land to the present. By creatively using the anthem’s contents, one touches on Israeli music, self-determination, immigration, state-building, art, and the state’s Basic Laws.

Israel’s Declaration of Independence Activity Guide

Israel’s Declaration of Independence is the source document of the Jewish state. Here we present a number of engaging learning activities for unpacking the document and helping learners interpret and make meaning for the past and present

Yom Ha’Atzmaut – Israel’s Independence Day: Suggested Links for Teaching and Learning

Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948. Every year since, we celebrate the rebirth of the modern Jewish state on the 5th of Iyar which was the date of independence on the Hebrew calendar. The resources provided here will assist you in bringing your community together to celebrate this joyous day.

Yom HaZikaron – Israel’s Memorial Day: Suggested Links for Learning and Commemoration

Yom HaZikaron (Day of Remembrance) is Israel’s Memorial Day. In the early years of statehood, memorials for soldiers who had fallen in the 1948 War of Independence were held on Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day. After Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion appointed a special committee, the memorials were moved to the 4th Iyar, the day before Yom Ha’Atzmaut. The day was anchored into Israeli law in 1963 with the passage of the Heroes’ Remembrance Day (War of Independence and Israel Defense Army) Law. This law was amended in 1980 to Memorial Day for the Fallen of Israel’s Wars Law.

Thoughts on Yom HaZikaron 2020 by Nachman Shai

Dr. Nachman Shai, former IDF Chief Spokesperson and Member of Knesset, shares his thoughts on Yom HaiZkaron 2020. Included in his brief remarks is a tribute and remembrance of a former comrade in the IDF, Yuval Moshensky Erez.

A Guide for Streaming Israeli Content

In this new world of social distancing and staying at home, life can slip into a monotonous routine, but there are good ways to liven up your time at home. One is by watching captivating television. But even that can become stale. How many times can you watch Love Is Blind, Tiger King or The Office? Instead, try streaming shows that deal with Israel. The past twenty years have seen an onslaught of exciting, mesmerizing and thrilling productions that offer insights into the nuances of Israel’s history and culture.

Sir Harold MacMichael, High Commissioner of Palestine to Oliver Stanley, Colonial Secretary of HMG, Jerusalem

Before ending his term in 1944 as Palestine’s High Commissioner, Sir Harold MacMichael suggested the partition of Palestine, “Jews and Arabs alike would enjoy the possession of their own respective territories, the former protected by international guarantees for their security, and the latter relieved from fear of further encroachments.”

Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Memorial Day: Suggested Links for learning and Commemoration

Between Passover and Shavuot, Israel and world Jewry have three special days of memory and celebration: Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, Yom HaZikaron, Israel Memorial Day; and Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day. While these days are typically marked by community ceremonies and celebrations, gathering together is not possible this year. The resources provided here will assist you in bringing your community together for Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, online in new and meaningful ways.

Origins of Yom Hashoah: Holocaust Memorial Day

Using original sources, learners will explore the origins of Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, in Israel. The unit includes historical discussion on the importance of commeorating the tragedy of the Holocaust and different proposals that were put forward in the Land of Israel both before and after the creation of the state doing so. A writing prompt is included for use in school settings.

#85 Contemporary Readings, March 2020

Assembled by Ken Stein and Eli SperlingEmory University and Center for Israel or  Or Anabi and Prof. Tamar Hermann, “76% of Israelis are Afraid of Getting Coronavirus,” The Israel Democracy Institute, March 31, 2020. Tony Badran, “Crisis of the Iranian Order,” Hoover Institution: The Caravan Issue, March 10, 2020. Benny Begin, “Why Abbas […]

¿Es la Pascua judía un legado en la historia judía?

Ken Stein, Universidad Emory, Centro de Educación sobre Israel El Profesor Ken Stein enseñando su curso sobre el conflicto árabe-israelí desde su casa, 24 de marzo de 2020. ¿Cuáles son los puntos de inflexión o los momentos que constituyen un legado en la historia? Ese fue el enfoque de mi clase via Zoom para la […]

Is Passover a Legacy Moment in Jewish History?

Ken Stein, Emory University, Center for Israel Education What are turning points or legacy moments in history? That was the focus of my zoom class at Emory for 80 students in late March when we touched on whether the June 1967 War was a turning point or legacy moment in Israeli, Jewish and Middle Eastern […]

Israeli Politics in a Movement of Crisis, Dr. Nachman Shai, (51:18)

Former IDF Chief Spokesperson and member of Knesset Nachman Shai shares insights into the current state of Israeli politics with CIE Vice President Rich Walter.

Israeli/Hebrew Music Collections—Easily Accessible

Contemporary Israeli music has long and varied roots. It is rich and dynamically innovative. Instrumental and vocal streams reflect Jewish and Israeli history. Engage your senses in diversely eclectic flavors. Listen wherever you are—links to free online sources; stream Israeli music from many genres and eras.

Infusing Israel into Your Passover Seder

CIE is pleased to offer this collection of readings, discussion questions, and activities all designed to incorporate Israel into your Passover seder this year.

The United States and Israel: The Risk of Growing Apart

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s assertion that “the establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not per se inconsistent with inter­national law” is merely the latest example of how US and Israeli policies have marched almost in lockstep since Donald Trump’s inauguration as president. However, the United States and Israel have shared an intense and intimate relationship that long predates the Trump Administration and goes beyond the chemistry of individual leaders. In many respects, in fact, that relationship is unique in American foreign rela­tions and uniquely critical to Israeli security.

The Calm before the Storm? Coping with Corona in the Middle East

The coronavirus is making its way across the Middle East, forcing states to prepare for the possible collapse of governing systems. The virus struck a region already buckling under the weight of armed conflicts, social upheaval, severe economic distress, and identity-related clashes. The data on corona’s spread is far from precise or reliable, given the lack of testing, lagging policies, and likely efforts at concealment on the part of certain regimes.

Ambassador David Friedman—The Trump Plan: A Changing Diplomatic Paradigm for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman provides the most detailed Trump administration analyses of the prescribed two-state solution for terminating the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict.

Social and Economic Resilience in a Crisis Situation: Strategic Implications

The ability of Israeli society to stay resilient at a time of national emergency – specifically in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic – has direct strategic and security implications, insofar as Israel demonstrates that it is capable of facing adversity. in addition, despite the huge budgetary hit engendered by Corona, it is vital to sustain Israeli investment in advanced military capabilities, and retain an untouchable budget reserve for this purpose.

El plan de Trump para el Medio Oriente: contexto e implicaciones

El plan de Trump para el Medio Oriente: contexto e implicaciones Ken Stein, February 2020 Como se puede ver en el mapa que se encuentra frente a ustedes, así se ve en principio el plan de paz de Trump. Entraremos en más detalles al respecto a medida que avancemos. El plan se conoce como “Visión […]

Hebrew enrichment resources that celebrate Israeli life and culture

Integrating Israeli culture into your Hebrew learning and practice is not something we need to abandon in this time of social distancing. Here are several resources and suggestions for learners to keep Hebrew language skills sharp while exploring a variety of aspects of Israeli society.